MINUTES - Council - 19330206THE FIFTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEA.~ 1933 was held in _the Council
•'oom on Monday eve.Feb.6th.with all members in attendance and the Mayor presiding.
1~e minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted.
A deputation from Centre St.consisting of Mr.Griffith,Mr.Stephenson and Mr.Cock-
. .
erill appeared and ~e~gdd a protest against another resident being permitted co
connect with the sewer,for which they had paid,but which had been incorporated
into the sewerage system,without additional frontage cost to the original owners
of the Centre St.drain.The Bylaw committ8e was instructed to make legal enquiry
and report on the situation.
BLAY,LEGGE,that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer
for the payment of the following bills be and the same is hereby confirmed,and
that the seal of the
Corp. Jan.14th.
Corporation be attached to this
Pay Sheet #2 ·
Mrs.G.Waitee caretaking
D .IIL.Galbrai th truck policy
Il!rs .wai tee caretaking
Pay i:!heet #3
lire. "ai tes . 11
J .Egan arena
Library Board Grant
Mre.Waites caretaking
J .Ege.n arena
w.summere ..
27.90 z.oo
14.40 carried.
BLAY,LEGGE,that the following accounts be paid,that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporatipn ])e attached to
this resolution;
Ough and Son,eavetrough end supplies 18.03
W.H:.Taylor eal.as Div.Court Clerk. 24.00
W.H.Machell " Bailiff 24.00
Dept.of Highways licences,F.T.;town truck
and F.Dunham,drivers licence 5:.00
R.Westlake ticket agent at arena 7.00
W.C.Waite and Son battery F·T• orderl238 13.50
P.M:.Thompson burial Mre.$taley 50.00
s.C.Taylo~ cement sealer,D.Plant 7.60
D~is Garage repair F.T. 2.20
Municipal World,aeseesment requirements 25.88
Bell Phone Co.65,4.49;123,7.87P26,2.50;135,4.99 19.85
C .A.Cook fill and sawing 13.10
Ivi.(}raham tec.ming and gravel 100.05
J.M.Walton ins.premium town hall,lib.&market 36.00
Aurora H:dwe supplies · 7 .sa
Banner Press order 1225 44.77
F.Browning ,manhole 49 .oo ;pipe 126.54 ord.l229 175.54
Murraye Hdwe 1.63
H.A.Bowman i.ns.Mech.H:all 30.80
Stiver Dros.coal rink 14.50
Clerk postage etc. 4.30
Aurora Gen .store r_elief 17.69 prop .94. 18.61
Bond and Son, relief 8.97
Dane Cafe " 2.75
W.H.Chapman, # wood for Preston 4.00
Superior Stores " 14.36
Aurora Meat -arket 11 15.65
--,-.----:·_-:'";'"~;;~: ;'"~---:·-;-;-;:--·: '•'•'-~;-"-_'_'••:•,..,-•'~r,"e>oo·o-•• '"«-~'·"'" '•"··=,~-·· -· -----~·-~~~~·-<• .,·.-...-~-""
___ /
·:j.ueens Hotel relief
J.Cattell relief payment
of Ellis rent.
w.l'tofit "
Dawsons Grill · ••
Plaza Cafe
B.F.Davis & SOn.
Bcanlons Bakery
J .Hawkes 11
Knowles and Sons
Supe:r:-ior Stores
Markles Dairy
I,[urrays Hdwe
lVIrs .Hulse
C .A.Cook
Gilpin rent
A~Fleury trips outside
C)tiver Bros. relief fuel
relief fuel
u ·,f
Williamson Brcis,ooal town
relief 2.40
hall 43.50,me.H.l2.00
5 .• 75
57.90 carried.
BLAY lU\.LLOY, that the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders
on the w.w. Treasurer for the same,and th~.t the seal of
Factory E~uipment
Can.Brass Co.
Can.Valve & Hydrant Co.Temp.st.
National Iron Corp. "
Clerk, postage & express
Bell Phone Co~ #12
Aurora Gen.Store relief
the Co:c'rp.be attached;
96.85 carried.
Klif0 111LES,BLAY,that the following accounts be paid,that the Mayor issue orders
onfue Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corp.be attached;
E.L. Can.Wire & Cable Co.order 1216 139.39
Can.Line lil[atls. tt 1217 31.14
Line & Cable Accessories 1215 82.60
Bell Phone Co. # 240 3.51
Nor.Elea.Co. 1214 81.02
Can.Laco l~~ps 1230 60.30
H.E.P.C.of Ont. Dec.power 2136.26
Aurora Electric Shop 35
Clerk, freight stamps etc. 8.05
Aurora·Hdwe Co. 1;70
J.T~Bond relief 31.20
Banner Press cards 6.63 carried.
