MINUTES - Council - 19340515I' --·---~--~·~-~········ . ·~~--~-~---~~~~:, _ _,_ ____ ;.,:_~:;:~:_:~~~---~-~--r-'"'"":.----~"'-~-~"""-'~~4~~:~-"'~-~-'""""'"''"'"'"''"'''''''"'*"""'· <'!! I I-. I I ' THE NINTH MF:B;TING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE Y.EAR 19M was held in the Counai1 RoQili.on ':fuesday eve.~ loth.owith the lllla.yor presiding and the Reeve.lleputy .deeve, an.d councilLors. Bunn Large Southwood and Stuart in attendance. "' As contained in the motion to adjourn the particular raason far meeting was to consider specli:riaatio.ns far a devel.aped we11,and Mr.Fleming presented the specific.ations which he has prepared far that purpa.se. STUART BUNN: tha.t. we approve of the specifications for the canstruated well -.----__ .. ·-· as submitted by the engineer and that he be instructed to call fer tenders by letter to the various firms interested,and that. tenders close on May 31st.1934. Mr.Sauthwoad,seaonded by Mr.Large rea..d an antending resolution, to abandon the ---~---' developed well scheme and request. the committee. to proveed with the loaation o.r a.no.ther welL of the type in uaeo.The Mayor ruled the amendment out of order, dec;aring the matter had been decided at the previous meeting,and could only be introduced again when the tenders. were being dealt with.The motion of Messrs· Stuart and Bunn was then voted and declared carried. Mr.Kriowles. for the R.&.B.cammittee recommended that the purchase of road oil be made from the same firm as in former years .. and at 10-f cents per gallon. STUART THOMPSOli,that the R.&.B.Committee be authorised to proceed with the -...... ·-- the oiling of the s treats as soon as possibl.e and that a suff"iaient quantity of dust layer be purchased from the Munie.ipal Road Spraying and Oiling Co•at a cost o:f lOf cents per gal.a.nd tha.t the seal G:f'" the Corp.be attached,. C"ar:iied• STUART LARGE.that in order to fGrcibly carry out the dog Byla.w.suitable pens will be ~o~struated at the pen behind the Wa.tterworks.Dogs that have been impounde will only be relesaed on the payment of one dollar by the owner.After· forty eight hours. dogs unclaimed mq be destroyed. c·arried. The Council adJourned on motion of Mr.Bunn and Mr.Thompson. Mayor.