MINUTES - Council - 19340423•
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~oom an Monday eve.Xpril 23rd•with the Mayor presiding and all the members in att-
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read a.nd adppted.i.
·Letters were read~from thll Salv.Army asking to hold a tag day an May 12th• r
.il'rom the Board of '~~rade.asking that the adoption of Daylight saving time be made . -
to coincide with that in Toronta;The E.L.Ruddy sign Co.relative to the sign board
ere·ated em town property on Yonge St.,
MroliiCorton appeared before Counail asking t~t the council continue the water
course.covered.across a section of their property.estimated to require about 70' and
to enquire if the Council will raise the EJidewalk in front of their property for a
distance of about 105 feet•
Mr.Large for the E.L.Committee submitted the follo.wiing report;"Since last
meeting about $96.00 of arrears have been colleci:ed and we are on the trail of more.
An exchange of poles has been made with the Bell Telephone Co.to take care of the
transformer at the new theatre.This is satisfactory to Langman and Walker and will
be so to ·all concernedo.W.Mount applied for removal of guy wire upon the bank in frontj
of his property upon which he is now building a house.We have agreed to move the guy 1
wire from ou:tt E.L.pole.The Bell :<'elephone Co.pole whiah is in the way is a matter
upon whiah we have no controleThe Bell Ca.promise to remove pole if Mount will pay
the coat~'il'25.00 Or -ii'30.00. Adopted on motion of Messra.Bunn and Bowman ..
mr.Knowles for the R.&.B.cmmn.reported.~That the two trees as requested by
M:r:s.J.Barker and E.Harmon be removed.That all stumps be removed•That the sidewalk
.I ! -~
approaching the picture show on the south side of Centre Stobe construated with 3'/stt'
steps and air risers. with a width of 8' oRe.Milgate approach. the necessary change in
tlie same be made and aharged to the said owner.The curb on the front of the prop.of
Jhlius Smith on the west side of Yonge St.be cut as requested.We·o estimate that
$300~00 will be required for gravel for use on roads.M&p~EHl~&i!I'P&rioleli!lla&-~J:M-Jihtal't-J
Reorequest·of llfr:olliforton of the Aurora Golf Club,.we reaommend as follows.that this !1
council has no authority to do any work on the private property of the Golf Club or
to have a drain installed on the said property.A(opted ~tion of liiCessrs>Bowman $ Bunn
l!/lr.Bunn reported for the w.w.crommittee ;~t-That owing to a continued scarcity of
wa ter during the summer months over a period of years we recommend that the serviaes
of Mr.D.H.Fleming consulting engineer be engaged at the sum of$50.00 to report on
our wells and supply of water and advise us as to the best method of increasing our
quantity so as to assure us o:r an ad.._ __ ,, ___ .
' . ~-.-.--··--:,.
' ~'-
adequate supply of' wa.ter on times of' drought.A.popted on motion Measrs.Thompson Large.;
:Mr.Stuart repo.rted for the Prop.Comm ... That the sta.tement from l!.fr.MctBride re sale
at the booth at the arena be accepted; and the sum received from him,.$51.16 be placed
to the credit of' the arena aoctt•being 40% of' prof'it.That the sum of' $48.00 received
from St.Andrews College be aooepted,and placed to credit of same aocount,.being for th1 . . .
use of' arena. for hookey as agreed upon at the beginning of the hookey season;. That the
basement of the Meoh.Ha.ll be exoava.ted,.oement floor installed and foundation repaired
est~ted cost $350•00.That frost proof toilets be installed,est.cost $130.00;.That
present ohimnies be connected to the basement for furnace pipes.est.oost $150.00.Tha.t
furnaces be installed for next winter,as present stoves and smoke pipes are in
gerous condition 1 approx.cost $500.00~That scenery on stage be repaired.Adopted
a. dan-~
motion of Messrs.Thompson and Bowman.
LARGE KNOWLES,that the request of' the Salv.Army for tag day on Sa.t.May 12th. I
be hereby granted.
