MINUTES - Council - 19330703. ·--~- ·-~. TI-lE THIRTEENTH MEETING OF T.HE COUNCIL FOR THE 1\WJlr.llffi 1933 was held in the Council ro~~· o~ Monday eve.July 3rd.at 8.15 with the mayor presiding and all mem- ·aers in attendance. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and a:pp:i:oved. BLAY lii!ALLOY that the :[.c:t.lon of the Mayor in issuing orders on 1he Treasurer for the payiU€m:f of the following accounts be •. nd the same is ,hereuy ,confirmed,and that the seal pf the Corp.bE) attached to this resolution; Corp. June lOth. Mrs., ,ai tes, llar etaking $7.00 J.Gol:Ylding 15;oo M:.Robinson 9.GO 17th.Mrs. iia.i tes 7~00 J.Goulding 15~00 M.Robinson . 9~00 J .Granger 14.70 24th.Mrs. :· ai tea 7 ~00 J.Gotilding 15.00 M.Robinson 9 .. 00 30th. M:ra.Waites 7.00 J.GoUlding 15 .oo M.Robinson 9 .oo E.Light 24th• Elec.tr iai ty Ins.pea tion Dept. 7.50 carried. BLAY M:ALLOY that the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders . -· . .. .. - on the tre111surer for the same and that the seal of the corp.be attached hereto; Corp. Bell Phone Co .65.,4.7 4;.123 ,.2 .. 50 ;326 ,2 .50 ;135 ,.3.6l;it>l3~35 R.Westlake arena 3~00 B.G.Whitelaw ledgers 1~20 J.Black teaming R.&.B. 135.60 County of York,hosp.accts. 61.90 Highland Oil Co. order 3111 47.00 Municipal Road S.&.O.Coo. 5185 gals.at lOt 544~43 J.Offo:i:d mower repairs 2.00 Aurora Hdwe Co. orders 3103~3102,4324 5~59 F.R.Underhill .l!'iremens liab.prem.L.G.&.A.Co 142.32 Clerk stampstexpress etc. 15.65 Ilanner Press 21.21D F.C.Davis repair to truck 10.30 A.D.Clark rent Atkinson relief acct. 5.50 ].l(rs.Hulse " Closs 7.50 A.Hulse "· Gilpin 6 .oo l\!Irs.Gre~ory " Hutchinson 15.00 CoSheard 11 Hawkes 1~75 w.Profit II " 3.00 Knowles and Sons 19~19 Westons Bread (W.Brown) 3.00 Merchant and Case 16.88 F.Rowland 1.00 F.W.Teasdale 15.63 Dawsons urill 3.00 Bond and Son 30.67 Dominion Stores 74~37 Dans Cafe 9.00 J .F.Willi.s police 65 relief 2. .• 30 2.95 F .Mo~ris lfi .. 3.0 carried. BLAY KNOWLES,that the following accounts be paid,that the mayor issue orders on the treasurer for the aame and that the seal of the corp.be attached; ·-·---···~--~------· -----• -----· -·--,,.,., ---···--"''" • • -.-. ._ ----"--"" ----:• ~···---..--...-,--.. -. -.-. ---·-_·'" '?:';'·-·.--:-:-c-:·~~;·,":"-:-:~._,.._-~-·~:~·.:--;-~"";-"'C•,--·-.-.-.-.. -----:-:-~-·· -·-·~:-,;•-. • .-. -• --.--•----·--------~----· __ __.,) j . " :~.Light 2 E.C.M:tngay freight H.E.l?.C.•of Ont. May power AUJ::ora.Hdwe .co. Ferranti Elec:.trio I.td. 435.0, meters Bell. I'hone Co. #24.0 Aurora Electric Shop ;r .Black teaming .35 2025 .. 12 1.30 70.33 2 .• 82 40 2.30 carried. STUJill.T BUY tna t the following accounts be paid, that the mayor issue orders .. . ' ..... ,.. -. on the treasurer for the same and that the seal of t.he Corp.be attached hereto; w.works Buil.ding Repairs and Al tera.tio.ns Jas.Ro.bertson Co. ord.4340 .Liiurrison :Br.ass Co.. -31.09 ;Elell--Phone Co.-_ #12 .Clerk_, s. tamp~:; J?a-nner Press, 261.00 1.83.42 . 8.75 3.90 7.00 13.57 carried .. Letters were read from. the Storm Contracting Co.stating that they had invest- igated the matter of sand on Larmont St.and found that it should not interfere with a road. surface.. tabled • .l!rom F.P.Higgins and T.A.M:.Hulse,regarding the claims against the holdback on the "reenhouses and Conservatories Ltd.On motion of Messrs Bla:t and Legge these were handed to the solicitor.Order from. the Board of Ry.Comm- iss.ioners.#49959,authorising the switch across Wellington St.to the Aurora .l!'lour and J!·eed mills .. James :Proctor and ~'edfern regard ing the complaints of oders from· the Dis"p.plant,along the creek.illessrs .:Slay and Bunn moved that"i.J the letter be ack- nowledged,stating that the odor still exists and requesting them to pursue the matter further~The Dept.of Healtb,,stating that there are no departments,either provincial or federal wnich can be of much assistance in the matter of wells and water supply.Filed.A petition from J_.T.13ond and nine others,asking the Council to enforce the observance of Dominion Day. Filed on motion of ""essrs,Blay and DeLa Kaye.Bell Phone Co.respecting the need to move certain anchors to the west to make room for the c.N.R.switch.hle 6 srs.Knowles and 13unn moved thatn the Chairman of the R.