MINUTES - Council - 19330808., > ' ' •:. · · .... ·.· .. ··'····· ; I. (!I; Iii! ill... ..• · ::• . . I !i !II~U!''~'if·i llf!ii!P<!i'! RlP JIM ( -~---. --<~~1-T~,-Y ; i# . ' 'A t-ft_:~,J ~.A '·C , ,,:Lo-~-.b. ," tf __ j)~",+t~_LJ,IJ-J~iJ. jjJ, .. ,_._ -, ,_ -~ \JJHRJ.L.L.}?f-JIC%L .. AlVDiJ 2KL-JH. )kk-L. -\. _), __ _j / .. ?/(\__,_ -"'--''"'· ... · _ -,\ ·-'h ,,. ___ ,,>,_5'--!':'li._ ,_,.,, __ ,_,__'9,, •. ,, __ ,,,~, .• _-. ~···· ~i ltl .,_ THE FIFTJ:tiENTII MJGETING OF T3J1 COl.D:ICD~ FOR !r:tm YE.All l933 was held_ in the Coun- oil room on Tuesday eve.Aug.8th.a.t 8.15 with the Mayor presirJ.ing and the Reeve Deputy Reeve and Councillors 1\ila.lloy and Stuart in attendance. The minutes of the last two meetings were read~the thirteenth being adopted on me tion of Messrs .Legge and Malloy and the fourteenth on motion of Me.ssl!ls .Stuart and lW:alloy. A deputation of sevm~al business men were present to support the petition for compul.sory closing at 7 .P.M:. and ~\d.dressed Council. w.steadman complained of the odor from the disposal plant and F.Scott of the odor from the drain running down Irwin Ave. STUA.J.tT LEGGE,that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the :rreasurer foJ the payment of the following accounts be <:>nd the same is hereby confirmed~and the seal of the Corporation be atts.ched hereto; Sewer Acct.July Corp. " Aug. l8th.Ont.Municipal Bd.validating Debentures 8th~ Mrs.Waites caretaking M.~Robinson · 15th l>Krs.Waites '1\t .. Hobinson 22nd. JVfrs. Waites M:.Robinson 29th Mrs.11 aites Ivi.Robinson 5th. Mrs.Waites I\l.Robinson $60.00 7 .oo 9 .oo 7.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 7.00 e.oo carried• LEGGE MALLOY that the follovring acco8nts be paid,that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the saJne and that the. seal of the Corp.be Corp.. Bell Phone Co.65,4.64;326.2.50;135,3.40;.123,2.8l; W .R.Mc',1Uade band tunics Ough and Son sundries County ·reasurer Hcsp.acc ts. J.H.~o~n sundries Attridge and Son. lbr. W.E.Taylor repairs to Berczy St.pa.1i!"enent Aurora Greenhouses plants Davis Garage oil and fan belt Murrays Hdwe. H.E.Gilroy police uniform Municipal Road Spraying Co. oil for road J.Black teaming and gravel Clerk, petty cash acct. A.D.Clarke relief rent Atkinson Mrs.Hulse Closs ], .Hale Egan A.HuJ.se Gilpin C.Sheard Hawkes li!Irs.l.tregory Hutchinson Bond and Son " account Merchant and Case Knowles and Sons Highland Uil Co. Westons Bread G.R .Ardill F.i\iorris Cousins Dairy Aurora Dairy Five Cent to $ store attached hereto; 13.35 37.00 16.15 51.37 4.30 31.64 27.15 14.15 1.20 5.65 26.90 66.15 49.35 10.80 4.19.' 7.50 6.75 5.00 5.25 7.50 18.95 14.01 21.16 3.60 2.00 16.16 10.99· 5.85. 10.71 1.32 ''---- a Scanlons .i:l<J.kery , / L.Fingold June l38.96;July 144.77; :Plaza Cafe burial of w.s.titt work on sewer and tile F.W.Teasdale J.F.Willis Dolllinion Store l? .M .• Thompson C.F.MaCabe Banner :Press F~Browning AoFleu.ry H.~ Westlake lime , .a emen t outside trips ticket agent and tile .Wl4.l8 283.73 14.50 18.79 2.45 79.94 50.00 6.15. 15.89 125.93 3~00 3.00 ca:b:tied. STUAl\T MALLOY that the following accounts be paid, that the Ilfuyor issue orders .. on the treasurer for the same and that the zeal of the Corp.be attached hereto; w.w. Jas.Robertson Co. fountain and supplies E.C .1\lingay express Bell Phone Co. ~12 55.40 3.65 3.27 carried. STUART KNOWLES,that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on he treasurer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be·atta~hed hereto; E.L. J.Black teaming Dept.of Trade and Coml!lerce J.Stubbs· one pole 39 1 H.E.P.Ct power for June Bell Phone Co. #240 J.Fleurys Sons Can.Laco lamps Aurora Service Stn. oil Ferranti Electric meters Clerk, express ana stamps meter insp. 5.90 11.85 5.00 2110.76 2.50 1.50 59.98. 