MINUTES - Council - 19311116THE FI:B"r:;ENTH llSETING of the Council for the year 1931 ws.s hel'·' in tne Council Chamber on Monday evening,Nov.l6th.at 7 O'Clock with every member in attendance and the Mayor presiding. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and adopted. i~ letter of thanks was read from the pupils of the Junior third form,:for the use of the arena on Hallowe'en,written by Miss Janie Wilomx. SOUTHWOOD IilELAHAYE,that the following accounts be paid,that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same,and that the seal of the Corporation be att- ached to this resolution; Corp. E.L. w.w. Ough and Son, supplies Attridge and Son, lumber C .A.Cook, teaming J.B1aok, cartage Aurora Electric Shop Clerk, post cards Williamsons Garage F.Browning, cement H.&.B. " arena acct. Bell Phone Co. #135,65,215,326. Veterans,wreath for memorial,Nov.llth. Ough and Son supplies Bell Phone Co. # 240 Jas.Black cart2.ge Northern Electric Co. H.E.P.C.of Ont. Oct.power Clerk, freight Bell Phone Co. # 12 Ough and Son supplies ''6 61 "' . 7.81 46.75 18.05 1.20 2.00 9.30 45.21 75.61 16.40 10.00 10.25 2.30 16.50 54.01 2057.63 35 4.60 15.67 cs.rried• KNOWLES LEGGE,that,whereas the Council of the Corporation of the tovm of Aurora deem that the need of a sewerage system is urgent;and whereas they have received a petition signed by many prominent citizens that such a system be pro- ceeded with a.t once;and whereas the Public meeting,held recently,voted almost unanimously in favor of the installation of a sewerage system,this Council do petition the Provincial Board of Health to issue a mandatory order for the con- struction of a disposal plant,maih tnunk sewers and connections to the street ·--/· 2 line,to be placed on the geners.l tax,while the street sewers will be constructed under the Local Improvement Act,the total cost to be approximately one hundred thoue and dollars,and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried.unanimously. A Bylaw was introduced by 1!r.Knowles,given its first second,in Com1nittee with Dr.Boulding in the chair,third readings,in ergular s.nd legal form,and was signed and sealed,authorising the Clerk to advertise the Councils intent to proceed with the construction of a sewerage system,under section 8 of the Local Improvement Act, • A Bylaw was introduced ·by Mr.Bilbroigh,given its first,seoond in Committee with Dr.Boulding in the chair,and third readings,in regular and legal form,and was signed and sealed,authorising a.nd instructing the Mayo:r and Clerk to execute ·the agreement submitted by the Provincial Government,by which,of fifteen thousand dollars spent towards a sewerage system,the Privincial and "'ederal Governments wili contribute one half. The Council adjourned,on motion of lilessrs,Boulding and Stuart,to meet at the call of the Mayor. -~~£~~ Mayor. '.-, '