&.B.Comm.get in touch with the .tiell co.foreman to see if the guy poles cannot be placed in a more convenient place than immediately in front of the entrance to· Mr.Carberrys home.from Mr.J.D.Lucas,enclcsing an ggreement and Bylaw covering same carrying out cer.tain arrangements made with Messrs.Lennox and Conover,taking over certain properties for tax arrears ,and releasing Mr.Lennox from an alleged inter• est in others .Tabled..The solicit.or.informing C01.J.ncil of the tradesmenwho are sub- ject t.o "licence if Council wishes to act .. On motion of Mesrs.Knowles and Stuart this was referred to the Finance and Bylaws committees.Mr.F.Trivett appeared regarding his tax arrears~.Ben Cox complained that the depression in front of his property due to the sewer excavation has not been filled. satisfactorily. The me,yor explained that the tender for the police uniform has been let to H.E.Gilroy,the lowest local tender • . ,(;'• •; ... ,- 3 l'<Tr.B~ay for the finance committee submitted the fol~owing reporti"..-hat the to1m auditors .1:11essrs,C~ark and ~.treig have been approa.ched regarding this years audit and have agree<i to do the work this year for ~il~O .00 as suggested, by the Council at our last meeting.:L'his work would consist of an audit bringing the books up tp date anti a monthly audit. unti~ the end of our year,. This wil~ give the in• coming counci~ an audit which will be of assistance to them in .January.and not necessitate waiting for severa~ months after the first of the year,for the auditors report as in the past.In undertaking this work this year at the above mentioned figure the auditors would ~ike some consideration thatn they might be appointed next year on the terms as already suggested,namely :il>200.00 per year.They receive the sum of ·~108.00 per annum at present for an annual audit,and this being only wg2.00 more per annum for a monthly audit seems to us to be sound economy.This committee will ·bring in its reconunendations regarding insurance at the next regular' meeting before which time a very substantial sum should be collected on taxes.Mr. :J.'aylor has been in to see the chairman of this conunittee several times recently,. regarding his receiving from the town a portion· of the ten per cent holdbau-k~held· by the town as per his contra.ct.We would like an expression from the council regard ng this so as to give W~r.Ta.ylor something definite in this regard.We suggest in fairness to all concerned,that the engineer supply Mr.Taylor with a list of the uncompleted work before this matter will be given further consideration until the j ·work is al~ completed.rie.Mr.Lennox and Conover & Lennox.We have approached Mr.Lucas 1 I asking_ that the matters pertaining to the above be completed as soon as possible~ 1 and have been advised by Mr.Lucas that he has forwarded draft copy of Bylaw and agr1 ement to Mr.Andrews and that the deeds are in his office (Mr.Lucalil\')signed ready • to hand over to us when this agreement has been received by him from Mr.Andrews. This is in connection with Yonge St.property recently occupied by Mr.Read for which. t I we are anxious to receive a quick claim deed for arrears of taxes ,and clean up the 'j property and remove any buildings now on it.l'his report was adopted on motion of 1 Messrs.I.egge and Bunn. Mr.Blay read the half yearly statement prepared by the treasurer.showing an increase in receipts for the half year,and a substantial decrease in expenditures; chiefly in the amount required by the schools. Mr.DeLaHaye for the fire co~nittee reported as follows;ttthe fire committee have examined the agreement between the township of ~ing and Aurorarregarding the for- mation of a fire area as prepexed by the solicitor • .r.H.