MINUTES - Council - 19320606(!.,., .. _ _...,,._._~.,-=.~•"''''i=,~~"~"''''~ .,,_, . ; :~ :--;_; ~W(,tfl(7~.'t"i'i'# ';i ~ i.'.::-.-··s~:;£.,a;l!$";$e_i;: ;0:;;. :.'-., _.~:~:·:0HL>h:, .,_. . ';qtt.:l __;; ;; b~ffil'!ISC-,._,. ,-;.U@,o I J .1'6 .1.L,.i •. "''-A·-·-; z.,, ( ' ! " / THllt SEVENTH MEETING OF THllt OOtnmiL FOR THE YEAR ~932 was held in the t.:oun~il. ilharimer ~~ llondaj-evening • .rune 5th.at the conclusion of the Court of R&vision.with all the members in attendance and the Mayor presiding. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.;. Messrs.J~H.L.Ward and <iulme appeared before Council,asking that seating accomoaation f~-i the sertive and lunch fo.r the members of the l2th.;.Yorks be pro- vided for the oceasion o.f the Presentation o:r the Co~ors on .rune ~9th. Letters were read from sev&ral asking permission to quote a pri~e on painting the Water Tower;from the London C'ity Council asking endorsation of an resolution giving C'oun~ils some control over the expenditure of_S~hoo~ ~oards; The Dept.of Pub~ic Works and Labour suggesting gardens for unem.ployedtThe lfewmkt.;. , ! Arena ao.informing us of their agreement with the Clubs who use the building for I their games;~ames Proctor and neuern·,a detailed statement of ~rogress certificate I lfo 4;petitions from -r.w.stewart and others for Lepper st.and from M.Doolittle and I others for Ge0crge St~praying that the sewerage system be ~xtended up~n those stree~ under the Local liaprovement Act. SOUTHWOOD DELAHAYE that the action of the Mayor in issuing order~J on the Treasurer for 1h~ :PaYiilent of the following bills be.and the same b.hereby con- firmed and that the seal of the CorpoJ7&,taon be Ma;t 7th. C'orp. lfrs.W&itea aaretaking w .. w. Pay Sheet /1~9 E..L• J .Langman . ~4th. crorp. :Mrs.Waites aaretaking 2l.st. 28th• June 4th• · Pay Sheet /12() E..L. Corp. w .. w. E..r.. Ccrp. E..L. ·~ cr.IC.R.freight stone J~Lartgman Mrs•Waites ..retaking Pay Sheet #2~ J.Langman Mrs•Waites caretaking Pay Sheet ·1122 . Arena Lie• Prov•freas. Mech.Hal.~ • • J.Langmau .. attached hereto; tT;.oo 54;.45 :5.85 7.00 58.55 52.67 14.:55 7'.0(} 74.40 15.05 7.00 70.20 3.0() 3.0(} 12.60 3.15 7.0(} Corp. Jlrs.Waites aaretaking w.w. . Pay Sheet /123 Sewer. W.E..Taylor •. progresa aert./14 '16.1.5 11226.74 carried. SOUTHWOOD DELAHAYE that the fol~owing accounts be paid• that 1he Ma¥or issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal pf the Corporation be att- ached to thilf resolution,. Corp. Bell, Phone co-. _J.H.s~oan suppl.ies Factory Equipment P~aza. Cafe• lunches Saanlons Bakery Knowles and Sons Meat llarket Dominion Stores transients • 20.15 50 2.55 22.;.25 90 ~5 l.o30 8.88 ~ 'I ,, !I j \ I ;;;ewer Acct w~w. E.L. 2 A.Caruso transient l-unches !?uperior Stores _Dans Cafe Aurora_Gen.store J.T.Bencl Dawst)ns Grill. 7.35 5.50 4.00. 2.90~ M.;.Graham_ teamiJg R.&.B. (}u~dian ItuhCO •l J .¥.111' .)Bond ll.L.A· li'orwicli Union_ Co.(J.x.w._} .Bond. J.G.llcD. Wilfred Bennett ~.saWdust arena. - ~.Rowland police cap w.:Jr.Evans police &oct• ~-.-..2a.ao 5:•15 104.30 20.00 20.00 3.75 2.9!) 