MINUTES - Council - 19320201,. L TJ_ill S3C01[J J.:l:£Ji~TING OF Tlfii: COUHCTL J:1 0H Tl·[~ Yl£)..:H 1932 Y.ras ~slC~ in the Council Charriber on Eonclay evea:b'eb.lst.\vith the 1.iayclr presidiniT a.nd o,ll the m.enfbers in attendance. The ~inutes of the first meeting were read and approved_. Communications, were read from the folJ.owing sources;the P.Libra.ry Board asking for a grant of ($800 •. 00;certifica.re from James Proctor 2.nd Hedfern,recommending the return of the mo.!' ked cheque to Mr •. \i .:;;:. 'l'aylor ;) ..• J .Kennedy, applying for the right to :9la.ce a gasoline tank on Yone;e St .. in front 6f ·Teasdale's \.io.ro.ge ... 1Ir .. l>.1Iclntyre \'.r2.,'J ;::::::;::nt. ::'Xl.d gave :::.~leasing and satisfactory statement regard ing the :Progress of the sewer contract to date. Mr.J .H..Sloan :md fifteen other members of the Hetail Uerc.hants Assoc.iation we!!le present to ask that the Council make more drastic legislation to check pedd~ ling and hawking from door to door. SOUTHITOOD DEL;..;J;.YE, tho. t the action of the Hayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be,and the same is,here·by,confir- med,and that ihe seal of the Corporation ·be attached to this resolution; ~~ .. L., Corp. Jan.l6th. 21st. 23rd. 30th. Jan. 16th. ~.?,3rd .. 30th. J .Hae :Uept.of J .R.e~e " wages Elec.Ins:p. wages 11 l1frs I> G. Waites cCJ.rteaking Po.y Sheet II 3 lJirs.GaWaites 11 Pay Sheet jJ 4 Mrs oGe 1Nai t(-~s caretaking Pay Skeet # 5 .;)>15.00 13.65 15.00 15.00 6. 0) 27.00 6.00 23.50 6.00 25.60 Carried. SOUTFCWOOD JJB.a~.Alfi~YE that the following accounts ·be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to thiS. resoluticHa; Cor~n A> Vl. Vi :hl.Li ....... , .... .;sell Phone Co. t/135; 65; 215; 326; Ta.ylor a.ncl .. nurs t gas V/.H.ilrachell :Sailigf 1Iurra.ys Hdwe. ]X.Graham, tea.ming Clerk, st~m:ps and licenses ,T. T , Bomd J3~~~F.Davis, coal Mrs.Collis L .& .L .Co. 'rown Hall Ins. J ,]\[,Wad ton We. terloo llutual.Mech.Hall.H.A.F .Bowman Da:wsons Grill, lunches :police acct. A.Fleury tri~s outside Bell Phone Co ./1 12 Bell Phone Co, # 240 McColl Frontenac Co. oil l'forthern Ii:lecti'ic Co. H.E.P.C.of Ont. ~ec.po~er Can.Line lila. tls. K.Forsythe :paint Clerk express -..... 24.85 65 24.00 80 31.40 7.60 ; 1..58 6.00 36.00 30.80 8.25 27.00 4.00 5 .. 45 4.80 31.52 1985.38 23.15 1.50 1.08 carried. ..,, ...... . / G 2 :OUTlfiVOOD ,LEGGE, that the Clerk be and is hereby ins true ted to relec>-se and return to Mr.w·.E.Taylor,the Contractor,the cheque now held,for 5% of the sewer contract,the.bond being sufficient guarantee now for the town. Carried 'l'he Property Corrnrri ttee ,Messrs .J3ilbrough, 0ou thwood and DeLaHaye brought in the following report; l'hat one hundred chairs at a cost of ;jil.30 eo.ch,nine blinds with rollers and two without, at $24.75 be purchased for the Mechanics Hall and one stove for the Town Hall; S'l'UJ\HT,KNOWLES, that t'r1e report of the Property Committee be adopted a,nd . --~ -~" '•; . ~ carried out,and that the sea:p of the Corporation 'oe attached to this resolution. Carried • .0, BYLAW was introduced 'by l:!!r.Bilbrough,given its first,second,in Committee with Dr.Bo~.iding in the chair ;and third readings in regular and legal form and was :passed and signed,:providing for the borrowing of money,:pursuant to the Construction Bylaw,to carry out the contract for the installe.ti.on of sewers, until the work is completed amJ. the Debentures issued and solcJ.. ·,'he Council adjourned,a.t 11.15 P.M.on motion of Messss.Knowles and J3oulding, to meet at the call of the lJiayor • ~_/:__¥; Mayor. ""i """