MINUTES - Council - 19330130.---.., .. .
Council room ~~ 1\i.ond~y eve.Jan.30th.with the Mayor presiding and ~li the members
in attendance. ! j
The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted.. l
The Fire CommL·ttee,messrs .. DeLaHaye,Bunnl and .l.egge submitted the following j
report •
"The ll'ire Committee awk the Council. to purcha.se one huhdre<l and fifty feet
of hose,competitive prices to be obtained,but preference given to Dominion make, l
l if price satisfactory;one spare tire and tube for Eire Truok,one new battery for f;
fire truck a.nd recommend that the ladder waggon be kept in the rear of the town
K1\f01!l/LBS,M.AJ"I,OY,that the report of the Fire Committee,as am.ended,be he'l:ulby
adopted, and t.Y:tatc.:the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. Carried ..
The measurements and ca.lculations,as detailed. in the report of the previous
meeting .of the Council was then proceeded with,item by item,and an exhaustive
explanation of the means of arriving at each calculation entered into by the
Engineers ,Messrs .Redfern and Mcintyre .Wb.en each i tern ha.d been considered seperat_e
the following resolution was submitted verbally by Messrs.Legge and Knowles and
approved,"that the Fire Committee prepare an estimate of the damage done to the
fire hose by Mr.w.E.Taylor•s men and order the same forwarded to him.
BLAY,LEGGE,that the accounts for sewers and disposal plant as certified to
by the Engineers of the town be passed for payment,and that all contra accounts
which the town has against the contractor be deducted from this payment before
it is made,and that contra accounts not be deducted from the amount held back,
being ten per.cent of the total contract.Vlhile the extras,as shown below,a.re
considerably more than anticipated,it is quite apparent that any and all extras
were recommended by the Engineers,and were necessary to ensure a satisfactory
completion of the work undertaken in connection with the sewers.We also recommendJ
that any future undertaking,involving any major expense,where any extras are I
necessary,that all extras be authorised by the Council as a whole,and not by
any individual member of Council,and that the seal of the Corporation be attached'
to this resolution. Carried.
As shown in the Minutes of the third meeting of the Council,the major items
of increased wx:penditure over that anticipated were as followst
.:dditional lllB.nholes ,necessary in many instances in evading existing drains
"2200 .oo
Timber left in trench
Concrete around sewer :pipe
Additional services,three hundred being the original estimate,e.nd four hund-
reda and seventee,serving 452,houses,in addition to 30 services later installed
by Mr .Dunham, 3276.00
Additional cost of sy:phons used at river crossinga 1000 .. 00
T~king care of existing cellar and other drains where interaected by the
trunk sewera 807.70
The vouncil adjourned,at 12.50 A..M. .. on motion ofthe Re eve and Deputy Heeve.
Mayor •
. ,.,." ..