A letter was read from the Fire Brigade,relating tiD the grant and the division
of donations from fires outside town•referred to the Fire Corrunittee on verbal
motion.Mr.A.Love drew attention to the fact that he is an insurance agent but
has held no insurance on town propertyJreferred to Finance Connnittee.The "ssess-.
"" . i
ment notice from King Tp.on water lot,being same as in previous years was accepte1
Iii:r.I.O.Toole,applying for consideration as milk inspector,ta.bled ..
The Commission appointsd at a previous meeting of Council to survey the ind-
of the connnission
ustrial situation submitted the following report;•• We the members appointed by
you to make a survey of the Aurora Hardwares Ltd,and also the possibility of the
r\ I ....
formation of a company to manufacture wax,and a cereal of the nature of Roman
:rreal,and a flour product of the same material,together with the manufacture of
Washing Machines,the above mentioned industries to be financed and managed and to
form part of the Aurora Hardwares Ltd.using the same building as now occupied by
them-beg leave to submit the following report-
1ffhereas the town is desirous of straining every point to keep the present
Hardwares. Ltd..alive,have been in touch with T.F.Gilroy ,who states he holds some
rights and fo.rmulae to manufacture and sell wax,roman meal and washing machines~
and is prepared to manufacture the above artioles,and continue the industry known
as Aurora Hardwares Ltd.,investing the proceeds of the sale of a f,~7000.00 mortgage
which the town will have to purchase,said proceeds amounting to $5500.00.
Without remarking on the legality of the purchase of this mortgage bt the
town,out of Trust Funds,we doub~ the wisdom of handling this mortgage,on account
of the possibility of the Government passing moratorium legislation in reference
to mortgages.
From the information we have received of the business known as Aurora Hard.;.
wares Ltd.it is our firm belief that if the said Gilroy invested. tl'le total amount,
·namely $5500.00,it would not begin to finance this part of the venture alone,to
say nothing of the other enterprises he has i.n view.
"e understand considerable money,obtained from outside souroes,has already
been sunk in this business.whose failure appears to be due to a variety of causes,
the chief being insufficient capital,and lack of sufficient equipment to turn out
a full line of goods 0 both of the above being very essential to the successful man-
agement of any concern,and in order to put Aurora Hardwares Ltd,alone on the road
to success,it would be absolutely necessary to have,in our opinion,an amount of
money greatly in excess of that mentioned above.
,1\.s for the other enterprises,namely,Roman meal cereals,wax and Viashing
Machines,which Mr.Gilroy &s desirmus of locating in Aurora,and linking up with
Hardwares Ltd.they al1pear to be only in the initial stages,and we think it would
take a considerable amount of money to :place them before the public ..
After going carefully into the matter we question very much if the business
could be carried on successfully on so limited a capital,and have to advise against
the proposal as outlined to us.
All of which is respectfully submitted. signed J .B.Greig
i ..
L. !;'--,
BLAY LEGGE,that the report of the Commission appointed to investigate the
proposed industry be accepted nd that a letter be forwarded to the three members
of the Commission thanking them for their cooperation and time spent so generously
in this matter. Carried.
BLAY LEGGE that following the report of the Commission regarding the prop-
·. osed industry,the Council agrees that all negotiations regarding the placing of a
$7000.00 mortgage on a farm in Perth be discontinued,and that the matter be consider!
ed closed and that the surplus in the E.L.account that was to have been used for
this purpose be not disturbedfand that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to
all parties interested,namely,Mr.liilroy,Mr.Naughton 1 and Hardwares of Aurora.Ltd.
and that the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. Carried.
Mr.S.G.Patrick made application for the amount annually allowed the Fire
Brigade for the use of the mechanic keeping the truck in order.
:OELAHAYE KN01!JLES,that the town herewith forward the sum of $25.00to the
Aurora Fire Brigade for the services of the mechanic for the fire truck for the year.
1932 and that the seal of the Conp.be attached hereto. Carried.·
The P.L:i,brary Board submitted their lmdget for the year 1933 a,pd asked fo.r.
a grant of $SQO.oo.
STUART BUNN, that a interim grant of $300 :oo lJe granted to the Library Board
until the various negotiations between the Library Board and town Council are
completed. Carried.
Mr.w.E.Taylor made application to substitute a maintainance Bond for the
ten per cent holdback for one year on the sewer contract.
