MINUTES - Council - 19340319! THE FOURTH MEETING OF THE COUNC.IL FOR THE YEAR 1934 was held in the Council room on Monday eve .. lll&ra:&~l9th.wiih'an the members in attendance arid the mayor preaiding. The minutes or the preceding meeting were read and adopted.on motion or the Deputy reeve and Mr.Bowman. A representative of the International Water Supply Ltd .. a.ppea.red before Council to discuss: the development of a d:eep well. water supply. A statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Intermediate Hookey Club was passed around for the information of the members. Mr.Stuart for the relief committee reported that the committee had decided to discontinue relief to single men on and after April 1st. ! ' Jr;r.Thompson,for the Finance committee submitted the following report,to considei which,the council reaol.ved into committee of the whol.e .. "At a meeting of the above oommittee held in the Council chamber on March 17th•at which were present Mayor .Boulding.Deputy Reeve Thompson and Councillor~ Bowman and Large.the following recommendatiens were made.AUDI.TORS REFORT.Tax arrears of i29746.00 are correct but this: committee are not in ravor of i.riciuding an amount of .$5423.35 which covers properties turned over to us by Proctor,Lennox and othera.This suggestion was made by the auditors but we are not of their ppinion.This amount las as property taken over.Tha transfer of Debanturea #6 and f1 should be transferred under Patterson,-and of which no account has been apened up.'l'h.is must be agreement to 1 recorded.InsurancJ is found O.K.exoept fo:l: the amount of uoa.oa on contents of Council chamber etc. 'l'h.is amount will later be reduced.Arrears or taxes and licences.T'here shauld be a - detailed statement made out and reference made to previous statements,so that we may see from time to time if progress is being made.Mr.Dunhammust be instructed to collect all licence rees or cancel licences•The Assessors salary for last year waa overpaid by $25•oo,he being paid f2iO.oa instead of $225.00.This exeess must A. be refunded.Filing system for contracts and agreements.l'his is referred back for fuller explanation with the suggestion that.n it be carried through if advantageous • Sewer account • .lt eompl.et.e statenwn-t of these accounts should be made and filed away for future reference.Grants.All grants to remain tha same as last year.An ~Hi4;;i,e .. grant of $50.00 is suggested for the Hockey Clubto be used by them for a banquet• The Fire Committee must report on outside service,time of leaving,returning and , (referred back } where to.Fruit Padlars licenae.Application of D.Rosen be acoepted.for amount of $5o•oo.Doators accounte are to be treated l!l.s monthly accounts and the municipality -. \ ~...---..._, / \ \ a a.saum.e respansi.bi~ity for their third as of Jan.~st.l.ll~4.App~icatfcm for audit of town books. fer l934.I.ang~ey and Co.OChartered Acaountants, Thorne MuTholund & Co • tt litoililborn · · tt $500.00 .5QGQOO 4.oe.oo Delgarno and Delgarno Publ.ic Aceta. 250.00 F.T.Sudbury *co• 275.00 JUex Leith no price J ~reig. and Clark 200.00 1 It is recQI!llllended that eouneil accept the offer of Ili!..Hilborn chartered accountan~ at $400.0il.The Committee ros:e and reported that the report had been considered• j . . THOMPSON BOWlitAN,that the report be adopted and the seperate items dealt with --as req~ired by resolution• Carried. existing KNOWLES LARG~ that all grants remain the same as laat year lll33,and that the seal-of the-Carp. be at tavhed hereto. Oarried. BOWMAN SOUTHWOOD,that in view of the amount of net receipts received from the regular intermediate hockey games at the arena,the sum of $50.00 be granted to the Aurora Hookey Ol.ub.to be used by them for a banquet,and that the seal of the Corp.b e attached hereto. Carried. j THOMPSON SOUTHWOOD that the recommendations of the Finance committee re.changin~ bookkeeping system be adopted and the Bylaws committee be instructed to prepare l a proper bylaw for the appointment of M.r.JII[.Hilborntt.chartered accountant,to install a new system and conduct a quarterly audit for 1934. Carried. I The question of Mr'•Naughtons conducting the business of the 1ien on town prop~ ~~ erty made by F.Browning against Greenhouses and Conservatories,~tde insolvent, J was introduced-and &.N&ughtons statement read and exhibits fi1ed.It was decided,i that the Council should meet em Monday 26th.with Mr.N&ughton and Mr.Hulse and go into the matter in detail. On motion of the,Reeve and &.La.rge,the couneil adJourned til1 that date. '~'~'~Y~ '\''\\ :;· -LU::-dt L/ Mayor. I ••-------..-e•-•--·;"~•--~-...,.,,...._.,.._,....,..-~ . ._,,~--•--• ' -~---·•--~---·-,-..-,~··-.·: ---.--:'••.•", .-.. ", ". ••••r':",\ "'-~· ".'.~·-,•;-"·-. .-.·-::··--:--··--, .. -~" •'•••.V~ r• -• """"•' ,,,,.,~_"'••.•>"<·~•,-• .. _,, _..7 ._,.,, ..•• ,._,"-.-·--'"