MINUTES - Council - 19310622r i L THE NINTH MEETING OF THE OOUNCIL for the year l93l was held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening,.Tune22..'1.d.at eight o•c.lock with the llfuyor presiding and all the members in attendance. The minutes of the preceding mee.ting were read and approved. A communication was read from the city cTerk of Sarnia,asking for endorsat- ion of a. resolution regarding unemployment. The petition. from the Barbers and Beauty Parlor operators was again laid be- fore Council. SOUTHVfOOD,DEL.AHA.YE,that the following accounts be paid,that the l\Iayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same,and that the seal of the Corporation be att- ached to this resolution; Corp. w.w. E.L. F.E.Rosser, brake tester Workmens. Com.p. Board. Ough and §on Qugh and son. :WI.Hall .r.Fleurys sons s.tencil .Davis. Garage police. acct. Dominion Rubber Co. hose F .R.Under~ill,pr~.Firemen liab .L.G.&.A..Co BeJ,J.. Phone Co. 2l5; 65; ClerkJ express and postage I3el1 Phone Co. #12 Fairbanks Morse Co. belt Factory Eca.uipment Ltd. Williamsons Garage. Workmens Comp.Bd. W.C.Waite oil Dans Cafe. lunches Workmens CQmp.Bd. Can.Laco Lamps. H.E.P.C.of Ont. May power Can.Line Matls. .ll'erranti Electric Coville Transport E.C.Mingay cartage Northern Electric Co. Bell Phone Co. #240 $50.00 . 95 .5.0 l5.40 35.43 4.00 3.60 240.00 15l.92 9.05 11.30 7.60 22.59 4.68 l.25 63.30 4.75 3.25 35.02. 12..94 1671.95 42.84 ·1s.9o 50 50 11.10 2.70 Carried. The Road and Bridge Committee,Messrs.Legge,Southwood an4 Bilbr0ugh,present- ed a report as follows;"we recommend that no action be taken in the following applications,(l).step in front of Dans Cafe;(2).fence on Tyler hill;(3).hedge on '"achell. Ave. STUART,KNOWLES,that the report of the R.&.B.Committee be adopted. Carried. LEGGE,SOUTHVIOOD, that the Council. of the Town of Aurora offer a reward of ten dollars for· information that will. lead to the conviction of any person or pers.on destroying any property belonging to the town,and that posters be pl.aqed where necessary. Carried, '·"- "' ~--" 2. DELAHA.YE,BILBROUGR, that the Chief of Police and the Fire Chief be instr- -,~ " ~ . .. ucted to make a survey of the business section of the town to ascertain if the fire hazard is kept to the minimum point. Carried. BILBROUGH,KNOWLES,that the Clerk be instructed to ask for tenders for the paving of that part of Yonge Street known as the nine foot strip of the railway right of vray,when he is satisfied that the proper time has arrived for the same, and that he be instructed to.have a petition presented to the owners of proper~ a»umting on Yonge Streetfor the pavement,the proportion of cost to the owners being assessed at one cent per foot on each side of Yonge Street on the land on which the work fronts. Carried. A.. Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Bilbrough,given its first,second and third readings in regular and legal form,wi th liil:r.southwood in the chair in Committee and finally passed and signed,providing for the closing of barber shops and beauty parlors,on Wed.af.at 12.30;except when a. statutory holiday occurs. during the same week. On motio·n of the Reeve and Deputy Reeve,the CounCcil adjourned,to meet. at the call of the ilfuyor. • ~-c_¥- Mayor,