MINUTES - Council - 19330814r
cil room on Monday eve.Aug.l4th.with a. full attendance and the li[ayor presiding.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were adopted as printed,on motion of
Messrs • .M.alloy and l..egge.
The Clerk read a letter with an enclosure for one years rental for poles on
Yonge St.from Jan.l2th.l930 to Jan.llth.l93l.This was referred to the Solicitor and
the E.L.Committee~on motion of ¥essrs.J3lay s.nd Legge.
ll!tr.DeLaHaye,of the Fire COllli'littee reported that the Chief would prepare a
report of the convention at Dundas,whioh he would submit at the next meeting.
1ir.lVlalloy,of the property Committee reported,"•N reference to the disposal
plant, the Prov.Board of iiealth is investigating conditions at the plant in order to
ascertain the amount of solid.s and heavy liquids tha.t may be coming through~the
swwers.The result of these tests have not yet been given to the Council.The tannery
has established a new system of settling beds by which they think they can eliminate
about seventy to eighty per cent of the lime product.which we beleive has caused j
most of the trouble at the :plant.therefore we hope to have better results in future.~ . I
Adppted on motion of Messrs .Knowles and Bunn. I
l;il'r.Blay of the finance committee reported,"That the Finance Collllnittee are I
unable to agree to pay l.t1r. Taylor the sum of three thousand dollars as req,uested by I
M:C.Taylor cmd recommended by the Engineer and suggest that Councila as a whole sett1J
the matter.That the letter from Mr.Jarvis req,uesting grant for the Hunters Trials I
be acknowledged and kTr.Jarvis be advised that this Council would like to assist in I
this matter but inasmuch as we have n ot set up an amount to cover this in out budgei
we cco.nnot see our way clear to forward our subscription but wish them eNery success.\
;TUART BUNN that the report of the Finance committee be received and adop-j
ted. Carried. j
1ir .Blay for the indus trial committee reported,11 111r .Phillips and the Ind.Comm.m~
regarding a picture theatre in Aurora.Mr.Phillips has a party who will renovate the I
building situated on Centre St.east of Yonge behind the Shell Oil Station.Tll.ey propo,
to increase the size of the building to 40 1 x 90 1 ready for mccupancy at a cost of !
estimated at $10,000.00,on which they would like to raise :j~sooo.oo on a fi:sfkt mort-
ge.ge locally.This building would seat about 400 people .. They propoae to run tlm~ee
nights per ·week and state that the building would be available for public meetings
on other nights.JVIr.Phillips feels that if this Council endorses· this proposal that
he and. his principals would have little difficulty in raising this amount. The report
8 .dopted om motion of Messrs. Knowles a.nd Malloy. we.s
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The R.&,B.Co=-ittee reported that the time has been taken up with sewers and
the di.sposal plant but that they would have estimates in for necessary sidewalk
for the next meeting.
The Chairman of the Fire committee asked for an expression of opinion regard-
ing the attendance on fires in \Vhitchurch,since King has arranged for pa~nent fa
such service and Vfuitchurch has not.lie was instructed to notify the township
that an agreement similar to that with King is expected or the service will be
discontinued,even though we regret to take such action.
Mr .Stuart for the W. WW .Committee "The drinking fountain ho.s been installed
ot). Yonge St.and the South A..frican War Memorial fountain removed to the N.W.cor~
ncr of the Park and redecorted. The cost of installing water to St.John's con-
vent will be approximately ~~3800.00.This has ·oeen intimat-ed to the convent and
we now await further informa tion.lU though there has been a shortage of water
there would be no cause for alarm if the people would. refrain from using their
hose when there is an extended drought.The services a~ a well digger waee sec-
ured to clean out one of our large wells which at one time supplied the whole
town. The results after cleaning were disappointing o.s the flow was only incre-
ased about 8000 ga.ls.in 24 hours.,cs the danger point rege.rding our supply is
over for another year we would suggest that no further expense be gone into this
year but would recomm.end to next years water committee that the question of a
larger supply ·oe taken up by the month of April 1934 at the latest.Ldopted on
motion of Messrs.Bunn and DeLa.Haye.
Mr .Stuart for the relief Committee reported that an avers.ge of 16 men on
relii:ef for the month of July at a cost of $386.40,There are now 11 men on relief
Report adopted on motion of Messrs.Blay and Legge.
L suggestion was made that a committee or commission i)e ns;med to survey the
water situation and the W.W.Committee asked to nominate such for the next meet
KNO.ivLES MALLOY that the Aurora Athletic i'ssOJciation be hereby granted per
mission for the use of Yonge St.main business section,between "ellington and
IV:osley for their street fair on '7ied.Eve."',ug.30th.3~ and that thesaid section
be closed to traffic from 8.30 P.M.until l.A.lvi. daylight saving time.Carried.