~aughton 1 and recommen<i that it be adopted and forwarded to the Council of Aie~ adotion. received. ·;y_r, ;•:~•'.• • -·.------~-----~--·-.,,...-~,..__---~--•~o·~--.. -. --.. -. ,...-_-,--,•,..,...-~c;;·:;~:·-c-;-;·:;--.,...._, ·,----;-:-·:-:------- --.. -.-. -, .-.. -,-, <T,~·-·· I (·- 4 :M.r.Legge,for the R.&.B.Corrnnittee reported as followa; "according to instructions froni Co-uncil we :procured 200 hundred cedar trees at a cost of ~15.00 :per hundred~ and. 25. maples at 25 cents. each,We called for tenders for road as:phal t and accepted the tender of· the Municipal ~-i.e ad 0 :praying and Oiling Co.for 5000 gals .at 10-~-cents :per gaL,·'e recommend that two thirda of cost be charged to the :property owners and = one third :paid by the town •. ile have continued the ditching and grading during the :past month and had the grass and weeds cut on the roadsides .. The switch to the .Aur- ora Flour and l!'eed mill has been completed across ·,ielJ.ington St. to the satisfaction, of the committee.Regarding the :petition of the ratepayers on Larmont St.,we find that it has been signed by the re'l(uired number ,a.nd woillld recommend that the Storm Contracting Co.:proceed with the work according to the estimates submitted by them. ! ile also recommend that another 500 gals.of a.s:phal:J: dust layer be :purchased,being i · · · t th ··r d I the amount necessary to complete the road o~l~ng dur~ng he mon .ve woul recommenq . . . I that repairs and new sidewalk be :proceeded with~~eport received on motion of MessrsJ J)eLa .. tiye and Blay. :M;r.Legge for the special corrnnittee reported as folloes;"We have been unable to I come to any decision on the matter before the corrnnittee ,namely the question of fre, electricity having been supplied to two town officials,namely Geo.Walker and M.L. 1 .! Andrews,and recommend that the matter be discussed in Council as a whole.Reo:prt received on motion Of Messrs.Blay and Bunn .. Mr.Blay read a report on gasoline consumption from Mr.Langman,also showing lamps on hand and number required.He also suggested the securing of an air compress or to increase the flow of water from the wells at the w.w. when the demand happens I to be excessive. l\fr.Stuart for the relief ColliDlittee reported;Orders issued in June $349.85,16 on relief for work~two families assisted without work.Accepted on motion of Messrs. Legge and DeLaHaye. For the w.w.co=ittee,Mr.Stuart re:ported;"the following notice has been sent out to water consumers in arrears,with the quarterly account,stating the amount of . ! a.rreras~For some time past the carrying out of the bylaw regarding arrears of water/ rates has been neglected • .lt will now be strictly enforced.To avoid hardship in paym~ those consumers whom the bylaw affects may pay thier arrears on the following basisJ i In addition to the regular quarterly rate the sum of $3.00 must be :paid on al!'count I of arreras .• In cases where ltlhe amount of arreras 1s in excess of $20.00 there must be a payment of six dollars in addition to the regular quarterly rate • .Any fail~re ---c----.--,--"'""c' -··:···· ( 5 to pay arreras in this. way will result in the water ser~ice being cut off without further notice.For turning on the water where the service has been cut off under the bylaw a charge of fifty cents will be made .••eport was adopted on motion of Messrs. DeLaHaye and Legge • .. JVLerrsr.Blay e.nd Malloy moved that the clause in Mr.Langmahs. report referring to the air compressor be laid over and placed in the hands of the ~~¥.Committee for fur- ther information.carried. Mr.Knowles for the E.L.Committ.ee reported as follows;"l'hat wires e,nd street light, be removed from a pole near MR.J.McGhees. and placed on the Bell Phone Cos pole;and I that our pole be removed.Est.costb $20.00.That a 35f pole be placed west of the drive way entering theC.N.R.Yard on :!'tellington St.E. est.cost 15.00.That a new pole be erected east of c.N.R.track on Centre St.E. Est.cost $10.00;that one linemans belt and two safety straps be purchased to replace old worn belt e.nd straps.Est.ililO.OO; That prices be obtained on a wire tightening block and ratchet.