MINUTES - Council - 19331212·-~
THE TWENTYSECOND MEETING of the Counci~ for the year 1933 was-held in the
Cotmcii-Ro~lli-Q~ TUesGl~y ev~ ~llec .l2th.wi th the Mayer presicling and the Reeve ,.Deputy
• •• L
~ CounailLors :Bunn DeLaHa.ve Mal~oy and Stuart in attendance.
--The-minutes of the preceding meeting were read and &pproved.
Mr.G.K.Phillipa appeared and aaked for a w&lk at least 7t wide.water and
etewer cemieaticm te the inside of the build.ing,.&. flat rate_ on water and. light,.as
a e&nsi4.era.tion for opening a theatre in town on Centre st•
A. letter from Mr.li.E.Tqlor informing Council that he h&d. let the repairs
to cement rising eut of the sewer guarantee to Mr.F.Erawning who would. be reapen-
aible fo.r the work. torder ed filed.
A. let er from Mr.Redfern acknowledging one from this corporation and stating
he wouicil take the m&.tter up at once was ordered fll ed.
One from w.s.Gibs.on and Son,.delivering the plans of the town was also ord-
ered filad.;.
The Fire committee racemmended that the cerperatien PlU'Chase fer the fire
Brigade twa lio~en pair mitts a.t 9.85 per d.oz.en.elastic wriat,.horse hid.e,.heavy 'mJOl
1ineci,.from H.E.Gllrey,.the cheice of tenders aubmitted•
STUART':BUNN that the report of the Fire Comm.be received. and. a.depted.,.for the
"• -. ' ~ .
purch&ae of mitta for firemen~and the eea.l of the Corp.a.tta.ched hereto. Carried.
Mr.M&l~oy asked for direction in respect of the conciuc' of arena for the
cvming: season.
Mr.Legge reported. th&:t. the R.&.:B.COilllll were h&Ting gra.ve1 spre&d en Mark
and. Lapper Sta.at a cost of L.75 per ·load.•
The Finanee Committee reported.-That the auditors report for 1Q~2 be a.dopted.
witntiwJ fo11owing recommend&tions;tha.t &11 curb ga.so1iile pumps be r~oved from
the curb where the licence fee remains unpaid on ~uly lst.and that a aufficient
lllll.ount be taken from the genera.l a.ccount if neceasary.to ba.lance the arena account
fer the current year.Mopted. en metien of M&ssra.DeLaHay-e and. llf&l.1oy.
Mesdames Clarke Thompson and. Miss Lemon &.ppea.red. and. reported that the
tag day receipts. were L'l!i.OO,.denatiens 7.00 and that they h&ve epent to date &bout
150.00 on c1othing.,giving a deta.Ued list of expenditures.
KNOWLES DELAHAYE that the sum of $856.00,.being 2~of salaries of C1erk ahd
Taeasttrer and 30~-of aa.lary of town foreman.,be trans:ferred from the w.w.aecount to
the genera.l account of the cerptthe sum of $684.00,.being 4~ of the salaries of
C:1erk and ~reasurer.,fram the E.L.Acaount to. the general a.cC:eunt of the Cerp.f811'
-.,/ ..
·. )
services rendered to those departments by the said. offieial.s1the sum ef $1500.00
from the general account te the E.L.account for street lighting;and the sums of
5.9.33 from the w.w.Ace.ount and 75~00 frem the E.L.a.ccount to the gen.&ccount fer ~
·the utilities benefit from relief b.bor.and that the seal of the Corp.be attached;
hereto. Cla*riect.
A letter frem.Mr.Naughton regarding the disposition of the holdback of thB
Greenheuaea ancL C:enaerva.teries.helcl. until. instructions receivecL tram the court
ior diaposi·tien wasreli.cL.
· STUART BUNN: that the sum of $250.00 be paid to the firm of Naught•n aDd.
Jenkinii;iiaid"EiUui being owing to Greeiihouse aml C:onserva.tuies Ltd.by the town
of Aurora;the firm of lta.ughten ~d .Tenkins be~ empewered by this C:ouncil. te
pa.y out this sum a.s ctrdered by the court.,a.nd that the seal of the Corp.be.att-
a.ched. hereto. Carried.
STUART KNOWLES that the plans of the town as submitted by W.S.Gibson and
Son be. aca~pted~tl:ult the JiU.ayor ii.nd C:lerk sign same. tha.tnt they be registered li.S sj
soon as possible that the s:ea.l of tl!le C:arp.be attached to t.he J,tl.ans &nd lol.laa te
this reaol.ution. ~a.rried.
& • .f.liaughton was instruetecl to take over the lets assessed to lfi.o.Proctcr.
The ma.tter &f exjlending the a• maJ.n aeross the pavement and te the Sisman
Factory on l!Cesl.ey St.was referred. te the w.w.aomm.ittee.
LEGGE STUART that the Cl.erk write Mr.Phill.ipa that the eeuncil a.gree to
la.y ~. 7•walk te. the buildi~,giTe a fla.t rate for wa.ter and. light,and sewell
eennectien to the outside wall. of building.
MALLOY BUD that the percentage for home hoekey teams be 50-4~fo and for
autside teams 50-5<>% of the gross reeeipts,and that the Prop.Celll!ll.meet St.And•
rews College rela.tive to arranging pricell fer praetice and games,and that a.ll
dates be under the eentr•l of the Prop.C«mn• carried.
Tlae Council. adJourned,at 11.15 until. the atatutery meeting at 8.15 an
Friday Dee.:t5th.
)Cayer •
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