MINUTES - Council - 19330612I
THE ELJ:!fV'Iillfl."K JIJffi:ETIJiG of the Counci~ for the year ~933 was he~d in the Council
Room on Monday eve •. r\m~·l2th.with the Mayor presiding ,and the Dep.lteeve and. all the
Councillors in a.ttendance.
The minutes of the tea=iA-m.ee.ting was scrutinized,and of the eenth were read
and adopted ..
Communications were read from Mr.C • .'\..Kirk and from Dr.D.B..Ma.cdonald,complainin
of the odor down :llhe creek~having its. origin, in their opinion~.from the disposal
Plant.Messrs.Blay and Bunn moved a. resolution that these letters be acknowledged,.
stating that the matter has been referred to the Engineers. Carried.
A ... lettex: was read from the lJe.futy ~reasirer of the County in reply·to that
forwarded. by resolution of Council stating that. 3000.00 had been forwarded to the
H.S.Board,and that no municipalities in arrears are receiving grants on account.
BLM RmTN tha.t in order that compariscans may be made from y;ear to year~and due to
the f·act that it has been cus.tomary for the H.S.Grant to be forwarded to the Clerk
of Aurora,.we rr::<luest tha.t the R.S.Board permit this practise to be continued,and
that if possible a cheque for three thousand dollars already received,bey the.H.S.
Board be given to the Clerk of the Town of Aurora,which will immediately be returned
to the H.S.Board by cheque from the tcwm of Aurora,and that future checks be for-
warded to the Clerk.We make this re<luest for record purposes.onl.y,and trust that
this request will not inconvenience the H?S.Board in any way. carried.
A letter fDDm the Border Cities Chamber of Commerce regarding the Electrical
convention to be held shortly was ordered filed.
:M:r.Blay from the Committee on Finance submitted the following repox:t;That the
thirty dayn option,given to Gairdner and Co.for the purchase of $62.000.00 of lleb-
entures be cancelled as of June 2nd.l933,and that the unsold portion thereof,amo-
unting to approximately $39,.000.00 be sold to Dominion Secuti ties Ltd.a.t a. price of i
99.This is a definite purchase by the Dominion Securities Ltd.at this price.We suggel
that Gairdner and Co.be notified at once by registered mail,of our decision.We
hereby authorise :M:r.Chubb,manager of Bank of Mcntreal,Aurora,to dispose of these
bonds to Dom.Sec.Corp.Ltd.at the above mentioned price immediately.Un motion of
Messrs.DeLaHaye and Bunn this report was adopted.
Jl[r .Blay of the Finance Committee submitted the following repoet; That the i'reas
urer open a special book showing loans made by the town form time to time,the date
the loan was made,the amount of each and the date paid .. (2).:..·ha.t a similar book be
opene~ showing all town debentures covering ~ocal improvements,the date these deb
tures were issued,the term of years covered,the amount of the issue and the total
annual payments as made.(3}.That the solicitor check up on all classes of business
from. whom. annual liaence feewa should be colleated,in the town,and that a special
ledger be opened by the C.lerk for this purpose,and an account opened by each indiv-
idual entlitl ed to pay a licence fee,and an annual charge shown therein,also the
cre~it for the amount when paid showing the date received,We recommend that these
fees be charged as from Jan.lst.l933 and that this ledger be opened at once.(4).
