MINUTES - Council - 19340108{ -~~ l ' \ I' \ t· ' ,,.. "·' ,.--. ( \ \ THE FIRST :M:EE'l'ING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~934. was he~d in the crouncil Room~n Mond~~!)rning • .Ta.n•Sth.a.t ii O'C~ec)t.aceorfling to statute. The fellow~ m~be~s appeared an~-subscribed to the oath of office. •yor,.c.R.Bculding,Reeve,.J:.A.Knowles;Dep.OReeve.P.Jl.Thompson;and Councillors :a:.A.Bowman~H~B~n .. w.La.rge,Jl.H:~Scuthwood and J.Stuart. -Adjutant'Mercer--cf the S.~ opened the proceedings with prayer;, -... The Mayor welcomed the members of council and expresseli regret at the absence of those of ether years not with us.He outlined the general policy sf Counci~ for the year and asked the cooperation of a.l~ m~bers that the business of the town may be carried. on with dignity and despatch • .i'nteraperced. with remarks from each m~ber of the Council the mayor called upon ex-mayors. Tayler and Walton;Rev.Lightbourne 0 Dr.Stevenson,Dr.Williams,Mr•A• L&ng.Mr.S.Chapman,.a.nd the Capt.of the S.Ar~•each of whom veiced a few helpful .. words• The :liray'Gr appointed a striking. c-ommittee to consist of the Reeve,.Dep.Reeve,. and Ceunc·illor S:tuart. Council adjourned unti~ a.l.5.P.M.. Councril reass:e:mbled at the hour set for alijournmentawith all members in attendance. Mr.L.Lee appeared ,with lliOr.Gi:lroy,making certain requests on behalf of the . . HOckey Cllib• THOlli!PSON STUART,.that the action of the Mayor in issuing ord.ers lin the fo.r the :I!'J ayment of the following accounts be and the same is. he:11eby confirmed: and era that the seal o.:f the Dec.9th~ Mrs. "aites ~eo.l6th. Mrs.Waites 2.3rd~ "' -3.0th. ~ Jan•6th. " Carp.be attached hereto; caretaking caretaking 7~00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7 .oa"' carried. THU~;,v....t ..I.J>.ci."'J!O•tha.t the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue on th~ t~~aa;f~; the same and that the seal of the coep.be attached hereto; w.w. Clerk stamps for mailing notices, Jan.lst.7.00~ Williamson Brils 0 coke at plant 21.15''· E.C.M.ingay cartage 2.15"· carried. THOlli!PSON SOUTHWOOD, that the following accounts be paid, that the mayer issue , .... ·" ~. • . • -• . -,_ • • I orders on the treas.fer the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; E.L. Clerk, express 1.301'•.. carried. TH:OMPSON" STUARTtthat: the following accounts be paid 0 that the mayor issue orders on the treas.for the same and that the seal of Corp • J .Black, teaming H.E.Gilroy firemens mitts R.J •Lav~ill l sta mp r _ .. _ •••• ::.-;~,. -----~;~-:~----:--.• -•• _._::;:;:,,,.,.::-;·-·:;:-:-: ••• -----' • ,. __ ,,'•<>' the corp.be attached li~iito; 34.90 ,, . 19.70 k le69" r r \, < 2. C~erk. e~eetien expenses 1\{..Graham. teaming R.Westl:&ke arena agent Will:iamson Eros. fue~ arena • towmhall ~ Meoh.hali llugh-and .\ion suppliert J.H.S~oan-·books Col.inty for liosp.a.ccta. ¥uniaipal Wbrld, election supp~ies Da:vis Ga:rage fire acc:t. Clerk express and postage Williamson Eros. relief J>oW•Teasdale Ealll'ier Press Scarilons Bakery relief Ough and Son fuel SI.oa:ns Cousins Dairy 4tlrora Dairy ~.Fingold .r.TOEend ll!lerchant and Oase Kriowles a:nd Scuta F.Merris Pa.ttersons :Bakery Plaxa Ca:fe A.&o.P.S.tore :tlawsons "',rill: WeStons Jjread. .T .F o'Wil.l,ia .r.:r.torning DOm~Storea . ~s.4~utherford. rent C~ose Mra.lregory " Hutchinson Mrs • -;erswell ".Stephenson A.Hulae tt Gilpin W.Erome F.erguson & Hicks •• Koshiel a ~Willis •• Pres ton. & Foote Miss Clarke-1t Eunn Mrs.G.Patriok." W.Patriok F.Haie • . .r.E~an J .Pr~sten " "_,Ell i& ~ •• ~olten ~rant Styl'es Eat. ~ ~ ~arley ~rs.Chapman •eters F.Hinds • G?Seaton lilies Ga.in • R.Blaek F.:.Crivett · W.H.Chapman fuel · E.F.Davis c.cook 72..00" 21.70"' 10.00 13.5Q 27.oa ..... 