MINUTES - Council - 19340306..•. "-c..I THEE THIRD meeting of the Council. for the year 1.934 was held in the C!aunail room on Tuesda7 eve • .iiiareh 6th~with all the members in attendance and the !11a70r presiding. The minutes of the preceding raee:ting were read and adepteda lilr•Ambl.eford,.of J .P.Langley and C'o~owas present t9 report tha.t his firm: have made a prel:im:inary atirve7 of the bookkeeping system uaed by I the town and suggested: an additiana1 l.edger for the system and a change from book to the card system I for the w.w.aca'ountso. J .Egan·· asJ:ed for an increase in his rel.ief voueher. Drso.Will.iams and Devins were present and asked the town tg place them on the . or .fuel. same footing a.s food vendors for relief caaes a.nd te aO'nsider near relief eases f.or mediClal. attention • I THOMPSO~ S"rU.ARt,tha.t the action of the mayor in issuing orders on the t11eas• I I ----.- urer far the payment of the following accounts be a.nd the same is hereby f. I con J.rmedl and that Corp. the seal. of the corporaticm be attached hereto l l!'eb.l.Oth. · Mra.Waites caretaking l.7th. ,., 2:4th. ,., Mar• 3rd. • 7 .oo" 'l.oo" '!.oo"' ?.oo" carrie lie. TJiUIIU:>..i~ .;:.u~ that. the following ave aunts be p&id,tha.t the mayor issue • " ,-........... : ., >""·--.. ,,.., o-rders on crerp. the treasurer for the same and that the seal of Waterloo MUtual. Meeh.H&ll. H.E.B. British ~erica Town Hall H.E.B. J.F.Wlll.:ls arena earnival B.G.Whitela.w "' . . ... offiae supp~ies: F~R~DeLa.liia.ye band. for JVI;a.r-.lst arena C'oU.nt7. Rllap• .11'eb.acc:t • William:aon Brcur arena ]{.Hall 1'•ha.ll and 1Hap;plant C'ollis Leather <roe. cinders Ougli and Son Da:v'ia "'arage ;r .Bla.ck teaming Aurora Hdwee. .R~WestlaJce tic:kets arena. JI!•Grahalll teaming Bell. Phone co • cr1erk stamps etc• F.Hinds relief rent G.Seaton a .Will. is • Preston and J!'oote F .H&~e • Egan Mrs • .~;tutherford Ellis A.Hulse " Gil.pin MraO.Patriok " W;.Patrick Ferguson & Hicks Koahiel J .Pres t.on · " El~is Mrs ;.Cersw:ell. s:tepherison Mrs~Gregary " Hutchinaen Mra.Bolton w .Durant and jjlack J.Peterman Closs the corp.be 30.80 1.0;..12;:, 2.50 2.25 85"' 14.00 23.25"- 26.00 12t.OO 71•00" 9•oo" 2.0•05A 3.4GA 1.8.851\ 3.?7" 1.3.00 40.90" 10 ;..98--. 'hOO~ g: .• so,.., 1.4.40"' 9;.6(}" 2.4QA 9··6(}1\, 9.6QA 9;.6(}A 2'.40h 9~50" ~5.001' 14.4:0~'> 8.40" a&tached; ( \ .. - / \ 2 Mrs. ~-en ton aty~~a Est;. ~·Feraythe litoBuker J:)Om:.Store Dana_ Cafe. relief rent j!·ar:u;r Bircha.'rd J.Buk.er for Hodgins a.coo~ :a.F.Davia .Ough, and Son AUrora.. Hd:we • iffier~hant and Case :13Qnd and Son Weatona B:~:ead :Ji'. w. 'teasdale A.&;.P .. Store Stiver .J;jros• S"aarilons :Bakery C'ousins Dairy c DawsonfS Grill. Fol!&i.lrris Aurara Dai:t:y ~attersons :Bakery LoFingoliil Plaza Cate Knowles and Hopps HdwEt. J.F .MOrning J•F•Wil1is Sctns supplies relief' H~E:.~ilroy Welfare J.Oeague Sup•I>tue .. c •• F~R6wland J.Jj'.J!Corning Arena carnival .Alirpz:a Banner- ;ro.H:•sloan arena -fire dept. rel.ie:f J.Fll.eurya Sons 'lo20A 4o80"- z;.4Qh 4.001,, 5:2.04"-1 4:.25:" 48:.12:.-. 35 .1.0" 1.9'1 lo.OQ ~6.55" 89.86" o:.oo" l5o68"- 29.J.7A 15.1.5-"' s.sa" 25.98-~ 4:.25"' 35o44A 30.43"- 3.001' 187 .. 94" l0i75A 31.801· s.99A 6.85 ... 2:.39A. 9.20A 6.15" n5;.99'; 3:.oo 15.7Qh 6.5:0 · aa ... 