KNOWLES STUART,that the application of Mr.w.E.Taylor for pa.yment of ten per
cent holdback be referred to the Finance Committee to be taken up by them with the
town solicitor and town engineer and that the seal o~ the Corp.be attached.Carried.
Mr.J.G.McDonald the Treasurer submitted a detailed statement of receipts
expenditures for the first month of the year,comparing very closely with t_hat
of the same month in 1932.
A letter was read from James Proctor and Hedfern,suggesting a date for the
Court of Revision,ca.lling attention to the need of ·better screening on the part of
the Collis Leather Co.of the effluent running into the sewers,suggesting necessary
equipment for m~~ing tests,and enclosing their statement o~ account and of the
of the sewerage system.
I cost 1
STUART,MALLOY,that the communication from Proctor and n'edfern be left over
until the next regular meeting with the exception of the clause relating to the
Court of Revision which should be held March 7th.l933 at the hour of 8 O'Clock
and be composed of the following members,G.'N.Blay,T.R.Legge,.J .A.Knowles,c.w.Malloy
Dr.c.R.Boulding and that the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. Carried.
KNOWLES STU.A."'.T, that in view of the contemplated changes in the Aurora Public
Library that the matter be left with the to'm property committee to be dealt w:i.th'
by them and that they report back to this Council • Carried.
STUJULT BLAY,that the tenders for policemens coat be left in the hands of the
--Mayor and Clerk to accept the lowest tender,provided they are taxpayers of Aurora
Carried. and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.
Bylaw to renew the agreement for the purchase of power from the R.E.P.C. ·1 The
of Ontario,which had been voted upon byn the ratepayers at the .January election
and carried was given its third reading,passed,signed and sealed.
A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Knowles,given its three readings in regular and '
I legal form,Mr.Bunn in the chair in Comraittee,and was passed,appointing Dr.w • .r.
Stevenson a member of the H.S.Board,for the year 1933,in succession th Mr.c.G.
Southmayd,resigned on account of illness.
Bylaws were introduced,given their several readings and passed providing for
the adjustment of salaries,and defining the duties,in accordance with the report
of the Finance Committee at an earlier meeting on the following appointments,
Naughton and .Jenkins,solicitors;Dr.w • .r.stevenson,M.O.R.; Aubrey Fleury,constable
for the town and under the Liquor Control Act,Fisher Dunham,chief constable and
.lloreman,and constable under the Liquor Control Act,Allan Langman,electrician,
Geo.Walker asst.electrician and lineman;M.L.A.'ldrews,Clerk;.J.G.McDonald,Treasurer;
Wm.irent,garbage collector;.John neadman,milk inspector;.
An application for new water connection was received from Mr.Dawson.
STUART KNOWLES,that the application of I~.H.Dawson for the renewal of his tow
water service be granted,and that Mr.Dunham proceed with the work as soon as pos
ible,and that the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. Carried.
The Road and Bridge Committee were asked to investigate the matter of stop
signs and bring in a report.
The Fire Committee,Messrs.DeLaHaye Bunn and Legge,submitted the following
report."The Fire Committee bought 150 feet of hose from the Dominion Rubber Co.
at ~1.05 per foot,three other firms tendering the same priv&;also one tire and
tube from Goodyear Rubber Co.and one battery,l5 plate at $13.50;all for the F.truc
STUART LEGGE,that the report of the Fire Committee be
-.. ~d
L I -~ ·-. I , .. /
' 6
'rhe property Committee,Messrs.Ma.lloy,DeLaHaye and Blay submitted the following
re:port;"'rhat the front porch of the W.W.house be reshingled,at an estimated cost of
' '
$15.00;that the :pumphouae roof be rea6ated with a good gll!a<le of roofing aaphalt,tar,
or other guaranteed roofing :paint,when weather :permita,eat.cost lO.OO;also minor
repairs to shed when roof of :porch is being shingled.'rhat the lowest tender,of WilliJ
mson Bros.for coal and coke be acce:pted;that the market hall floor be repaired by
Mr.~unham with the hep:p of men on relief,also that the interior brickwork of the
market hall be limewashed and the woodwork :painted by men on relief .That the booth
at the arena be let to Mr.Patriak on a basis of 75% to the town and 25% to Mr.Pan-
rick of the gross recei:pts,the town assuming no responsibility or liability for the
carrying on of the affairs of the pi,!!If.,.boothltto the end of the skating season•"
BU}Uf LEGGE,that the report of the :property Committee be accepted and adopted
and the seal of the Corporation attached hereto. Carried.
The Finance Committee,Messrs.Blay Stuart and Legge,presented the following
repor-t; nAt a recent committee meeting the matter of insurance was thoroughly checked
into and it was found that some of the towns assets were not covered by insurance.