That the Clerk supply the Council with a list of accounts receivable of persons
owing the town monies,for materials purchased from the town,or covering work done
by the town employees for local citizens,and that.ri in future all work done or mat-
erial sold be for aash only,and that any accounts be treated as contra accounts
against any account owing to the town,by persons to whom the town are paying out
m.onies.,regardless whether it be for electric,light,water,taxes,or miscellaneous
purchase of supplies. (5 J .'l'ha.t the Clerk in future enter all monies received daily
in the cash boolj: showing the da.te of payment,the name and initials of the party
m.aking the payment,and that all money taken in be deposited the same day they are
received,in order that the cash book and the deposit will balance daily,These
deposits should be made by the Clerk at 2.45 dailypand the municipal day in Aurora
be from 2.45 to 2.45 P.J1!.(6)."e also wil!lh all monies collected bynthose,other than
the Clerk,for electric light to be turned into -the clerk daily,.again showing the
date,the amount collected,and the initials and names of citizens making these pay-
ments,and tha& the practice of making these collection entries in total bnly be
discontinued at once.All of the aforesaid we recomme 2d to put indio effect iimned-
iately following Council meeting,June 13th.l933.we also recommend that the chairmen
of the E.light and water departments bring in at an early date,their recommendation
as to any improvements in the bookkeeping methods covering the accounts of these
two departments as; it would appear to us that present methods in use are not adeq-
uate to meet the requirements of these departments.(B).We suggest that a special
and seperate account be opened for the arena,and tha;t all expenditures,receipts,etc
pertaining to the arena be kept in this account. ( 9). ;, e recommend that the Clerk
make a concentrated effort to collect tax arrears,and that any town employee owing
the town moniesin any of the accounts be advised that it is our recommendation
that an amount not less than three dollars per week be deducted from their remun-
erationuntil such time asi their accounts are paid in full.(lO).That persons owning,
property in the townof Aurora, ~rented. to others) on which there are arrears of taxes
be notified by the Cl.erk that all rents must be paid into the Clerks offive until
aJ.l tax arrears are paid up in full,and that the Clerk also notify the tenants of sue
ch houses to make his or her rent payments in future each month to the town of Aur-
ora;these notices to be delivered personally by the Clerk or forwarded by registered
mail.The legality of this action has been approved by our solicitor.We would also
reco=end that with a limited num1ier odl: property owners"whose taxes are greatly in
ar~ears,they be notified that if payment &s_not made,or some arrangements suitable
to this Council be made within sixty days from this date,that proceedings be co=-
enced to take over the property for arrears of taxes.(ll).This Committee also dis-
cussed the advisibility of a monthljt audit,with a q_uarterly statement presented by
the officers to the Council.In taking this up with the Auditors,Ureig and Clark,
they have advised the Committee that they wmuld do this work for '~~'200.00 per annum •
The present amount being paid is $108.00 and the Committee believe for the differ-
ence in costwe would be well advised to have a monthly audit as outlined herein.~t
is also understood that the aud&tors would bring the present years audit up to date
and if satisfactory,commence the' monthly audit in July 1933,and for this year they
accept ~~150.00;with $200.00 per annum thereafter.(i2l.Inasmuch as the report has
not been gone over completely at this time,we are making the aforesaid recommend-
ations and are not accepting the auditors report until the Committee have had an
opportunity of completing an analysis of this report."Messrs.Knowles and Malloy
moved that the report be gone over clause by clause.carrlied.Council resolved into
Committee of the whole and the report was considered clause by clause. I
KNOWLES DELAHAYE, that the report of the .!finance Committee re the recommendationj
. J of the Auditors report in part,be hereby accepted,and the recommendations be put I
into effect as from this meeting. Carried.
mr.Blay presented further comparative monthly statements of receipts and ex-
penditures,a.ndalso of the gasoline consumption.'"-essrs.Bunn and :Malloy moved that
these reports be filed. Carried.
~.Bunn for the Bylaws Committee reported that there was nothing for his comm
to report at this meeting.
Mr.Stuart for the w.w.comrn.ittee reported;"'l'ha.t the water tank has receii!Ted two
coats of paint,one of lead and one of aluminum ,"'e find that although the tank has
sufficient protection with two coats there are a great many brush marks which mech
anics state could not be avoided and would advise one more coat of aluminum a:t a"C
cost of ~~63.0Q.We would also suggest that as4the foundation of the Fountain on
Yonge St.is in a dangerous condition,that said fountain be moved to the town park
placed on a proper foundation and redecoratedtand that the matter of replacing
same on Yonge St.with a public fountain be taken into consideration.
"l.'hat the base of the watertank be put into a satisfactory condition by Mr.F.
Dunaam,town foreman.
