MINUTES - Council - 19330911r· ! l ,---·· '·-. T~IE SEV'~:GTT~I.'3l\fT}I l1fJ!JI:TING OF THE COUI\l"C IL ~90:~ TESY.:a::.~~~ 19 33 VJCJ.s held in the Council room. on ]!lond.~y eve&<Septo.llthowith the mayor presiding and. the jJ Heeve, e:p Heevc,c:..ncl Councillors Blay,J3unn!lJ)eLaYaye and ~-)t-uart in attendance. The :minutes of the last meeting were read~ ancl confirmed. BLAY ..BUNU that the actdlon of the Mayorin isauing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following accounts be,o.nd. the sane is,hereby confirmed,and that the se2,1 of the Aug.l2th. 19th. 26th. Sep. 2nd.. Sep.iSth. Corp~be attached hereto~ lVfrs .Waites wages M.Robinson 1vfrs .Viai tes l!I.Robinson Mrs .Vlfai tes 1f$B.abinson "'!r ,, . t J.,!-s.cr1a1 es M.Robinson lJirs e-Wal tes M.llobinson W.SuJm-uers H.Farley H.Ha.ight WeW.a. $7 .oo 9.00 7.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 8.40 8.40 8.40 carried. Blay Leg,;e, that the following ceo counts be paid, that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the sa.me ,an<1 th at the seal of the Corp .be attached hereto l Corp. Bonds F .1Eorr is Dom.Stores Dawsons Grill Scanlons Bakery AaCaruso Dans Cafe L.Fingold Pluza Cafe W.Brown r< ?P /, " ' ] l ,.x .... l.•r .. .._d..._· relief A.D.Clark F.Rowland Knowles and Merchant and '1ueens hotel J .F.Willis C.Sheard J.F.Willis rent Atkinson relief acct. Sons Case rent Hawkes office su:p:p.3136 3U7 F.Rowland J3.G.Whitelaw cash book Aurora Hdwe. 3140~3117 • .Da-vis lTarage Attridge lor. Bell Phone Ca. County Hosp.accts. J.Black teaming LoCase maple trees NaToasdale cedar trees Clerk postage AGFleury outside trips etc. 36.85 9.15 49.93 7.50 3.75 8.50 6o-25 129.75 8.75 2 ,,-•N::l 79 5.22 4.75 11.59 14.05 4o 2.5 lo24 3.50 1.50 8.90 9.25 28.20 6.55 2.08 14.79 8'1.12 22.00 6.25 30.00 6.66 28.20 carried. BLAY KWO\Ti83, that t~cte folJ.owing accounts ·be :::>aid,that the i1Iayorissue orders on the trra:3urer for the same and tht the seal of the Cor:p.b:e attached hereto; E.L. J .Black t·ea:ming Attridge and. Son 3062 McColl Frontenac oil 10.25 15.24 20.70 _/ -\ on the 2 Northern Electric Co. H .E .p .c. .July power E4C lil1ingay freight Bell Phone Co• 240 3116 45.42 . 2174.72 1.95 2.87 carried. STUA.:cl.T BLAY that the following o.ocounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders tresa.urer for the same ancl th& t fu.e s ea.l ·r,v._.W c. J .,Ttobertson Co • . Francis Hankin & Co. 3148 .!freight on above Bell Phone Co. 12 of the Corp,be attached hereto; 2.60 ~27 .30 3.25 3.42 carried.. " letter from the Prov.Relief Board stating that the province expected to make changes in the relief plan for the coming year '>las ordered filed • .L.etter fron1 the Emergency -unicip&ill. As3ociation outlining resolutions to be considered and asking us to send a delegate to the meeting this 12th.A.M:. was read and on motion of Mr.I~egge and Ju.Bunn,Mr.Blay was named to attend,and the feeling o f the members towards the proposed resolutions was enunciated. , .. letter ~rom the Prov.Dept.of Health,stating that they are not yet ready to issue a report on the operat.ion of t.he Disposal plant was read and filed. From the County ~ reasurer,asking the municipality to make provision for the County levy was ordered filed. WoH.SteaCLrlan 1vrote,stating that he consid~ered his l)roperty lessened in value and in rental capacity was filed on moti.on of J!essrs.Stuart a."ld Legge. Mr.Stuart in wd.ting resigned the chairmanship of the Belief Committee and from the E.L.Co.mmittee.The mayor made an expl<:mation of the workings of the relief Committee.Mr.Stuart was asked to withdraw his resignation and consented to do so. Mr.Bunn resigned in writing from the EoLaCol;nnittee. _ j . Mr.l!fcEown appeared before Council and stat·~d his position L'egarding tax arrear Mr.F.I3rowning asked for a sidewalk to a new house he is building on Edward St.] 1\!fx .:;;""LaHaye for the Fire Committee reported thu t the agreement between Aurora j and King re:;arding payment for attendance on fires has not yet been received.and that;~ no arrangement has yet been made with Whitchurch. l