The town truck was covered by a temporary :policy and it is the recommendation of
this Committee that a. valuation be placed on all town :pro:perties,following which
the Committee will bring in its recommendations to properly insure all town propert
and equipment.These recommendations will include firemens insurance,disposal plant,
arena,town hall,mechanics hall,fire equipment etc.This should be ready for our
next meeting."'e also recommend that all insurance :premiums fall due on one date."
KlfOVf.LES STUART,that the report of the Finance Committee be accepted.Carried.
The Road and Bridge Committee,Messrs.Legge Malloy and DeLaHaye submitted the
' following report;"Estimates,snow shovelling $200.00;street sweeping,$315.00;oiling
streets $300.00;spring levelling $lOO.OO;road repairs $lOOO.OO;sidewalks $500.00;
drains etc.~200.00;sewer connections $1500.00.
STUART B~,that the report of the Road and Bridge Committee be adopted and
that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
The Bylaws Committee,Messrs.Bunn Knowles and Blay submitted the following
r'eport;••That the amendments to Bylaws regarding salaries and duties of salaried
town officials as uer resolution of tl1is Council at ita meeting of Jan.l6th.l933
be hereby approved.
DELAHAYE MALLOY,that the report of the Bylaw Committee be adopted. Carried.
The Electric Light Co~nittee,Messrs.Knowles,Stuart and Bunn submitted the
following report;work"that the light on the extreme east end of Harrison Ave.be
removed and placed on the pole directly west of same.That a light be placed on
Wells St.extension between Centre and l'lellington~ts.That the light on the west end
of Tyler St.be removed and placed on the extreme west pole.
Malloy DeLaHaye,that the report of the Electric Light Committee be adopted
and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
mwo members of the E.L.Committee,Messrs_.Stuart and Bunn submitted the followl
ing re:port";That the report of overdue :e:.L.accounts be held over until the March
Meeting of the Council :pending further investigations.
Mr.Langman,U:pon investigation by this Committee we find that Mr.A.Langman, ! . I
when he assumed the duties at the water and E.L. plant,on §he appointment of the lai
l .late Mr.Petch to the Clerkshi:p,did so on the same basis as the late Mr.Petch,when
water and electric light in addition to his salary! in the same position,namely,free
Mr.Dunham:"•ie further find
that in the case of Mr.Dunham,that he was hired
.under an agreement during the Reeveship of Mr.W.J' .Knowles,at that time which allow-'
ed him free water and electricity in addition to his salary,and this agreement was
renewed when Iillr.Dunham returned from overs eas.
Mr.Geo~Walker:We further find upon investigation that Itt.Walker according to
records assumed from 1927 free electricity upon his own initiative,which we can
find no authority for his so doing.
Itt.Andrews:We further find upon investigation that Iillr.Andrews according to
·evidence obtained,assumed from about 1929 free electricity upon his o•m initiative
which we can find no authority for his so doing •
. We recommend that in tha case of Itt.G.Walker that he be asked to submit his
resignation.to come into effect as of March 6th.when applications will
for the position of Lineman,and he c~'.n be one of the a.:9plicants.
We recommen.d that in the case of Mr.Andrews that he be asked to
be ooneiderj
submit his
resignation to come into effect as of March 6th.when applications will be consid-
ered for this position,for Clerk and that he can be ons of the a:,plicants.
We recommend that a.s the Hydro Commission do not allow free electricity,
that meters be installed when required,in the ho~es of all full time officials in
the :Jay of the town.
KNOWLES DEJ,Jl.HA.YE,tha.t the major report of the Electric Light Committee be
\ ____ ~
so amended to read as follows;'l'hat all words after "we recommend"be struck au
and the following substituted10 Therefore that this Council recommend that :W!r.Geo.
Walker reimburse the tcivm of Aurora for electricity at an arbitrated sum per month
e.s from Jan.lst.l930; "Therefore that this Council tecommend that J);!r.Andrews re-·
imburse the Town of Aurora for electricity B.t the rate of an arbitrated sum per
month as from Jan.lst.l930."
Upon thesubmission of this resolution the yeas and nays were requested by
lfr.Knowles with the following result.Yeas;Dr.Boulding,1!r.Legge,Mr.Knowles amd Mr.
DeLa.Haye ;l~ays ,:wfr .Blay 0 1\fr.Bunn,W~.It.{alloy and Ifr .Stuart.
Upom motion of Mr.Legge and Jilr.Knowles the Council adjourned at 2.A.M. to
meet at the call of the I~ycr.