MINUTES - Council - 19310406~~-~~,~~_.....,.,.A~'*·~i.i,~ ........ ,,~~·~.,.,.~-~-_:,.: _:_:.·.~_:·.~ .. -_/_:.':-:: ;~·->'M¥~. . h;_f~~c: ·:,,;_\:_q· . , ·~.;;C:~_.L( r:~~-/J:\:.:;. '("'0,/ \._,. . U/ · ~-~·t.kt#{ it\H $) (ifu //~- .•. , •. +, -~-:~: ., . '· ~ ., .. 'Eill FOr!RTH T;i.Jitl:/I'I3'{G of the Council for the yec;.r 1931. was helCL in the Catlncil Chamber on Nronda.y evenine April 6th~·wi th the Tfu..yor })residing 2.nd all the members in a ttenclance. The minutes mf the preceding meetiP.g and the s:pecial cor11nittee meeting 1"Tere read and aJ):;}roved... Communications \·rere read as follows; The Iiilunicip::cl Council of the City of East ,WinO_sor~re=luesting the Prov.Govt .. to :9asr:i legislation to giYe e.uthority to Urban ~.'[unicipa.lities to licena.e C:E>.soline sta.tions,to employ labor on all Prav. roadwork at 50 cents 1>er hour on Em eight hour rlay,and,.in order to help l'el.ieve tb.e unem:!)loyrnent si tua.tion, that beer be sold. by the glass to the pt.tblic_ tl~rough out Ontar.io;The Ontar.io Good Roads "ssoc.iat.ion,a.sking for our membership fee; The HoE.,P"'C~~>o.f Ontarioadvising the.t J!O"~Ner Vlill be shut off from 6,A.el.L~ to 6!JP~.l\io on Me.y 10tl1.,17th,and 24tl1.. Depu ta tion.s <.•1;-ere heard as follows f'li.Le~; srs .Goulcling e.nd Shave lc~sking a grant for the local Vetereans organization to a.ssi.st tl.",em i:'l. their charitable work; The 1vfcLean Pub .Co .. con_cerning e.n extensive advertising CBiili'aign;Hessrs .Devin~ N.illiam.s and Gilroy,from the Business Mens Associa.tion,ask.ing the Cquncil to consider tl1.e erection of a.l\.,UP, to r.J.p.i;,e IJ.icture ~hm~ . .iilessrs. Thompson and .!:l!ortdm V"'4)~ 'lt ~. C,."'""''"~~u_ 8.sldng concessions for their golf club;Attriclge and Son,asking thc;t tJ:.;.ey be per- ·-:~li tted to erect a sign on or near Yonge St;J :-Ega.n~!'e1uesting more generous all- owa.nce of food,when unable to pay for it. _4,n C..l-Yplica tiori for electric light v:as received from Mr .. :FL. Stocks; 'flee Property Committee :presented the following report for the winter oper-· a tions of the arena;:;>rizes and t.ickets !;~81.16 ;Band. ,115.50 ;Net gate 1764.68; wages Newton 858.80;1Vatt 105.00;fuel 99.23;net return l301.65;i.rumrance 202.6QJ The Electric Lig:r~t Committee suO:rnitted a re11ort. for i111prcvement c.'$ fol2.ows, That tv1o new street lights Oe p1a.ccd on Wellington Sto-W .. ,and one on the': -west ::;ide of Wells,between Harrison and Gonnaught;that lights be inetalled in McMahon Park for the use of the public,and that the application of H.:!l'tocks for current be grantecl .• SCUT1:lWOOD BOULlliNG,that the actiOJ~ of the M2.yor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills,be and the same is hereby con- firm.ed,and that the seal of the Corporat.io n be attached hereto; ]farch 21st. J oRae Yva.ges A.Newton I. Watt __ ,_,_,•" EoL • • rop. arena $15.00 '20.00 15.00 -~-·---·· -· ( 2 GeVVaites wages Prop. Ch,rk, pecy sheet R..&.B~ 1£a.r .28th .. ,T .Rae E.L. ]Jirs.Go'~:Vaites +'rap. Clerk,pay sheet R.&.B. Apr .t1..:.th,. J .Ra.e E oL G "6 00 •i? • 56.00 15.00 6.00 30.80 15.00 6.00 ].ifrs.G..,Waites prop. Clerk, r;;ay sheet.R.&.B. 12.60 Carrieo_. oJOUTEY:OOD BOTJLDDTG • that the following accounts bepaid, tha,t the :fufu.yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporat&on be attached to this resolution; Corp. "'q.w~ EaLo c.Cook fuel and teaming J .H.Sloan office supr>lies Attridge and Son. ldqr. M.H. Willismsons Ga.rage Dans Cafe. tra.naients lunch Superior Storea, charity Smith F*Tee,sde,le.9 charity Sraith 6.23s-Warren 6 ... 99 C.l{.Devins:> emergency ca.ll VV.:J<lK..i1ov;les charitv Smith H.E.Mildon " "transients Dawsons Grill ff n M•Graham teaming A.Fleury trips to Toronto S.Cook teaming McColl Frontenac Oil Co. Clerk, express and postage Factory E~uipment Ltd. Can.Brass.Go. H,'E:.P.G.of Ont. 1JOwer for Feb. Can.Line Materials Ferrantj, Electric Moloney Electric Northern Electric Aurora Electric Shop Davis Garage o.Brett filing saws 64.35 40 2.83 1.75 50 2.85 13.22 2.00 2.40 4.00 3.00 ll.30 14.00 2.80 4.80 14.22 1.25 83.54 1572,.28 76.89 3 .. 20 168.00 22.83 45 6.50 2.35 Carrieli. KNOWLES ,BIIJ3ROUGH, that Day lig,'l t time zo into effect nn the 24th.day of 11le.y at l.A.M,. o.nd revert to standa,rd time on Sept .sth.at l.A.Ivi. Go.rried. :30UTHV700D, BOUI,DING, the, t the re:nor t of tl-te .t'ro:r,erty Colimi t tee on the a,rena be and is hereby a6cepted. Carried~ :DELi.EAJ.':E,IiJ'TOVILES,that the Roao_ a.nd Bridge Committee be instructed to pur- che,se a new gra.der,suitable for town work,ano_ that the ser),l of the Corporat- ion be attached hereto. L c:,,~ ~"' "'l'UJ"'"T the t ,, 'ne '...:..;,_:;,_J".J....l :1 0-. ~~.~. , ,, c' l, -· ' Carrico_. sum of fifty dollars for relief and charitable work be granted to the Local Br1:mch of the Veterans of the Federal Riding of Harth York,ana that the eeal. of the Corp.be attached to this :cesolution. Garried. :SILBlWUGH STUA."tT,the,t the I'eport of the Electric Light Committee be adopted a no_ that the work be proceeded with at once. CEtrr iect. 130UJ:JDING :D:EtiAH.A.YE, t"t.at the B-=0~:1:1. ca,t ion of At t:r·lclge and Son, lcuriber :r-r1erc}?.::1.nts:; f!hr permission to erect a directing sign on Yonge St.be referred to the R.&.B. 3 Committee to nezotiate,and refer lJaok to this Council. Carried .. Council adjourned at 11.30 P .H., to r1eet o.t the 02.11 of the Mayor. ~-Lt:-¥L Mayor. \ ···:·:>·---·