MINUTES - Council - 19310908,-~~~~~--..-~~~--~~·-~--'.<,~,,;..,,~,.~>;o"'-..-""~~---·· ~~~i-."~"'~"'~~W.:i"'):'JY'=·r'~~t,0=~:,.~;_2«\~•"'•""•",~: :_,_~.,.'-~''"",~"-~•~-r,>.<.,t.<~.W.~McM•'•"''~"'<-•r_,;,,.,,.~"~',<-•--~-,-~1 C, rc I. I ., THE TWELVTH liiJ:EgT!NG OFTHE CO'NCIL for the year 1931 was held in the Council Chamber, on. Tuesday. ~vening beptemb~~ 8th.wi th the Mayor presiding and the Reeve, Deputy Reeve,and Councillors Bilbrough,DeLaHaye,Southwood and Stuart in attend- ance. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted. C'onununications were received and read from the following sources ;James,Proctor and Redfern,progress certificate for paving done by the Warren Paving Co.;Aurora Horticultural Society requesting their annual grant;Two firms drawing attention to the need of the water tank being painted and submitting a tender;Mr.A.F.White making an·application for water service .. SOUTHV{OOD,DELAHAYE,that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treas- urer for the payment of the following accounts~be and the same is hereby,confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution; A.ug.lst. E.L. J.Rae wages $18.00 FoCox 19.80 Corp. Mrs .Waites caretaking 6'.00 Pay Sheet # 28 R.&.B. lUi.OO 8th. Mrs.G.Waites caretaking 6.00 Pay Sheet # 29 R.&.B. 94.00 E.L. J.Rae wages 18.00 15th. Corp. Mrs.Waites caretaking 6.00 Pay Sheet # 30 R.&.B. 99.85 E.L. J.Rae wages 18.00 22nd. Corp. Mrs.G.Waites caretaking 6.00 Miss ~.Andrews office supply 14.00 Pay Sheet # 31 R.&.B. 111.50 25th. E.L. Meter Inspection 9.60 29th. J.Rae wages 18.00 Corp. Mrs.G.Waites caretaking 6.00 Miss BoAndrews office supply 14.00 Pay Sheet # 32 R.&.B. 78.25 Sep. 5th. E.L. J.Rae wages 18.00 Corp. Mrs.G.Waites caretaking 6'.00 o.Brett saws sharpened 2.70 Pay Sheet # 33 R.&.B. 96.10 Carried. SOUTHVIOOD,D::E:LAHAYE, that the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same,and that the seal of the Corporation be att- ached to thia resolution; ... , w.w. Can.Erass Co. supplies Bell Phone Co. # 12 E. C .li!Iingay cartage C.S.Nisbet bulbs etc. Clerk, freight Corp. Bell Phone Co.# 65,215,135, ·Workmens Comp.Bd. J.Fleurys Sohs F.Erovming cement etc. Ough and Son C.A.Cook cartage Davis Garage oil Attridge and Son Aurora Hdwe. Murrays Hdwe. Williamsons Garage truck repair 75.20 4.50 85 9,.50 1.89 13.80 95.50 7.00 '502.35 63.10 193.15 6.50 14.19 37.26 15 11.52 --,..-~ ~- i c "-· / l-~-- E.L. Clerk postage etc. A.Fleury trips t.o Toronto H.E .• P.C. Jl:uly power. Nor.Elec.co • .lrerranti Elec .Ltd.. Aurora Elec.Shop Can.Laco Lamps Gen.SteeL Wares Aurora Hdw.e Co. Wor~ens Comp.Bd.. B. ell Phone Co. # 240 2 8.00 39.75 1941.40 170.30 155.25 3.00 29.80 3.80 3.03 35.02 2.05 Carried.. liLessrs.Gilroy,Harman and Browning appeared before Council,asking that arr- angements be made for the use of the Arena,with minor adjustments,for the Box Lacrosse Association.The matter was referred to the Property Committee~ SOUTHVIOOD,LEGGE, the.t the usual grant of twenty five dollars be amde th the Aurora Horticultural Society and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. BILBROUGH,LEGGE,that a conunittee,composed of the Mayor,lteeve,Dr.Boulding and the Clerk be appointed to interview Ivir.Ellis,0 ecretary of the Provincial Unem- ployment Committee,in regard to securing adequate financial assistance to rel- ieve the unemployment condition in Aurora and vicinity by the d:onstruction of a sewerage system in the town of Aurora. Carried.. STUART,LEGGE,that the application of Mr.A.F.IVhite of 'Yhitchurch,for water serv-ice be granted,and the line installed on the basis of his executing an agree-, ment,which the ilfayor and Clerk are hereby authorised to sign and accept,binding him and his property to pay ten p~r cent per annum for ten years of the total cost of the installation to his gate,and agreeing to pay current water rates from ...:-~-· the initiation of the service,that a Bylaw be prepared covering the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried. BILBROUGH,KNOWLES~that the Mayor and Clerk be instructed and empowered to issue a cheque to the Warren Bitwninous Paving Co.for the sum of $10143.68 from the special pe.ving account in payment· of the 80% .l:'rogress Certifica:t:e for the Yonge St.;pailway strip,and the seal of the Corporation attached hereto.Carried. .• ~· . A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Bilbrough,given its first,second in Collllllittee with Mr.Southwood in the chair,third readings and was signed and sealed,provid- ing for the tax levy,and setting a rate of thirty eight mills in the dollar,the same rate as in the previous year. The Council adjourned,on motion of the Reeve and .JJeputy ••eeve,tp meet at the call of the Mayor. ~/L . t;~-. ---1/.1:1:f:l.-!'a: - -May;;. :i