j l Council has up tlj] date had no satisfactory results,and therefore we are of the opin-J I l ihe property committee reported as followst"'egarding the O.isposal plant,this ion that there must be something radice~.lly wrong with the operation of the plant.2. l l ') I Mr.Hedfern has been given every e.s,3istance .possibleJiWe have withheld neither time nor expense in this regard.Our tovm foreman has followed nery carefully every sugges tion he had to offer .Jt[r .;~ed.fern o,ui te often encouraged. this Council with such state ments as"I can see daylight now,""I believe I have solved the cLiffioulty."Tbi .. B has ~ only prolongecl the depay.$.Therefore thiH CorcJ:nittee reco~:nnendl t:C.t:~t lVI.r.Hed.fern be given until Sept.30th.to put the :;::>lant in so.tiefaatory operation.J?ailing to do t11.is we further recommend that a consulting ~!I:nginoer be engaged to adv~se this Counci aB to what steps mJJ.st be taken to remove the offensive odo.rsvvhich now exist in conn ect.i.on lNith the pln.nt.4i,a. \le recorrraend tha.t the material fro1n t~he J.i.eaci lJroperty be used to aonstru.ct a ·building at the D.P. to take care of the sluclgeuntil auch time as it can be removed,This will help do away _v:ith bad odors which exist when sludge is left on the ground.This building should be of tight construction and foundation similar to the present sludge oed.s,.so that the process of d.rying will still continue. 5 ,\/e also wish to report that the town clerk's office has l1eqj. redecorated. This has been done by men on relief .Council in coro.mi ttee eonsidered the report .Committee rose. STUicRT KNO\f/LES,tha.t the report of the Property committee ])e reccived,and that clauses ~.2,and 3 be ado:'],ted,and a copy of them l1e sent to Hr.'-'edfern,and that cl 4 ·be referred ba.ck to the co1ru:r1ittee :ror further consicleration as regardz details of construction and cost. carried. Mr.R.Grieves asked }Jermission to build a garage on to~-Hn :Jl'ope1""ty .. Me;;::;s:.."s.Blay and I:lunn moved that ·ae regretfully go on record D.s opposed to "buildings being erected for private use on t::nrvn property. carried .• lvfr "'Naughton reported mee tins ~ilr .. Vlilliw:nson ;;.1.nd e:;,qJl..:lining the ~3i tuc.tion re. Centre St.and saying they would a.gain confer .. Ilff.r~Blay detailed the fins.nc:lal s.ituat1on and then introduced o.. :Bylav.r to J.evy the various rates &nd taxes for the current ;;rear .. The Bylaw was given its several readings ,IVIJ:r:.Bunn in chair in conrra.ittee and v;as 11assed.,setting a rate of 39~-mills in the dolla:r for tb.e cur:~·ent year .. Fx .Leg.:;e :for tb.e RGI& ~B .co::mni ttee re2::;orted on Yonge St.Nc:o s.idewalk,ear.t side,l68'x 4' est cost Culvert Yoncze & liio>.rk,24 :x: 6" CuJ.Ye:r t Sp:cUc e, ~; 4-' x 10 u Fleurv St. walk 16 1 x '1' Temp.St.yv.side v;c:..lk to Mrs.Sca6e :residence l36'.x. 3' Yonse St;~ d:cai.n !i fro:n Jdr .Chellevls, tile :=·nrov·ided. Machell Ave.crossing 24 1 x tl Tyle:r.· St.al):proac~1. Mrs.Birchard l)ro:perty 20rx ~' Tem:p.St.hill 15 x 42 11 'I l" t CL ,, "'"d (~ L 'l'el lng on •JL•"~'.0l.-_e, .!..l'OY.l! .. Cousins & \lillic.rnsons) :D • J u.r Y .is horue Harrison St. 4'x 42'' :front Yonge St. front ]JTrs .F ·Allene .fEdward St. to F"13rovvming house 20'x ·~' the fo1lowine; wmrk; 135 .. 40 15.00 17.00 12.80 Sl.GO 10.00 19.20 12.00 10.50 30.00 2 .so 16.00 ;~o .oo 13l,~ii,.Y DEL .. ~'f ... 'l .. YE that the report of the R.&.B.CoJr..m.ittee be received and thc.t the work be proceeded with at once and the seal of the Corp.attached. C<::.' ri cd. ·.II 11 3IJ..:-...Y IJSGGE that d:ayJ.igh.t saving time 1')e discontinued on Sei>t4<30th'".::.t mid night co.nd that we revert to standard time on the above date. co.x-ried .. /---- BL .. :"'..Y L.EGGE,tho..t I~fraJ~Ge.I:itcDonalcl receive the sum of ;"350 .. 00 o.z. e.rra.nged as :remuneration for services rend_ered ysrhile .stating as tovln clerk clu:cing the alJsence of Mr.Andrews r:.nd the see.l of the Corp.be attached hereto. Co..:L'r i ed. Council adjcu;cned,.on r.tdtion of the Reeve o..nd JJeputy i1.eeve,Gt 12~45 .i\ .... 11. !;lay or. ( \__