MINUTES - Council - 19320802' ,,'•' "' ;;, ""· "'"'"'·'''''"'" ·:<···'·'-··"'······•<·'''''"''"'·'''''''''''''''"bi'1 t' "'"'"'~"'"''-'""''_.;i_ _, ',. ' i1 ' '"' '""'" '%l,~i :i I, ·'~(' : i IT''m a1'~Ri'l <i:J>iH !!!! ;;;iiM;,i;;il H '" !HWLI WL ; r· I ! ' THE NINTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YE R ~932 wsa. held it) the Council Room on lhatlflay e..;,.~.Au~st. 2nd.at. a:P.l[.with the JICayor presiding and the Reeve.Dep uty Reev~ and Councii~ors Bilbrough,~eLaHaye,Southwood and Stuart in attendance. The Minutes of the preceding meetiDg. were read and confirmed. Gommanications from Mr.Aemelius Jarvis and from the Deputy Minister of Highways were read tah~ed. Mr.H.E.Goodman addressed Counoil,giving a resume of the work done by the Daily Va.cation Bilile School,and indicating their need of funds. Mr.~eadman discussed the milk situation and the difficulties encountered in enforcing the Bylaw. SOUTHWOOD DELAHAYE, that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treaa- urer for the payment of the fol~owing bills be,and the same is hereby confirmed-and that t,he seal of the Corporation be attached heretof $7.00 "uly 9th. mrs.waites caretaking Pay Sheet #2a w.w. 57~25 ll:th. s.Brown well_digging 277.40 16th. Pay Sheet 1/29 w.w. 56.20 Mrs~"aites. caretaking 7.00 23rd Mrs Waites caretaking 7.00 Pay Sheet /!30 R.&.B. 59.00 30th. Mrs.Waites. caretaking· 7~00 Carried. Pay Sheet #31. R.~.B. 69.1:5. SOUTHWIDOD DELAHAYE,tha.t the following bills be paid,that the l\Cayor issue orders on the· fnasnr~r-for the same and that the seal of the O:o:r.'poration be attached to · this resolution; E.L. H.E.P.c.of Ont. June power liorthern Eleetric Co. Ferranti Electric Ltd. aan•Lin:e Materials. Electric Shpp O:an.>Laco Lamps Bell.Phone Co. Clerk express etc• O:orp. M.Graham teaming J.H.Sloan supplies Dans Cafe transient lunches Knowles and Sons • Gasslers • General store • Electric ShOp police aounty. Hosp.relief Attridge and Son Aurora Hdwe. supplies alerk· stamps etc. ~ell Phone aa.65.4.49;326.2.72;l35.4.B3; 123,9.67; Frankcoms Garage, fire true~ R.Westgate aren& B.F.Devis lime etc. A·Fleury trips outside town WoW? Aurara Service Stn. gas and oil Nat.Iron O:orp. pipe and fittings Acme Waste Mtg.Co. B.F.Davis coke Can.Valve & Hydrant oo. .· .. ,· &2105.43. 46.77 9.30 5.42 85 56.2B 3.0'1 1.25 95.60 60 4.2.5 '15 2·.90· 1.75, 45. 167.35 12.60 14.a3 10.00 21.71 3.75 3.00 2.63 27.00 42.50 97.aa l7o44 75.00 12.24 i' I l ,j l ~ ,, J ~--··--,_ 2 Can.Bra.sa Clh Can.llle.ta1 Co. ~ead tan .~~ ~d FairQank well pipe ~elLPhona Co• #12 · Clerk, .Pos~e .. etc. 4uroraGreenhouaea Dr.Boulding arrived and took his place. . ". $32.U .12.24 205.20 4.58 ~.sa s.sa carried. SOUTHWOOD LEGGE,that a. grant of twenty dollars be made to the ~a.ily Vacation Bible Sc~~i-t~ hei:P ·defray the expens.ea of' the same ,.and that the seal or the crorproa.tion be att&ched to this reso~ution. Carried• STU.ml' BIT.BROUGH,.tha.t the action of the Jra;jerworks Committee in granting serviae to Chas.Bodfish and the Storms Construction C'o.and renewa~ to c.IUsbet on the usuai terms be oonfirmed,.and that the applica,tion of the Imperial Oil co. fo,r renewa1 be granted on the understanding that the Corporation pays half the cost if inatalled from Yonge St.or the estimated amount for the same,if' the conno. ection ia made from Temperance s,t. Carried. Dr.Boulding thanked the Council,on behalf of the Athetlic Association,for the use of the park for the recent Garden Party and,for various other courtesies exte- nded by the Council on that occasion. A BYlaw was introduced by Mr~Legge,.given its first reading,.seoond in committeE with Mr.Bilbrough in the chair., third readings aaa-wa&-in regular and legal f'orm,.and, was signed and sealed,providing for the alteration in the rate of' interest on the construction Bylaw for the track allowance on Yonge St.~e six per cent. A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.~ilbrough,given its first,.second,in committee with Dr.Boulding in the chair • third readings ,in regular and legal form,and was signed and sealect.providing for the issue of' debenturea for the sum of $2600.00 (twenty six hundred dollars]at 6% for twelve yeara on the installment plan,to pay the Corporations balance of' the cost of the pavement on the ~rack allowance on Yonge St. The Council adJourned,.oamotion of the Reeve and ~eputy Reeve.,at l0.3a. ~_t:,_J!~ lfayor. ·'!'.<> '",·.':·" I!