:SLAY MALLOY,that the rep·ort pf the w.w.committee be accepted regarding the
ird coat-of-aluminum for the watertank,and.repairs to the base of the tank also,
the removal of the fountain to the town park,and that tenders be called for any
expenditu:ee in this connection,and that the seal of the Corp.be attached. Carried.
Wtt.Stuart for the Relief Comuittee reported the amount of relief for May as
$456.20 -with about fifteen men on relief and advised c.ontinuing the system for
present.On motion of lilles 6 rs .Bunn and DeL 8 -haye the reoprt. was adopted.
STUART BLAY that owing to intended improvements to our shelter for transients
it is hereby agreed that said shelter be closed until further notice after being
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and that courtyard outside also be thoroughly
cleaned. Carried.
The report of the Special Committee,.on account of the absence of Reeve Legge
was laid over until the next meeting.
The petition of A.Taylor and others for an improved gra.vel road on Larmont
St.wastaken up.Mr • .Storril of the construction was present and discussed the matter.
BLAY STUiUiT,that after considerable and careful consideration by this Coun-
oil of the petition submitted by property owners fronting or flanking on Larmont·
St.petitioning this Council to lay an improved and treated gravel surface as pro-
vided by the Storms Construction Co.we have requested Mr.Storms to further invest
igate the condition of this road before going ahead with the work,in order that
the property owners and this Council may be assured of a satisfactory completion
of this work and a r oad which will give years of service,and the Council make a
decision in this matter at our next regular meeting. Carried.
DELAHAYE BUNN that the Council give the Library Board a .further interim grant I
of ~oo.oo and the seal of
'l'enders forband tunics
the Corp.be attached,hereto. Carried.
were received from Messrs.Gilroy a.nd McQ.uade.
KNOWI.ES BUNN,that the tender of Mr.R.Mcq,uade for twlil band tunics at a price
$18.50 each be accepted,and that the seal of the Corp.be attached. ~IIi&d.
_KNOWLES DELAHAYE that the Mayor be authorised to obtain prices from local
sources regarding a new uniform for the town constable,Mr.Fleury,and that the same
'· --~
be :purchased at the best :pri~~re,ta.king q_ual.ity into consideration,and that the
seal of the Corporation be a.ttached hereto. Carried.
Me 8 sra.Stuart and Blay o:p:pos.ed the :purchase of band uniforms.
~'he matter was under discussion.
ll'f.:I:.JJeLaliaye offered that if the town council. would :pay thirty dollars,for two
uniforma,he would :pay the balance himself~
MJ:.Stuart req_uested the yeas and nays. Yeas,~r.Boul.ding;,lliLr.Bunn,Mr.DeLaHaye,
Mr.Knowles,Ji1X.Ma.ll.oy. Nays Mr.Blay M:t-Stuart. 'l'he motion was carried.
The Council resolved into Committee of the whole on the matter of the agreement:
with the liiJ.l Chemical Co .• and with lliLr.J.H.L.Patters.on,Jltir.Blay in the chair,.
Council. resumed.
STUART BLAY that the lliLayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorised to sign
the agreement between \'ful.R.Hill,U.Lyon Pol.son,.H'rederick Taylor and the Corporation
of fue town of Aurora. and cause the corpora.te seal to be attached thereto. That the
said agreement .. be signed when the application o!i-<!ifie for the charter of the w.R.
Hill chemical Co.Ltd.is filed with the Sec.of State at Ottawa and the fees :paid.
That the seal of the Cor:porat:iion be att~ched hereto. Carried.
The.Council resolved into committee of the whole on the agreement with Mr.
Patterson.The agreement was considered. Council resumed.
KNOViLES?BUNN,that the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorised and
instructed to-sign the agreement between Alexandra T.Patterson and the town of
Aurora and the seal of the corporation to be attached thereto.The said agreement
to be signed after the agreement with the W.R.Hil.l Chemical Co.Ltd.i.s signed and
sealed.ihat the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Warried.
A Bylaw to authorise the borrowing of money for electric light account was
introduced,given its several readings in regular and legal form,and was :passed
and sealed.
The Uouncil adjourned,on motion of Messrs.Blay and Knowles.
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