MINUTES - Council - 19330109•
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TF..R FIRST 1\i!E ETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1933 was held in the Council
Chamber on Monday morning,Jan.9th.l933,when the following members appeared and
subscribed to the oath of office,Mayor,C.R.Boulding;Reeve,T.H.Legge;Dep.Reeve
J.A.Knowles Jr.,Councillors,G.W.Blay,H.BUnn,F.R.DeLaHaye,C.Malloy and J.Stuart •
. -.. After the introduction the 'Mayor called upon Dr.Eldridge to invoke. the
Divine Blessing.
Mayor Boulding outlined the policy for the year,after wh:i:c:q. he called upon
the following· gentlemen to speak; ex-Mayors Walton and Thompson,Ae·~ .• Lightbourhe
' '
and Armour,Dr.Stevenson,l>l(.O.H.Dr.llevins of the P.S.Board,Dr~Williams of the H.S.
Board,and members of-the Council.
The Mayor read a letter from Ex-1\i~yor Taylor expressing his regret at his
inability to be present.
BLAY,MALLOY,that the striking Committee be composed of the Mayor,Reeve,
Deputy-Reeve-~nd Councillor DeLaHaye,to report at the evening session. Carried
The Council adjourned,at 12.20 P.M. to meet at 8.15 the same evening ..
Upon-the reassembling of the Council at 8.15 with all members in attend-
ance and the Mayor preaiding,the report of the striking Committee,signed by all
the members of the COWQittee was read by Deputy Reeve Knowles as follows:
Finance & Industrial
Road & Bridges
.. Knowles,Stuart,Bunn;
II Stuart,Knowles,Malloy;
" Legge,Malloy,DeLaHaye;
II Ma~~oy,DeLaHaye,Blay;
It DeLaHaye,Bunn,Legge;
It Bunn,Blay,Knowles.
LEGGE,BLAY,that the report of the Striking Committee be adopted as pre-
sen ted • Carried ..
BLAY,LEGGE,that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer +
for the payment of the following accounts be and the same is,hereby confirmed,
and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto,
E.L. Dec.l7th. Pay Sheet #9 23.15·
24th. ... 10 30.85
31st. tt 11 14.40
Jan. 7th. •• " 1~ 19.50
Corp. Dec.17th Mrs.'~~aites caretaking 7.00
Pay Sheet '/150 66.60 ><,, /
24th. Mrs. aites 7.00
Pay ~hhet #51 102.60
ilec .31st.
Jan. 7th• w.w.
J?ay Sheet #52
Eay ~heet #1
7 .oo
87.00 Carried ..
BLJ\:l:,KNOWLES 1 that the following accounts. be paid,that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasure~-for the same,and that the seal of tlw Cor;J ati n 1Ja attached to
this resolution,
E.L.. H.E..E.C•of Ont. Nov.power
• __ 11 ,c-; _ sw.i tch al teratio.ns
Northern Electric Co. supplies
Aurora Electric Shgp
£\.u:ro r a :tid we • ..
B.anner Press adv.Bylaws
A.E.C.la:t:k pol.es.
3 .. 00
78.00 carried.
BLAY,STU.i~T;that the following accounts on the w.w • .uepartment be paid,~hat
the Mayor issue ~rders on the Treasurer for the same,and.that the seal of the
Corporation beattached to this resolution;
Can.Brass C.ch supplies
Qugh-and Sgn
Clerk postage etc.
8.20 carried.
The Clerk rea.d the following communications;Messrs.Clark and Greig 1 amd
A.lex.S.Leith and Co.applying for the position of Auditors;W.H.Taylor,app:!J):ing
for the assessorship;The Bell Phone Co.asking for.confi~ation.of the consent
given verbal1y for joint use of poles on 11 ells and Vic~oria Sts.;The clerk's
certificate of the passing the Bylaw for the renewal of the agreement to pur-
chase power from the H.E.P.C.of Ont.hy the vote of 571 for and 21 agatnst;an
~-anonymous 1etter signed A.Ta.Xpayer,complaining against the employment of a man
residing outside town to sell tickets atnthe arena.
BLAY,MALLOY,that the following accounts be paid,that the Mayor issue orders
on the Treasurer for the same,and that the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto; ,
Corp. Iv!.Graham, . teaming 173.20 I
H.E.\{ilroy boots 2.95 . !