5o.5G F~R•Underhill F.T.liah. Longtord Crushed. Stone Co. AUrora Hdw:e.co. · · ~ttridge and _Son J .Fleurys Sons. l,lavis Garage Collis.Leo\ther Co. cinders Clerk stampe A.Fleury trips· outside town l;tighland Oil Co. l!urrays IDlwe. cran.Engineer advt, Contraet Ree. • .tames Prtlctor &: .liedfern on aoct• Can.Brass c:o. ~ational Iran Corp• Clerk freight etc• Bell Phone Coo#l2 Can.All.is Chalmers Co. !fortl;lern El.ec.ao• H~.p.a.of Ont. April power B.A.on co. gas and oil can.Line l&terials Aurora··nectric Shop. <;:an.L&co Lamps MCColl Frontenac co. Aurora Service Station Bell Phone co. /1240 caerk express Aurora Hdwe. :E.c.w.ngay express J.T.Bond 70.00 46.80 n.o7 26.39 35 f)C.33 4.50 9.50 30.00 1.1.0 1.25 1.4.20 12.00 1051..75 17G.3a 4.38 1.74 4.25 10.5(} 206~8'1 1864.05 ·37.24 11.7.'19 5.20 80.40 9.3 6.43 s.oa 3.53 2 .• 65 3.15 9S carried. LEGGE BILBROUGH ~that the action of the Council.in committee.in calling for tenders for the disposal plant.and advertising the same in the Contr&ct Record.the Eggineering Review and the Aurora Banner.to be in the hands of the Cl.erk by l2..llfoon.'l'uesday .fune 7th •• be and the same is hereby confirmed. Carried. SOUTHWOOD BOULDING.that this Council. endorses the resolution of the City C"ouncil of London.re.the powers or Counails over the expenditures of School Boards.and instructs the Clerk to so inform the Dept.or Education of tne Province. Carried• BILBROUGH LEGGE,that this Council provide lunch for the York Rangers on the day of the Presentation of the Colors in the Town Park,on June 19th. and that Mayor 'l'aylor and the Town Clerk be authorised to interview a church organisation regarding the preparation o.f the lunch, the cost not to exceed .. I l I I 3 seventy five doll.ars. that the seal of the Corporation be atta.ahed to this res- ol.ution,.a.nd that the· Ra.ngera be. loaned the chairs. from the lleehanics Hal1 for that occasion. Carried. BILRROUGliBOULDING.that the Waterworks Committee be instructed to proceed with th~ 'driii.Ing-otr ~other artesian weU,and-the seal of the O.orporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. Dr.Boulding asked l.eave to retire. The~-BYLAW to pravide for the inspection and contral of the connections and pl.umbing-iittings to the Sanitary Sewe:L'age System waa placed bef4re Coun- -· .. cil. for its seC4nd reading and the ao.unc-il resolved itself into Committee of the whole with Kr.Bil.brough in the ahair.After making considerable headway the Committee rose at ~1•4& P.M.and reported progress. The meeting of the ·aouncil was then adjourned,on motion of the Reeve and Deputy Reeve~until iuesday eve.J"une 7th.at s.o•alock,for the consideration oi", the tenders. for the Disposal Plant. 'l'he seven.th me~.ting of the Council reassembled on '.fuesday eve.at a.P.X. with the ~r presiding and all the members in attendance. The <llerk read the names and the amounts of" the tenders for the various: sections of" the building and equipment of the Diaposal Plant,.all of which had been open·ed during. the afternoon,and tabulated by the Clerk,. the Engineers ,Messrs Redf'ern and XCI"ntyre and a ma.jerity of the Council in cemmittee,after which the . J!Cayor gave an oppertunity for the Representative of any firm whose tender had been among those tabulatell to adllress C:nuncil briefly on the merits of his pro- duct .several salesmen took advantage of this opportunity and called attention to. the special features of their wares-.~e-variCilus-Repreeen:tatives of competing firms were then asked to retire and C"ounail praceeded to consider and awarll the Cllntracts SOUTHWOODLEGGE,that the tender of w.:Ei.Ta,ylor,.22 Falcon St • .,Toronto,.for . general contra•t 1...