1.20"" 45A 22.50" 9 .. 2QA l5.83A .6.23Ae 7o20 4 12.42"' 94.61 ~ 13.22 /,< 2.30"" Zo68A 21.53"' 22~23,. 155~51. 0\. 92.89" 14.471\ . 15.99111 35.561'1' 1.oo,.. ... 12.25"' 17.91A. 3.75 "t 9 .oo.~~; 6.13~ lo19A- 65.49.( 12.00!1, 16.00t\. lZ.OOI'\. 12.0011( 12.0011 ... 12.001'\- lS.QOA 12.00A 12.0QA. l2o00A s.oo..,. 12.00" 4.80A! 4.80"~> 7 .20"" 2.40"'v 2.40'\ 10.54 .. 12.40.{ 47.42~( Carried. BOWMAN LARGE, that i~A'rs •. '.~aite~ render her aooount for olf34lning Meeh~Hall • to the l'oultry Allsooiatien. Carried.O - STUART BUNN that the Mayor and treasurer be authorised and instructed l to pay $510.00 out of the current aoeount,to reduce the Loc-al Improvement over- d.raft,as provided in the eatimates for l933,acond. that the seal of the Corp. "' be attaehed hereto. Carried. SOUTHWOOD KNOWLES,that this municipality renew its subscription for mem• bership with the Ont."''.tn."ssooiation,for the annual fee of $25.00,and that the . ..,., seal. af the corp. be a:ttached hereto. Carried.. ( \ \_ 3 Mr~Kn~wles for the striking committee submitted the following report; "that the following personnel comprise the committees for the ensuing year; Roads and. Jllrid.ges; Messrs. Kno\illles,Southwood and Thompson; Electric Light W&terwork~ --Finance Fire It ll .. _. By:taws and Industrial. ,. Property .. Large Stuart and Knowles; Bunn,Bowman ?-nd "'tuart; Th&m.pson, Large and J;Sowmanl ' - Southwood Large and Bunnt Bowman-Anowles and Bunn; Stuart,Thompson and Southwood; .. BOWMAN BUNlf that the report o:f the Striking Comm.be adopted as presented• darried~ THOlii!PSON' SOUTHWOOD,that Jl&r • .lno.Stuart and w.Large be a committee to handle reliefforthe year 1934. Carried. :Oylaws were regularly introduced and passed.,providing for the borrowin" o:f _money :for current expenses;appointing Mr.E.M:.Fleming,a member of the Public Library ~oard for three years;Mr.F.E.Richardsen ~member of the Loaal Board of ..:ealth for 1934;Dr.Stevenson a member of the High School Board for 3 years;and '- appointing Mt•W.H.raylor the assessor for 1934 • .llliz..w.R~Mcc~u~d~ app1ied for a new water service to hils residence on Yonge S STU.ART-THOMPSOR that the appliaation of Mr.w.R.McQ,ua.de for a renewal of water serviv:e be granted,on the usual terms,and tha.t the work be preceded with -as soon as convenient,and that the seal of the Corp.be a.ttached hereto."arrieti. KNOWLES-LARGE,that the minutes of Gounoil be printed as in former years and that tha seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. Carried• THOlii!PSOli STUART,that we advertise for tenders for fUel supply for town properties for l934 0 to be delivered as required. Carried. It was decided by verbal resolution that there shall. be no free admissions of unemployed to hockey games~and that the pelice be instructed te_give more active cooperation regarding the control of children under 12 who are admitted to the rink. The Prop.W'emmittee wrere instructed to view the arena entrance and see i:f 6 ome improvement is neaessary. On motion of Jlessrs • .ll.nowles and Bunn,it was decided that O.H.A.playerli. be given a non-transferrable pass for skating nights. On motion of Mes-srs.Knowles and Large it was decided that the .itocke;y Club ./-, \ . 4 j be given the privelege of selling season tickets for hockey at five for a dollar' and that the town colLect the regular 40P of the reduced amount. ·-· . i The Ccluncil adjourned at 10.50 on the motion of the Dep.Reeve and .lll.r~owman.O! --------------------- ~yor. I /! ·" < I l ,, ')1 J 1 0 ·-;-.-· _.,---,---. ·--.~,--'-'. -;~-7"-:-;-;, -.