4.75 59.08 2.25 carried. Mr.Macclonald of the Godson Contracting Co.was heard relative to the cheaper forms of pavement; 'fhe Aurora Athletic Association asked for the Councils consent to hold a stree dance on Yonge St.on Aug.30th.the letter was laid over to hear the feeling of the business houses affected and until a full council was present.Mr.G.Griffiths aske what disposition the Council gad made of the request of the Centre St.residents for financial consideration when their drain was incorporated into the Sewerage System.:l.'his letter was laid over for a fuller meeting .. The application of Mr.J. Thomson f~r permission to place another p~~p on lihe street fronting his service station was referred to the R.&.B.Committee.The Hunters Trials asking for the usual grant was referred to the Finance Committee,and likewise the request from the York Co.Municipal Association that the town join their body.The Liberal Assn.' of Aurora asked for the use of the arena on Sat.afternoon Aug.l9th. STUAlctT MALLOY that the n.Y.Liberal Association be granted the use of the arena for organisation purposes on Sat.Aug.l9th.for the Stl!ll of :j~20 .00 .11ie 8 srs. Li.nowles and llegge moved in amendment that the words twenty -be struck out and fif- teen substituted. The e.mendment was voted upon and carried.The original motion ,) 3 with the substituted wording was then voted upon and carried. ,;,_ letter from the Association of Fire Chiefs asJuing that vre send the Chief to the convention was ordered to be handed to the Chairman of the J!'ire Committee with the understanding that no further expense could be incurred by the tovna. The c.N.R.Solic.itor asking our consent to a change in the wording of the order of the He.ilway Board regarding the Wellington St.crossing was referred to the Solicitor f for his opinion on motion of Messrs.Knowles and ~·.tuart. "' Arrplication of W.E.Taylor for :payment of part of his holdback was referred to thei -I Finance Comrni ttee ~on motion of lillerrsr .Stuart and Legge. i Letters regarding the improvement or paving of Larrnont fom the Storms Contracting . I Co.and the Godson Construction Co.were laid over for a fuller meeting. From the County Clerk regarding the hosp{talisation of obstetrical cases on direct relmef was referred to the Relief Committee. The petition from A.N.Fisher and others relative to compulsory closing on week nights at 7 .P .r11. was read and its sufficiency considered and acLrni tted. STIJART II[AI-LOY, that a Bylaw be prepared by the town solicitor regarding the petit· on of storekeepers re.closing of stores on certain evenings of the week. carried. The a.pplica tion of the A urora Orchards for ele~tric current was referred to the E.L.Committee. Letters from James Proctor and Redfern regarding the payment of part of the hold. back to llifr.W.E.Taylor,the balance owing Greenhouses and Conservatories Ltd>and the crack in the pavement at Wells and ][etcalf were read and referred to the next meetin of Council. An application for water service wa.s read from ][r .H.Eveleigh,Connaught Ave. I STIJART MALLOY,that the application of ][r.H.Eveleigh for water servil!le be grant-1 and that the town foreman proceed with the work .aw soon as possible.carried. The Council adjourned,at 12.P.M. to meet on JJonday eve,next,Aug.l4th.at 8.15. liiiayor.