IvJ:r.Knowles of the E.L.Committee reported''Thcct Tyler st.be rewired. from
Yonge to Mill <1t an estimated cost of :i\>350.0o.·.i.'hat a service be given to the
Aurora Orchards Ltd.'.Lhis ·will require a high tension wire f111Dm Baycrofts farm
to the Aurora Orchards lane street line e.nd that a transformer be :placed near
the Orchards build.ings.Est.cost 80.00 .. 'rhat guy wires be renewed on Heu1Jen~Hosley
and Harrisan.Bts •. Ef3t.cost 25.00.
DELA!:Li..YE M.AJJ:.COY that the report of the )~.L.Comm.ittes ba accepted and adopted,
that the work be pro<!!"eecled with at once and that the seal of the Corp.bs attached
hereto.. Ca:~·ried.
lflessrs.Stuart and Blajl; mov-ed that the solicitor be req_uested to interview the
deputation representing the ratepayers who had assumed responsibility for the
Centre St.drain and outline to them his inter11retation of the towns lJOsition.
A Bylaw was introduced by l'rtr.Legge,giv-en its first,second in collllllittee,]Br.Blimn
in tl1e chai::.." and. third readings in regular and legal form 2..nd v1as signed and sealed
providing for the closing of all grocery_,dry goods gents furnishings from 7 .P.M.
untiJ_ 5o-A.M. on all days except ~riday and. Saturday or before a hoJ.·iday and except
the week before and aft:er Xmas.
BLAY I,}IGGE that the req_ues t of Ivrr •. r. Thomson o,sking 1>ermission to add one addi t-
ional ::;as :pcilllp be granted with the understanding that this new pump be located i
ctly south of and in line with the present 111.1mps now installed. Carried.
The letter from the York County Municipal Assn.asking us to join that body was
filed on motion of Messrs.i3tuart and Bunn.
K.N01JILES STUA1l'r th<tt the application of the c.N.R.re the crossing on Wellington
St.switch to ser1il"e the Aurora Flour and .Jfeed Mills be che.n"ed a.s requested by the
applicant Co.and as approved. by the solicitor. Carried .•
STUART .DUNN that the account of Jvrr.S.Brovm for cleaning the 8" well at the
waterworks for the SUlll of ;$59.99 be paid and that the .seal of the Corporation be
attached. Carried.
BLAY STUA.'l.T,that the request of w.E.Ta;)clor for an advance of ~?3000.00 being
a portion of the 10% holdback being held by the tovm be :granted on the basis that
he allow us interest in the amount of .W37 .50 a.nd t:hat the balance owing to ]llr.
Taylor be placed in a savings account until such time a.s this balance is due r,rr.
Taylor in order that t .. he tovm of Aurora may derive the benefit of interest on l
thebalance being held, this action will benefit the tovm of Aurora by approximately !
. . j
.W100.00 and that the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. Carried.
:BL;S LEGGE,that the annual holiday of Mr •• 'cnctrews be granted for the period i
of two weeks CO!llt"1lencing Aug.l6th.and that in the absence of Mr .Andrews ,IJ!r .McDonald I
I town treasurer,act as town clerk.An a.mend..rnent vm.s nrouosed by Messrs Stuart and 13u:d --• I
That the name of D.J .Webster be substituted for that of la.McDonald..The amendment
when voted was dec:lared lost and the original motion carried.
STUJ;,...~T MP.LLOY, that as the :paving of Larmont St .by the Storms Contracting Co.
cannot be done as origina _ly intended,ancJ. the said company has moved away from the'
distric:t,it is hereby agreed that the said :paving idea be deferred in the meantime
lfr .Blay explained the ide[:. of an insurance survey , and :placing the insuranc:e
through s.ne broker,showing an estimated increase in insuranc:e without extra prem-
ium and without loss of revenue to the loc:al agent.
;,;IAIJ:,OY DJii.LAIIAY:E that the council of this town go on record as being in favor
of group insurance and that the matter be referred bac:k to the Finance t,;onunittee
to secure a full report for the next meeting. Carried.
Mi.I:LOY DELAH.iWE,tho.t agreements having been completed whereby the :property
having been known as the ••ead :pro:perty,is now the :pro:pertJ' of the town of Aurora
EJ.nd that the work of wrecking and clearing up the ground be proceeded with by hte
town men as soon as possible,. Carried.
KNOVILES MALLOY, that this Council go on record as approving the resolution of
thw York County uospitalisation Uonunittee re the grant on all obstetrical cases
careo_ for in their home who are recip:hents of direct relief in the municipality
in which they res:ilde. Carried ..
BLAY LEGem, the Council of the town of Aurora would appreciate h~lil13gfrom the
Public School Board in connection of the recohllnenda tions of this Coun·cil made at
cur meeting on March 6th.l933 wherein we requested further cooperation in salary
reduction when new contracts were being entered into for the new term.T.hanking
you for your coopera.tion in this matter and hoping to hear from you at an early
date in this connection.W'e remain, Carried.
The Council a.ijourned at 1.30 A.M. on motion of Messrs • .Legge and Blay.
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