MINUTES - Council - 19340509I
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THE EOGHTH MEETING of the Council for 1934 was held in the council room on
lllednesdajy eve.Ma;y 9th.with the Mayor presiding and the Reeve Deputy Reeve and Coun-.
eillors Bunn SGUthwood. and Stuart in attendance~
The Council reselved into committee to consider the report of the w.w.comm•
Mr":Blinn being chairman in cOillllli.ttee.and submitting t11e following report;.iivfl!l ·reaomm-
end-.that the aonsulting engineerts report be a..ocepted,re increased supply--of water
-with the e:x:cept.ion o.f the siz.e of well.~s to be governed. by the amount of water -. .
guaranteed. by the contractor.We also recommend. tha..t said engineer be instructed
to prepare specification& for a constructed well with and without all necessary
equipment with a capacity of 250 lmp.gals.per minute.We also. recommend that the
solicitor be instructed to prepare a. construction Bylaw for said well making the
necesaary-provisions for the letting of the contract and the borrowing of money unti
the d.ebentures are issued..-And whereas the council of the corporation of the town
o:f Aurora deem that an increased supply of water is•H&ee&~ urgent in the int•
ere-st of health that this. council petition the Prov.Board of Health to li.ssue
approval far the construction of a well at an estimated cost of ten thousand
with a capacity of 250 Imp.Gals.per minute.
The Committee read the clauaea and debated them seperately ,rose,reported
-their acceptance· with the understanding that the council would reassemble on Tues• j
eve•next a.t s.zo to cil-nsider the specifications. 1
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THOllllPSON STUART that the report of the W;zW.Oommittee be accepted a.hd the seal
of the &or~:~tt~~li~d hereto. Carried e.
I KNOWLES SOUTHWOOD,that the tender of W.L.l\filgate for a lt ton Chevrolet truck
(cab and c:hll.ssis}~s specified,:for the sum at' $590.00 be hereby accepted.and that
the cost be borne as follows;one third each between the Electric-Light,Waterworks f+.;
and Road and Bridges .liepartmentstand that the seal of the Corporation be at L
.I hereto•
crouncil adjourned.on motion of Mr~Southwood and Mr•Thompson. l