MINUTES - Council - 19320307• T:-=:n: POU:_-{T:f :~.T:BJ~Til,!G OF THE COUNCIL for the year 1932 '>'l_as held in the Coun cjl Ghs:mber on I~lonclay evenin:;:iiLiarch 7tho\vlilth the l'Jo.yor lJresiding o.nd the Reeve Deputy Heeve and :~J.ouncillors Dil.oro. B;h 1 J3ould.ing 9 South"\vood and '::>tuart.,in a·ttend- ancell' 'l,.he l·JU.nu tes ·-f the lJrecedin8 meeting were read and 8.IJ}Jroved o Communications \vere. read and tall led from the following sOUl'ces; tho :Finance Conuni ttee of the Co1:!.nty asking close supervision of hospital comt!li ttments ,o.nd the care of ;nore patients loco.lly;Tl:le lvi,J.yors OffiGe, Hmail ten, G.c:;king if we will surrp- art a delegation to ~ueens Park to present resolutions,sulnnitted by 1lunicipal ~-i.epresent.::.tives ~:.ssembled there ... C cl:lcEown$lre aclverrt.i 3 ing sie;n on the v·,t~l.ter supply ].Jl"'O}Jerty,and rec1uesting the tovm to ~l.trchase another;tD.e as>3essment notice of the 'Nater su;p:ply rroperty.; the Wo..t:cevvorks associe.tio-n :::.::king that representa ti:l'cs ~,J3 sent to the convention in Niagara ..t:a.lls .. SOU~L'li'.'iOOD,LEGGE,that t~ui action of the Jvra:.ror in issuing orders on the 'l'reasurer for the payment of the follovring bills be,and the same is hereby con- firmed and that the seal of the Corpcrat·ion -oe attached ~i:!i .. Iu li'e'b~6th. JQi.ls.e ':lazes 13th •. ~~ ~ 20th. ,, " 27th. '' n Corp~ 6th0c birsoG*'daites caretaking Po..y Sheet //5 13th<~> hb:·s .. G ,.··Jai t8s caretaking P ,,. t "7 ay vnee il Dept~of El~celnsp. E~L. 20th. J .l!I.Brimson, police manual Mrs ~G c '.Vai tes caretaking Pay Sheet 1¥8 27tho. ...... rs .. G.,·· . .-h.:.ites C2Lretaking Pa.y Sheet /j:9 \/<lWo IJar.5th .. M:rs .G .. \Vc:::~i tes caretaking P , ' .-., t '110 ., '·'' . 2.J ")nee rr ··~ .. -~ o heJ.: sto; .jpl5. 00 15.00 15.00 15.00 6 •. oo 16.60 6.00 3~.50 13.20 3. ')0 6~00 47.30 6.00 46.25 6.00 ~25 '50 carried. Sou.thv,rood ~e:sge, thf:.t t:h_e follovrinc :tccounts l1e paid,that the J.VIayor issue orders on the :.rreasurer for the Bo..me,and that \_he seal of the GorlJOration be attached to this resolution; ]~oLe HaE.PgCcof Ont. "~·orkmens Comp .Ed co Clerk~ f:r:eigilt J :J an:fpcwer w.v4 CanoErass Co. curb stops \"V oOugh and. Sen Clerk express Gorp. _.s.urora Hdwe. supl)lies J.H.Jloan fire dept. Davis & Henderson su·o·0lies Dans Ca.fe. lunches charity Aurora Electric Shop J.F.Willis supplies C .A.Cook t'3o.lnin;; :;,nd ··:vood " lJech.Hall Davis Garage Fire truck Williamson Tires. coal Stiver Bros~ coal ~ ur---"->-.,__.~ (·"'' . $1999.52 70.87 2.70 28o09 2o44 1.09 9.52 25.51 4.30 2 .• 00 1.05 1.10 15.10 7.00 4.77 16.00 15 .. 50 ... c::_r· 2 .cl..Weztlake ticket agent arena WorJ.r •. mens Compo-Bdc. Clerk, st:>~mps A.:l?leury Toronto trips i~or·~Ghern Electric Co. fire alax·m hox 5.00 61.58 5.00 10.00 129.75 curried. Mr.11Iclntyre vms :present and gave e. detailed account of the amount of work done on the _sewer contract to the First day of 1iiarch with the exact cost of the sarne,showins that the work is 11roce(?cling within the estimated figure in every :particular to date, that fully one third of the i:lain is completed ,and outlining the general di:::-ection of the work to be undertaken next.:. 30UJ:'H'i/OOD,LBGG1i:,the.t a grant of seven huhdred dollo.rs be given to the Pu-blic Library :Ooard ,in adcli tion to :providing the caretaking,for the year l932,and that the seal of the Corporation ·be attached to this resolution. 0arried. The Council adjourned,at lO~P.M.,on motion of ll:Ie 8 srs .. :Boulding and Kno\vles, to meet at the. call of the lVfayor. A t:.£!1¥--'--r ~---_ _, __ ,?'-f'I"''- J'viayor o.