1:.35'<> 2o0QA carried. LARGE KJ:roWLES that the foll.owing a.ooounts be paidt>that the mayor issue orders ~ .. -" . -· on the Treasilrer far the same and that the seal of' the E•L• Bearea J.ta:. ledger H:.E.P.cr.o. power for Jan:. Northel:'n Elec:trie Oei. ;r:.:aiaak · teaming Bell Phone C'o. 240 Corp.be attached heretoJ 37:.1a" l945.43Ao 2o6GA 3.60 .. 2.50" oarriedi. BUNN STUART that the following a.caounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the 1 reaaurer ·far the same and tha..t the seal of the Corp.be attaahed hereto; 3.27 '• w.w. Bel~ Phone Co• cr .A.Andrewa N'ewmarket Angus .IID.orrison "' pipe thawing It s.oa.,, so.oa.,., aarried• :lk.D.R'ozen made appl.iaation f'or peddlers liaenoe for 1934 !lfio.l(.Graham applied for the teaming for the next twelvemonths;referred to the R.&.B.C:ommi.ttee,.on motion of Me§srso.:Bowman and Southwood. The C'ounty,stating that G.W.Williams and E.V.Underhil~ have been appointed H.So.Trustees and that the crounty lev;r is $12849.07,. filed.O The Dept~ of Public: Welfare,urging garden p1ote for men on relie:f ,referred to the Rel.ief Committee• Mr.C:.MoEown off:ering a rental of 30.00 for his sign provided he be given the ····. I I I 3 prive~ege of erecting a sign on the front of the arena property :for rental purpoaes:o:Referred: to the Prop.comm .. on motion of Messrs.Knowles and Large. Mrso.W.K.Ada.ms,regarding the cost of thawing out froz:en pipes and enclosing a bhll from·Ouga and Son for the same• ":rhe Library Board· asking an interim grant of $200:.00 " The Fire Brigade asking that the grant be_;joo~oo and enquiring if payments have been received: from King '!)•referred to the Fin.Oomm.on motion of Messrs~Stuart and K'nowles.o A letter from A•R.1Corten,sta.ting that they have arranged a sale for a lot on Yonge 8t.ofr the-Golf' club property and asking the amount of-taxes the town will aece·pt anti rlflease the lot which is up for sale. James Procter and Redvern stating an inspection of the Disposal plant was made on :.ii'eb.lOth.wlth some members of Council and that they found the walls in exeellen condition and found no reason to further withhold the propesed payment to Mr.w.:m. 'faylor~and one from Mr.Taylor requesting payment of the same• Awlieations for the position of Auditers received from J.P.Langley & Cor Clark J . I and Greig;Alex.S..Leith & Co. a.nd Daigarno and Delgarnoareferred to Fin.Comm• Mr~Bunn of the·w.W.Committee introduced the question of metering water for oommeraial customers· and of attempting to s.ecure a deep well rather than dig more similar to thoae from which we secure our supply and was instructed to secure further inf'orma.tion on both matters• The Property Uommittee,Mr.Stuart reporting submitted the fo~lowing;the gross receipts for the skating rink inFeb.were $ll52.40;skating 185~75;hookey 947;.55; st~.Andrews 2I..OUrChuroh party 5;.00;outaide team& 3.00facaording to_ figures reo• eived from Mr.Mel3ride there is a credit on the booth,to the town of 44.45 on the basis of 40% profit to the town as agreed on at the first of the year.Acoepted on motion· of Messrs.1'hompson and Knowles<> j -J 1 l ,j I 1 Mr.Stuart for the re~ief Committee reported the tota~ of relief vouahers issue~ for february was $704.