MINUTES - Council - 19320809r l l J Tim ELEVENTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ~932. was held in the Cou neil &om.-~n-·i!u.~;.,day-~~e.Aug.91.h.wi th the Reeve .:n~r.i.egge presiding a11-d councu ~ors BUbroug}i..nei.alla¥e.southwooti.Stuart a.i:id Deputy-R-eeve Knowles in attend- -an c. e. The m.inutes o~ the preceding meeting were read and approveti. A Commnhicati<m was read. froiD.. the Footb~ ~ub,aaking permission to hol~ -' .~ a. str~et dance o.n Well.ington St.on Sept.l.6th •.. BILBROUGH Dir.Arucr:E?, th~ t the_ application o:r t:ne Aurora :u·ootball C~ub .r for permisaion.to 'li~id"ii'stree.t dance on Friday e:n.Sep~l6th.be granted-and that the town electrician be instructed to see that lights are installed. Carried. A. Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Bilbrough.given. its first reading.second in committee with Mr.Bilbrough in the chair,third eeading in regular and le- gal-form anti was paas~d and aign.e.d.providing for the issue of the $47,500.00 forty aeven thousand and five hundred dollars,of s%,twenty year,.~ual inst- allment of principal and interest,Debentu.rea. ·-- SOUTHWOOD IlELAHA.Y:E.,yhat the Mayor and ~reasu.rer be authorised and inst- .;. meted-tO.' have· the-D~benture issue for i47,5oo.oa,cove.red by the Mandatory Or der oc:f the P:r:ov.Board of Health,.printed forthwith,preferably by the Aurora Banner Press,in ~rie thous;.,nd denom.inations and odd amounts,dated Aug~l5th.l93 ..Z as. requested by the Purohasers,.the Dominion Securities aorporation,likewiae t the Loaal. IinprGvement isaue of $2600.00,the latter to be ofi'ered i'or sale ovet, the aounter,.and that the seal of' the aorporation be attaahed tOe this res- olution. Carried. Dr.BOculding arrived and was seated. - Dr.Boulding stated that he had received many expressions of commend• ation tor the manner in which the Band oomducted the open air concert on Satu~ eve.last. After some time spent in open disoussion,the c·ounail adjourned,on motion of' Messrs.Bilbruugh and Stuart. ~-~k-~· Mayor.