MINUTES - Council - 19331215"-- ·~ ... · ··-'· "'.:·· Aili'. J;;w\n;:;~·-.n:t;:..i};nflit;~:~··::!i·f: .'<l?<r-:~·:;;._·,.a ·• .. i "'"· ·" ~ THE TUNTY THIRil .AND STATUTORY MEEi'IliG OF THE COUNCIL for the year 1933 was held." in· the· i::auru;,ii Ro011t ~n· F~iliay ev~~Deet.ioih.at 8.i5-with the lt&yor pre- sidiflit and the Riteve~eputy and· Co.uncill.ora Bunn DeLaH&ye Malley ami Stuart in a.ttenlianee. i'he minutea of the last meatin& were reaGI. and. adopte4e. ]l[r.J.R.L.Pa.tterson and J&r~lUll appeared a$4 asked for an extension of 90 ·-. "· ..., ·-- d~ for· tne ·payment ef the intereat en the mortgage. A letter was read from Kr.Galbraith regardillit insurance. LEGGE BUNlf,that the fo:llowi~ aoceunts be paid,that the mayer issue erdera on the treasurer fer the same and: tha.t the seal e:f the Corp. Bell Phone Co. C:orp.be attached hereto; 15.63 H&pps Hdwe. F .Browning eement and. pipe Collis Lea.ther co.einders Williamson Bros. fuel, arena a town hall and. D.P. ·~ relief n.MCDanald. labor at town hall H•E•Gilroy relief per W.:B4. Aur~a Dairy relief ~tiver Bros • l![er:chant and Case 11 Sttperier Store w.s.Gibson and Son J.~.w a.lton Iaa.a.rena. H ~Ai'JI).i tage F~R~Underhill • c;i.Fry $ H;Ba~ ~ ll'~:Dv!'iham trip te Whitby Mra.Pa.trick Attridge and Son lbr.town hall Clerk postage and express F.Browninat gravel G •R·Ardill relief' W .Bra. 5.c:rt •t• :jp store ,. F.Rewlarid (3up.Store · lilanner Press Frank Smi tl!J. tt tags welfare day ,. relief acct. F.Brownin£ sal.fire chief Fire Brigade sal.mechanie 3.96• 69.35 21.00 13~50 40.50 6~80 4.40 31.70 ~ 18.48 ~. 5.30- 6.71 ... 15~44 ..... 500.00 25.60 51~20 1:)0~00 50.20 25.60 ll.OO 6.2:l 6.10 68.25 56.0&~ 10.6Z ~. 31.92-, 15.73 -. 5.57. 10.75' I Q 10.75.•.l/ _, 50.00 25.00 carried. STUART KNOWLES tha.t the fellewing-accounts be paititthat the mayer issue orders en the treasurer for the s.am.e and. tha.t the w.W? J'as.:a.bertson c.. lead and yarn E .a .lCingay c~tage seal of' the oopp.be atta.ched; 49.52 o.~Eown sign rental one mentlil. Bell. Phone Ce. ·1112. 85. 5.00 3.80 varried• KNOVILBS DELAHAYJ.l: that the fellewing aecounte be paid that the mayor i11sue orders on the treas.for the same and that E.L. Bell Phone Cle. #240 R.E.P'.<l..ef Ont. Nov.power the seal of the Corp.be attached. 2.~81 2062.31 earried.. The R·And B·Cemm.reported considerable gravelling done in the pa.at week. loli-.Stuart ef the w.w.aomm. reperted;,.Thatn the 8~~' water supply t.o ,the JF c.!i.~. I I l ··--. 0' ' "" ( i 2 is new cmaplete and thLt the a.N.R.be notified to that effect; that the sum of il~ $1.67.1'1 be alle.cated. to the w.W.i.c<iaunt as a rebate from Mr.Taylor for damage dene to w.W.pip~ when layili& liewera."'ha.t the sum of ~157.33 be transferred from the.\li~W.Aoe:t.to the Gen.aoct•the same represent~ the amount of relief l&bor used ·on ·w.w.repairs ··and installatiens.l'hat. the cost of enlarging main to Sismana factorY. ··can be instal:ted a.t an est:illated cost of $362..'12~· Adopted on motion of Mr.Knowles and Mr.DeL&~aye. Mr.Knowies .. for the E.L~a.