~0;total relief for the month $801.88;average number of ·l vouchers issued,39;in Feb.l933 the amount of relief was 741.20;-accepted on motion I ! of Messrso.Bowman and Southwood• -~ 1 Mr.Stuart from the relief comm.;~he ""adies Welfare board have now finishe~ .· :1 their labors for the present season.The work that they ha.-e accomp~ished on behalf i I of needy families is deserving of the highest praise for the amount of assistance ! handed out.Atta.-hed is a ~ist of clothing etc•which they bestowed where it was most needed, .1'he relief oomm.at this time wish to express their sincere thanks to '"" ~\ • 4 the ladies comprising the welfare board for their splendid achievement.Nlne new quil.ts were made and 10 used quil.ts given outt,34 flanelette nightgowns.,9 suits of made. flanellett.e pyjJilmas 0l4 pr.fl .• bl.oomers;7 prs~oboys pantst4 coats;4 dressea;l92 art used clothing handed o.ut.33 balk and 4t lbs.wool·were bought;~ew articles of cloth- ing aa foll.ow8 045. pr.wooll.en bloemers;4l woollen vests;l35 pr.hose;lO pr~orubbers; 41 work shirts;3B pr.socks;l7 pr.lea.t.her mi.tts;2l. pr.overalla;l'l pr.childs shoes; 17 pr.heavy rubber boots;20 proladies shoes;l waist.3 sweaters .. 3 pr.mocc:asins;l5 pr>goloshes;:3 windbreakers;2 pr.boys pants.9l. suits wool combinations;4 night gowns The report was accepted on motion of ll'fessra.Thompson and Bunn and a letter of app- ordered• reciation forwarded l11l:r-.Thompson presented the treasurers aomparative statement for the first two months of. the years 1933 and 1934 in the general.electria light and waterworks accounts• The statement reaeived on motion of l\Cessrs.Stuart and Southwood. The· Auditors report and statement for 1933 was referred to the Finance Comm. TH.OMPSOlt KNOWLES;. that we pay half of the acceunt of' :.irs.w.H.Adams freeze up,as -. ----· this case was deemed partl.y a town responsibility.it being charged to the w.W•Dept. and that the seal of the Corp.be attached. The motion was lost. THOMPSON BOWMAN,that two hundred dollars be given the Library Board to apply _,_ "'--...... . O'n grant to be determined later,and the seal of the Corp.attachedo Carried. SOUTHWOOD KNOV~.that,on the application of A.R.l\Corton for an apportionment ~ of the arrears of ta.xes on the Golf if!roperty,the counall is of the opinion that the sum of $300•00 arrears of taxes up to the end of 1933 is a proper amount for the lo to be sold.being 90 :treet on Yonge St.by 80' deep;On the payment of the sum of $300 · the Council hereby authorises the Treasurer to give a certificate that all arrears of ta.xes on the said lot are paid.to the end of 1933,the bal.of taxes to remain on the bal.of land and buildings on the property,and that the seal of the Oorp.be att- ached hereto• Carried• THOMPSON SOUTHWOOD that w.E.Taylor be paid the sum o4 $653•84.on account of Disposal plant holdback as recommended by the Engineers,leaving a balance of $100 until the work is completed,and that the seal of the Corp.be attached. Carried• l1/l:r.Bowman made a lengthy statement regarding the manner in which the solicitor had conducted the matter _of the final payment of the account to Greenhouse & Con- sern.toriea Ltd-against which a. lien ha.d been registered;the solicitor explained cause the-ma~•~ of the delay ,and Messrs.Thompson and Southwood moved that the matter laid over to a .subsequent meeting.l1/l:r.~nowles asked that the police be asked to