MINUTES - Council - 19310504' " / THE SIXTH l!.i[ERTING of the Counci~ for the year ~93~ was he~d in the Counci~ Chamber on Monday evening,May 4th.with the Mayor presiding,and a~~ the members in attendance .• The Minutes. of the preceding mee.ting were read and adopted. Ma:.w.H.Tay~or de~ivered the assessment Ro~~ for ~93~0 and gave a synopsis of its contents; Mr.I.B.Thornton informed t.he C.ou.nci.~ of his resignation as Bandmas.ter. A Representative from the Bituminous Spraying Co.so~icited the contract for oi~ing. the streets. of the town. The Collis Leather Ca,by ~etter,asked.. the ltau.nci~ to reconsider its reso~ution .1:\..prH 18th. April 25th. May 2nd, the Corpora.tion be attached hereto; Mrs.G•Vlaites caretaking M.Rob ins on wages R .&: .B. Pay-Sheet #l2.R.&:.B. C~N·!t·freight ~rader J.Rae wages E~L~ ;r ~:Rae . tt "· Mrs.G.Waites .. caretaking Pay She.et # ~3 R.&:.B. Mrs.G~Vlaites caretaking Pay Sheet #~4. R~&:~B~ J.Rae J.Rae J~Stubbs w.w. wages E~L~ It U It •• F~Cox :MJ:-s.G.Waites Pay Sheet # 15 caretaking .R.&:.B. $6.00 .6~00 37~65 6;57 r5;oo 15;oo 6~00 88.40 5;oo 32.40 86~45 ~8.00 18.00 7;20 7;1.5 6 .. 00 ~06.2.5 carried. SOUTHWOOD DELAHAY.E,that the following accounts be paid,that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same,and that the seal of the Corporatio,jj be a.ttached to this resolution, Corp. Murrays Hdwe, B.F.Davis wood J.F .Willis office supplies Aurora. Hdwe Co. British American Assurance Co. prem Superior Store ,bal..Smart groc .acct. Police ,Barrie • serving sUllliliQns H.E.Gilroy,, coat.police Bell Phone Co. l.35,65,215. J:~D~Adams, grader R.&:.B. C~erk, postage &: express 5.0 6.00 2..35 1.5.73 11..96 4.80 2.00 7.00 1.5.75 200.00 8.95 ·-·-.··· i ··: I i I _j 4! } " ,>j 11' .r 'j ti I E.L. w.w. 2 Factory Equipme.nt Ltd.. Markle.s Dairy Warre.n charity acct. Q.J,le.ens Rote.~ p.o~:i,ce charity acct J:lanhury. Eras. Smart, charity acct. Dawaons ~rill charity ~unches C .• co.ok wood. M.R. co a~ 'l' .K: .. teaming.·_ A..F~eury trips to-Toronto Licence for Mech.Ral~ Licence for arena H.E.Mi~don, ltinche.a,.cha.rity Eel~ Phone Ca. #2.40 H~E~P..C.of Qnt. power .Can.Lilie Ma.terius Nor;nec.ca. · H.E.P.c. wages J.F~e.urys Sana J ~il.~Clark poles Afu:o.ra. Hdwe. Aurora Flour & Feed.. -!'Jell Phone Co. . # ~ Clugh & Son. _ F.Rankin. $, Co. meter Sun~Ins.Ca.premium on w.w. Can.Vuve & HYdrant Co. Factory Equipment Ltd.. $6.5.7 4..5.6 4.85. 8.00 1 .• 25 ?.50 ~5.00 100.20 24.00 3.00 3 .• 00 6.00 2.~5 1726.13 47.03 53.~3 13.37 ~.?? ~?9.50 ?.13 ~.80 4.~0 ?.72 136.35 45.00 22.~4 3.00 carried. SOUTHWOOD DELAHAYE~that the report of the Assessor be adopted,the assess- ment Roll received~and placed in the hands ofthe Clerk,that the Court of Revision to consider appea~s from the same be composed of the Mayor,Reeve,Deputy Reeve,and Councillors Ei~brough and Stua:rt,.and that the first sitting of the Court of Rev- ision be held on Monday June lst.at ?.l5,.P.M. carried.- BOULDING STUART,that the R.&.E. committee be authorised. to have the usuaJ. streets oiled at a· sui tab~e time~aild by the company giv;ing ·the best quaJ.ity of. material and service, tnat the cost be apportioned to the frontage and the town as in previous yeara,and that lllhe seu of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. SOUTHWOOD LEGGE,that the requ.est of the Memoria~ Park Association be ref- erred to the Waterworks Gommitt.ee for consideration and a report at the next A!leeting. Carried. BILBROUGR,KNOWLES,that,whenever consideded necessary,replacements of water service shall be· made from the main to the street J.ine,and one half of the cost of same shall be paid by the owner of property served.,and one half borne by the ~'~ater Works Department. Carried. Council adjourned at lJ..30,to meet at th•e call of the Mayor. ~--L-~-k-­·~;{~:-· " C"