E .c .Mingay cartage 50 l
Banner Press printing 102.02 I
Municipal World,election supplies 4.45 ·'-·
McColl ~romenac Oil Co. oil 10.70
County ~Eeas. Hosp.relief,Stitt,Callaway,Simpson~ll4.87
A.Caruso transient relief 1.75
J.T.Bond " 4.50
Dominion Stores " 6~75
B.G.Whitelaw arena tickets 2.75
Davis Garage repairs 37.23
Love & Bennett goal nets arena 47.00
Attridge & Son. 8.98
Election salaries and booth rentals 75.00
·Clerk, postage etc. 6.90
Aurora Hdwe. 17.34
Toronto Stamp & Stencil Co. dog tags 5.87
Registration of Vital Statistics 19~50
.T.H.Sloan sundries · 1.40
Ough and Son. 19~79
R.Westlake arena ticket agent 5~00 ·
B.F.Davis fuel disp.plant 10.65
Stiver Bros. coal town hall 43.85
" charity 4.00
Ont.Municipal Ass'n. membership fee
.i\.-.. Fl.eury out~ide trips
16.00 carried •
;·,deputation from the Fire Erigade,consisting of Messrs.Browning,Rowe.
Jones and Eveleigh appeared before Council and asked that the purchase of ene
. .
extra tire and three hundred feet of fire hose be made.
k Bylaw was. introduced by Mr.Legge,given its three readings. in regular
and. legal form,IIJ!r.Legge in the chair in Committee,and was pass.ed,appointing
Messrs.J.B.Greig and c.J.C.larke auditors,at a ten per cent reduction in salary.
A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Knowles,given its three readings in regular
and legaJ. form,Mr.Knowles in chair in Com..mittee,and was passed,appointing Mr.
W.R.Taylor assessor,at a like reduction.
"'" Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Legge,given its three readings in regular
and legal. form.,.and was passed,Mr.DeLaRaye in the chair in Committee,appointing
Mr.A.M.Kirkwood to the R.S.Board.
A.Brlaw was introduced by Mr.Knowles,given its three readings in regular
and legal form.,Mr.Bunn in the chair in Comm.ittee,and was passed,appointing Mr.
P.M.Thompson a.member of the Board of Health.
· A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Knawles.given its three readings in regmlar
and legal form,Itt.:Blay in the chair in Committee and was passed,appointing Mr.
G.C.Chubb a member of the Public Library Board.
A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.DeLaRaye,given its three ree.dings in regular
and legal form,Mr.Malloy in the chair in Com.mittee,and was passed,providing for
the borrowing lflf money to conduct the affairs of the to\m until the taxes are
paid,or payment otherwise made.
KNOVILES,STUART,that the following scale of payment be set aside for the
follGWing election officers ;returning officers ,$5 .00 ;Poll clerks :~4 .00 ;Cons tables
r1, ' • .!t, :W3.00;and poll~ng booths :w5.00. carried.
Mr.Naughton,town solicitor appeared and explained to Council the complete
details of the proposed agreement with Mr.Gilroy and others,respecting the re-
vival of the Hardwares of Aurora,Ltd.and the commencement of other industries
in the same factory • ..:he matter was laid over for further enquiry and for the
appearance of Mr.Gilroy before Council.
KNOVILES,STUJ\RT,that the agreement between the Bell Phone Co .. of Can.and the
Electric Light Department of the town of Aurora be hereby passed a.nd that the
seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
The Mayor gave a complete statement of <m interview he recently had with
Mr.Harkness of the Provincial .L{elief De:partment,ex:plaining what latitude
Department would permit,if they are expected to :participate in the cost. ••s a
" result of this explanation the following resolutions were passed.
KN01JVLES,STUJ\RT 1 that the systemof relief far the town of Aurora for 1933
be based on the-voucher system of the Provincial Relief Comrnittee,and that the
seal of the Cor:para.tion be attached to this resolution. Carried.
DELAHAYE;KN01LGES,that a relief Committee be appointed to take care of the
needy unemploye&;;onsisting of a supervisor without salary and two members of
Council,consisting of the Town Clerk and Messrs.C.A.l~lloy and John Stuart.
KNOWLES,DELAHAYE,that the relief Committee be guided by the following scale
of employment,married men,three days of eight hours each,per week;single men
two days,of eight hours each,per weektand that the seal of the Corporation be
attached to this resolution. Carried.
Several citizens availed themselves of their :privelege to attend and listen
to the deliberations of the members of Cauncil,and the ~yar and members express
their :pleasure in having having the :presence of interested citizens.
The llla.yor explained that he ha:ped to meet during the :present week with the
various Camrnittees,and discuss their work for the year,and that another meeting
would be held at an early date,prabably on Monday eve.next.
The Council adjourned,at 11.30 P.M.,to meet at the call of the Mayor.
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