-of the Sewerage Dispnsal plant,.for the sum of" il:-5949.00 be accepted and that the seal of tha Corporation be attached hereto. Carried• BILBROUGH STtTAR1',.that the tender of the Dorr Co.,of :llo~ronto,.for el.arifier equipment,.eoatract B,.f"or the sum of $7776.00;also Contract a.slullge pum.ps;at $940.00 be acaeptell with English El.ecm-ic C"o.cf Canada m4tors stipulatell,.and that the seal. ~ ~ of" the c-orporation be attached hereto. C:arriell. llELAHAYE LEGGE.tha.t the tender of B.F.Sturtevant C:o.of Galt for _Contract ~-. D. ,air compressor,.for t.he sum of one thousand. 'three hunllred a.nll seventy-eight dollarl f ' < • -i //" ( 4 be accepted..that the English Electric Co.o:r Cana.d.a. motor be used.,and "hat the seal of the C4rporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. SOUTHwO® KlltOWLES.that the tender of the Laurie Lamd·C".Ltd.of Jr.ontreal for contr&4t" E:;l):f.f~ us~r,pl.ates.,of the Sewerage Dtsposal'-plant f~r the sum of $564.0( (;tiv-a btthdred. and sixt;r four) be accepted,.and tha.t the sea-l a:r the Cerporatiom be utacbeci to this resol.U.tiOti C"arriecl. IQfCWLES lULBROUGli,. that the tender o:r Yairbanks Morse :for· $l68.37 .:ror air val.vea aa spe<tified under contract Y.be acaepted and that the seal of the Corp. be attached. to this resol.ution. Carried. STUART BILBROUGH.that the tende! of w.~.westawa;r.,Co.of Eamilton,for cont- ract G.~i.ce. pt~~ ;oi the Seawage Blispoa&J.. pian.t for the sum of $555-.50 be ae:cepted.,an.d. that "the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carriecl. KliDWIJ!lS STU.ART.tha.t the tender af Drumlllllnd. McColl. for ia49 •• 0o for gate valves as sp~cifi~d-u~der contract li.be accepted..,and that the seal af the Corp. be .attached to this: resolution. Carried. BOULDING D.ELAHAYE. that the tender of Greenhouses and Cons:ervatories I.td • . . ' --. ~ of Mimiao for cnntract Lgla.ss enc-losures .for the sum of two thousand sev-en hund• red. and sevent;r one'!'dallars .. using B.C .. Ced:ar ,be accepted.,and that the seal of the ~rporation ba attached hereto. Carried. The crouncil reselved itself again into Committee of the whole on the second reading of the SeJJerage connec-tions ::S;rlalr.Mr.Bi~brough in the cbair.,and comple-ted the second reading. LEGGX BOULDING tha:t the B;rlaw be now given its third reading• Carried. The B;rlaw was given its third readine.,passed.a.nd s:igned and s:eal.ed. The Couneil adjourned.,on motion of lll8ssrs.Legge and Knowles.,at ~0.50 P.:U:. to meet at the call. o:r the Ma.;ror. ~-L¥-· JA'a;ror • . ,, ·, __ THE. UOURT OF REVISION on the Assessment Ball. for the year 193:?.• . ~ ~ -~.. ... . --.. ~ ··-. -. -- composed o~ ~r ~lor.Reeve Legge.Deputy Reeve Knowles.and Councillors :BU.l)roup and fiouthw:ooct_ut on ·~·eventq,.rune6thA.a.t "l;.P.ll~and. con• sidered the fol.l,ctwiD& appeal.sl· 1 ~ ;business tax on $200~00 a.ssessment. &.Strater, 3loo.oo • c~i.lWJ.l.ey uoa-.oo • .~ ~ W~S.&Lee,dog died after ~curiJlS ta&l - Trusts and Guarantee Co.~:~trip o~ land assessed handed ov:er __ to the Province as road. allowance,with no increase iD Talue ot a4Join1nc propert;n ~~JR.. ~. The minutes ot the Court were read and. the Court of Revision adJou- rned., srine di.e. ~!:__~. Mayor. ( '•" .. i