THOMPSON BOWMAN, that the town of' Aurora
Carried~ J
adopt Daylight saving starting Apr.29th
terminating Sep.30th.being the same period as Toronto. Carried.
BUNN STUART, that the services of 1\fr.D.H.Fleming,oonsulting water engineer,.be
engaged for the sum of $50.00 to give a preliminary survey of the water supply and
report the best methods of securing an ample supply of water for years to come and
that the. seal of the Corpo.be attached hereto. Carried.
THOMPSON STUART,that we accept the sign contract of the former owner of the
l 1
I ·t
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property adjoining the arena with the E.L.Ruddy Co.at $7.50 per year which terminates :l'
.Tuly lst~l934 and that they be instructed the .. ,rental fee from. that date will be $25•09!
··.··! .. per year• Carried•
l!.fr .Southwood for the Fire Comm~reported; "That 150 feet of hose be purchased; thatj
the 24 ~ ladder hanging in the hall is in very poor condition and we recommend that a l
new one be purchased; that the 45' ladder be restrung; that the half of' the cheque,fo.r \
$40.00 receiced from the .Tohnson fire at Temperanceville be paid to the Firemen;and.
that a :full report be requested from the Brigade of all m~nies receit!Ted bi them from I
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outside fires forthwith.That copies on the appended form f6r a report on outside fires.i
be typed or printed.That the Township of Whitchurch be notified that unless some actio1
is taken regarding an agreement re our truck attending fires in Whitchurch,we wil1
discontinue sending truck to fires therein.That agreement be returned to King Tp.aak .... ::\ . . . l
. ing approval as submitted,as we are of the opinion that clause 3,whioh they a.sk tq,.,.:.~:\~
have deleted is necessary for our protection, the truck being in their employ> :f'r~~::~~~}1
time sanction is given to go•That the police be instructed to s.e·.ii! that a.J..l rig!i.~;~jl:~i -·~
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ways be kept clear in case of fire,as some complaints have reached us of parked cars
in lanes and right of ways 0 Considered in cammittee and acoepted,Messrs. Bunn & Large
BOWMAN KNOVILES,that tenders for uniform and rainc.oats for the Corporation police
be asked.for,~aid tenders to close on May 5th.next and the seal of the Corp•attachedi
Bylaw #758 was regularly pasaed,providing May lst.a.s the time from which dogs
are forbidden to run at. large.during the summer months.
KNOWLES LARGE that tenders be asked for the following;l50 feet fire hose,also
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one 24 fire ladder,tenders to close lllla.y 5th.l934 Carried•
~~GE BUNN,that the half of $40•00 paid for the ~ohnson fire at Temperanceville
'be paid over to the firemen•and the seal of the Corp.attached Carried.
The Reeve reported on the different costs of a truck to replace the town truck
now badly worn.On motion of Messrs.Bowman and .=unn the matter was left over to the
regula.i: meeting•
• Mr • .ounn submitted e. proposed letter to delinquent water customers and was ad ..
vised to have it inserted infue Banner as well as forwarded to those to whom it
On the question of building a new section of raised walk in front of the Golf
Club proper~y,Messrs.Southwood and Stuart meved that no action be taken•Mr·Knowles
and Thompson,in amendment that the town will lay the proposed section if the Golf
Club will undertake to pay three fourths of the cost.The amendment was carried.
KN0\1/LEVvS LARGE, that on the receipt of $3oo;.oo to be applied on tax arrears on
the Golf Club Property we agree to undertake one fourth of the total cost of rais
sidewalk 18~ to the road level covering the proposed frontage,estimated 105' and
that the seal of the Corparation be attachee hereto. C:arried•
Mr.Bowman brought. up the question of stop lights on Yonge St.at Wellington and
at Tyler Sts.and after discussion the clerk was instructed to enquire if permission
can be secured from the Dept•of H&ghways.and whether any assistance financially
can be secured from the County and Province.The matter was referred to the R.&.B.
Committee coupled with the chairman of the Bylaws and Industrial Committee for a
report at the next meeting.
The council adJourned,im motion of the Reeve and ~eputy at 11.15 P.M. ,
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