~ittee reported as fellows;11 Th&t. the sum of $61.60 be allocated to the ~.L.account tae same being a rebate from w.E.Taylor for damage to the E.L.system.Adopted on motion of Mr.Malley and Mr.Legge. LEGGE BUNlf that the auditors reperts covering the first half of the year and the third quarter be adopted. Carried:. LEGGE KNOWLES,that the action of the clerk in overdeposi-ting in the w.w. acceunt in ~anuary and withholding,in July.an amount to balance his books be confirmed. O:a;rried. LEGGE D.ELAHAYE, that the elerk be instructed to notify the fire ehief net te -~ ~ ~-.. · .. entertain any further outsilie calls to fires until proper agreements from the different townships are aigned. and deposited with the town clerk. G·arried. ~.Bunn asked leave to retire,and expressed his appreciation of the courtesy extended to him during his first year on ceunci~. On the question of granting the concession to the ("ill Chemical Ce.and Ill:rs. Pktterson,the solicitor recommended that the concession be made,and after dis• cussion the following resolt~tion was put and carried .. STUART DELAHAYE that the application of Mrs.A.Y.Patterson fO:r the postpone.;. ment of the payment of the interest due by her to the town of Aurora amounting to $75.81 for a period of three months be granted;this to be without prejudice to the t.own of Aurora under the agreements with Mrs.A·Y .Patterson and WtR.Hill et.&l.~and the seal of the Corp.attaohed hereto. ~arried• The """ayor expressed his appreciation for theservioes of the solicitor fer the year just closing and that officer withdrew. DELAHAYE LEGGE.that the w.w.Committee· be authorised to proceed with an s• extension to the Sisman Shoe ~actory at an estimated cost of $362.'12,as soon ... as convenient;that the work be done as far as possible with reli.ef labor &nd thLt the selll of the Corp.be attached hereto. Carted. i''ne ~reasurer sublltitted. his report for the year • .i ,~ ~-~~---------~---~~--"--~----~~-----~~~-----&~"" · .. · ... ·: ........ : . --·----·· ; . ; ........ -~----.... ,. .. . ";(·;•; ' '" ·--'-·'· -·"' .. ,, . , .. , " . "'1 1 STU..tili:.t: MA 1"·•u. that the finaneial report of the town treasurer be reeeived: .. an ( ( r --/ ' ..... { '--"-.--···-,. . - a.doptea.and tha.t the ata.tutuy number of copies be printed, and that the seal of the Cerp.be atta.ched hereto. Ca.rried. The ~er expressed the a.pprecia.tion to the· trea.surer fer his report and extended the thanks of the Council to him for his services during thea yea.r• The business of tha evening being concluded. the Mayer thanked the members of the eeuncdl an4 the various offieials fer their energy aml ceopera.tion dur• ing the year in well chosen words and announced his int.ention of being a can- didate for the mayoralty again in 1934. ~.Legge thanked the ~or for his courtesy during the year and the members for their energy and attention te busimess. Mr~owles stated tha.t all the committees have worked energetieally and eomplim:ented the ma.yor on his fairness in presiding • :ltr.'"tuart stated his appreciation of the wo-rk dona and felt that each membet had aeteci for the bestb interests of the town as he saw them. . ' ··-:, Mr.DeLal:iia;y-e felt that it had been a hard ye~ that differenoea had oceurreli but that all had acted aceording to their best judgment. :Mr.lifall..oy,for his first year felt that he had been kindly used by all.. .. . membera and hoped that his efferts have been of benefit tG the tollllll• Mr.Knowles fe1icitated the relief aomm-ittee on the manner in whiah they have carried out their duties• :Mr.ittuart replied,citin~ some of the difficulties encountered. The-elerk read. the minutes of thia meeting and: they were adop-ted an motion of the Reeve and Mr-.:lleL&~aye. The couni:il adjourned sine die;. -------------~------ Mayor. ·::'···"