MINUTES - Council - 19330609/
THE. EI..ll1VEN.TR MEETING of the Counc.i~ was he~d. on Jun.e 9th at 8.30 P.M.
with Jl.ILe~~ra::Biay:B;mn·:D~La.Haye Malloy and Stuart present .•
Mr.Stuart waa voted to the chair.
BL...J\.Y BUNN that Mr.G.W·B~ay be authorised to advise V[.H.Hill and Co,-rs.
and .M.r.Patterson that u~es~--they are able to agree to come ·to Aurora on the
-. -~ --
basis and. under the arrangements as made between the Council and W?H?Hill and
Co.and Mr.Patterson at our meeting held June ?th.1933.that all negotiations be
dropped as we are not willing to make any further concessions in this matter.
tlnanimously carried.
BUliN D~ that Mr.Andrews be granted leave of absence from his dut-
ies as town cierk.from noon.MOnday June 12th.to s.A.Jl.IL.Wednesday June 14th.and
that during his. absence the town hall be closed with the exception of the hours
from 4.15 unti~ 6.P.Jl.IL•on Mo.nday and Tuesday ,and that a notice be placed on the
door of the town h~ll.to this effect and that the Treasurer be requested to
officiate as C~erk during this hour,and also that the 'l'reasurer be requested
to take the minutes of the Counci~ on Monday e~rening. Carried.
The Uouncil adjourned.,on motion of Messrs.Bunn and Malloy.
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