MINUTES - Council - 19320704/.-- 1 THE EIGHTii MEElTING OF THE COUNCIL for the year ~932. waa held in. the Council Chpmb~~-on. MOttdai e~~n:i.ng~.r;tly 4th.wt th the ~r preaiding and the Reeve ~lileputy- R<ae:ve,.and.. CiiuncUJ.l.ors Bilb~ough,.DeLa~e.southwood. and S.tuart in attendance. --~ ~ ~- The. Minutes. of the last meatinga were read. and. ado.pt.ed.• Communi.o.atiomt were read from the fol~owing aoure.ea; The. :i!reasurer' s semi ~ . ' . . -•, { ~ - annual peporta.~he Citizens Band,.asking for a grant;the Hunters Field ,rials,.also -. . requesting a. g~ant.iThe ll&imi-;;ipal ·:saocia.tion,.respecting-the anru:;_al co~vention; ~' R.A.Bo'11lllan,.advoca.ting s-top and go lights at Yonge and Wel1ington and at Yonge ;ma. ·M:o.sley--Ty~er•J .w .Steadman and Se>n,askilag the Corporation to purchase fifty feet of land on the .. wast side of Michel~ Ave.ad.foining the site of the Disposal Plant atkg the cost of one· hundred and fifty-dollarlif,the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Servi.ce League ,requesting the Cotm.oil to use their inf~uence with . . - all employers of labor to give: to ex service men a reasonabl& proportion of all positions. o·r. employment for which they are fitted,.as opportunities oocur,.from time te: time• SOUTHWOOD DELAHAYE, that tlle action of the ll4a.yor in issuing orders on the . lireasurer.for. th~ i>&Ym,ent of the following a.ccounts be,.and the same is,.hereby,. eonfirmed,.anC. that the seal pf" the Corporation be attached hereto~ Corp. Sewer. w.w:. Eol;.• June· llth. Mrs • ..-aitest ca. retaking :Pay Shee:t 11'24 R.Westla.ke. arena 18th. ,:u:ra.Waites c-aretaking Pay Sheet #25 25.th. :u:rs.Waites.caretaking July land.. June :S.Oth. Pay Sheet #26 Mrs.Waites. aaretaking w.E.Taylor progress cert. #5 :Pay Sheet /127 • llth. J"J.angman -· .Uept.of Elec-trical Insp. $'1.00 73~80 4.00 7.00 70.20 7.00 73.90. 7.00 85U;.5Q 58;.30 7.35 7o>35.. carried• SOUTHWOOD DELAHAYE',that the following aoaaunts be pa.id,that the Mayor '• ~ . issue orders on the Treasurer for the same~a.nd that the .seal of the Corporation be attached to this-resolution; -·--,•;•c",'•"" Co-rp. llrrs.Sl.a:ney. lunches transients- extra. service York. Rgrs. Dans C'at'e-;. lunches transients Trinity Womans Assn. serVioe Tork Rgra .• Q.ueens Hotel~ lunches transients M:.Graham,. teaming R.&.B;. · FoUnderhill Firemen l.iab.OpremiWil Factciry :Equipment Sean1ons Bs,kery transients llirunicipal Road Spraying Co•. Davis Garage,Fire truck and R.&.B. F.W.Teasdale transients AoFleury trips outside :Sen Phone Co.3.99';30.72";-5.74;5..87; Clerk postage and express 4.50 5.75 4.25 56.25. . 2 .• 00 270.3() 142: .. 32 35 1.00 687.71. 34.19 40 19'.00 19.32 150.25 w.w. 1.1.. J.T.:Bonci transients Dnmjndlon Stores • R~We8 tlak~ arena J?e;!.l Phone. ao. 1/1.2; AUrora. Gree.$o,us.ea Can.:Braas co:. a Qan..;l.J.lls Chalmers. Cler~.,po str,.ge and exprus li.E..P.C.of ant. May power G .• Wal,k'r phone . · ~~k-e±presa ?..90 11.00' 4•00 4.32 4 .• sa 4.99 1&.?5 l3c.'Z3 1843.01 a.ozg 60 earried. B.IL:BROUGli ST.UA!tl',.that the report of the Treasurer for the hal.f year ending June -30th·;~ s:ti~wl~--t~tal reeeipt.s., to date, in the General Account,$19550.64 as against $22626.49 in 193l..,and total expendtt.ures of $3504s.ao., to da.te as againat $36'144.16 in 193l;~d indicating: $457,22. taxes paid to date.more than in 1931• ' ' be accepted and adopted. C:a.rriect. Dr.:Bould.ing: arrived and took his seat. -LEGGE SOUTHWOODathat the request of the Aurora Citi~ens :Band fo:rr a grant of -" -. ~ ----'ft one hundred dollars be granteci,and that the aeal of the C:orp.be attached.Carried. BOULDING SOUTHWOOD,that the usual grant of fi:rty dollars be given the Hunters . 1rial~~~id..in"tii_e,Town~hip of Whitchurch in September.,and that the seal of the Chl-rp:r:ation be attached to this resolution. Carried. SOUTHWOOD LEGGE,that the crourt of Revision, to consider the appeals from the . ' ~ -. frontag.e measurementa on the assessments on the property abutting the pavement laid on the Railway Track Allowance on Yonge st.be held on Monday,July llth.at a.P.M.,be composed of the Mayor.,~eeve,and Councillors Bilbrough Stttart and South- wood.that the C:lerk be instructed and empowered to advertise the same in the Aurora: Banner• a. paper published in the Milnicipality,and to advise each property owner of the amount of the proposed assessment. crarried. BOULDING KNOWLES,Now that the programme of work,that has been undertaken for the beneflt of the unemployed of our town is nearing completion.we appeal to thi.I- C:itaens of Aurara to utilise to the fullest extent unemployed men who are dep• ending upon their work from day to day to maintain themselves and their families• Carried. The crounoil adjourned.a.t 11 P.lll. to meet at the call of the Mayor.on motion of the Reeve and Mr.:Bilbrough. L!S..~j··· .• . (f . ". ·. . .wrwr *" -';- ;~ Jrayor. ,:.:::o<....,;_,_,::o:;-.:~·.2:~~~~~-~cc.•c-,·~;:.-_-_,_._,:.-.'..::,.~=oo::--:o:· -''""""'~.~.~-.~-----·-