••eport received on motion of .Messrs.Blay and Legge. Council resolved into committee of the whole on the agreement between Mr.I.ennox and the town of Aurora,Mr.Blay in the chair.Committee rose and requested that the agreement drawn by Mr.Lucas be handed to our solicitor to search the boundaries of. the properties and to safeguard our interests. MJ\l.LOY BLAY,that the first street east of the c.N.R.tracks running north and . . . . .. . decision oC:f south between Wellington and Centre Sts.be straightened according to the R.&.B.Comm. of 1932 .M:r.w.S.Gibson has completed his survey.'l'herefore our town foreman be instr- ucted tc begin this work as soon as possible. Carried. A bylaw was introduced by Mr.Legge,given its several readings,Mr.Blilnn in the aha in committee and. was passed, instructing the mayor and clerk to sign the agreement between Mr.Lennox and the town of Aurora,when approved by the solicitor. BLAY LEGGE tb.at the E•~.report regarding the work of rebuilding or reconstruc~in the said work as named in the report be accepted and that the seal of the Corp.be att ached hereto.That one linemans belt and! two se.fety straps be purchased.That a price be obtained on a wire tightening block and rachet. Carried. The council resolved into committee of th.e whole on the agreement between the Tp.of Il.ing and the town of Aurora regarding the formation of a fire area.Mr.Stuart in the chair.Committee rose and reported the agreement adopted as read. BLAY LEGGE that the engineer of the town of Aurora be advised at on~re that the smell from the disposal plant is still prevelant and that the council requests that •,," (,._ -.. --~; 6 some immediate action be taken by the engineer to eliminate this nuisance at once Carried. KNOWLci!S. .LJJIT.u-illi-I.Y:'li chat prices be obtained with regard to the cost cf material .- and vrorlc of suppiying water to the home of the :3isters of StJohn the Divine,by the YV)iil.W: .. Dept.and report ·back at the next regular meeting of council, with the Under- standing that no work of this nature be proceeded. with unless a vote of the people has been secured. Carried e. ,, EL.AY: L8GGE, ths.t following the petition receivecl by this council from citizens . . on Larmont St.petitioning this council to lay a treated and improved gravel sur- face on Larmont St.that this council hs,s decided to proceed with the work,and we 'will call for tenders from the Storm Construction Co.and specifications covering this work.In these tenders we req_lilire a guarantee as to the life of this roalf,or ''/':1. for how many years they will keep it in repair at their own expense,when completed, the scale of wages to be paid to local citizens employed in this work,a.nd that this work be completed to the satisfa.ction of the H.&.:B.Committed· Car·ried .. . STUART M.ALLOY that a buboler fountain be l'lurcgased and placed on the site of the present fountain on Yonge St.which will be removed to the town park,and that the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. Carried. A. Bylaw to place Mr.Jas.lloulding on a regular salaried basis was introduced by Mr.Knowles,.given its severs.l readings and passed.in legal manner. LEGGE :SLAY that the H.&.B.Committee purchase one tank of asphalt dust layer of 500 gals.at the same price per gallon,namely lOJ cents~and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. KNOWLES BLAY that a contract for the pliirchase of electric lamps for the town of Aurora be entered into by the town and the Canadian Lace Lamp Co.Ltd.at the con- tract price with 33-:<:l#-% discount,and that the seal of the Corporation be attache Carried. ,c, drain on Yonge St.sou th was discussed and the R.& .B.Comm.wi th the tovm fore- man requested to inspect and ascertain if any suggestions can be made for its imp- rovement. 'l'he council adjourned,on motion of the deputy reeve and Mr • .I.IeLa Haye at 1.10 A.M. . "''' "" lVfwJ or.