MINUTES - Council - 19301215. . ·~ .. , 0 'rEE NINETEENTH !ILE'J:TING OF TH1•~ COUNCI.J., FOE THE YEAli. 1930 was held i:n the Cauncul Chambe;ran "'~anda,y evening Dee.15th.with the .Keeve,M.r.J~urraJT 11res~qing and the Deputy.Reev:eand all the GauncB.lors in atten<'lance. . '.. . '~ ,_,' '-" . ' . The minutes of. t~ pre(le4:ing meeting were read and adopted,. :M:essrs,o;Bould.ing [and Gilroy appeared before. Counci.l on beha,lf ,c•.f .t:qe Junio;r; Hockey-. club., •V·· The Treasurer,Mr .• J.G.MaDonald was present to present the annual statement. Cam.lllunications were read and ta1Jled from the. following.; . M.r~!G .• G.Farr;,expressing his appreeiation of the coopere.'t;ion of our Represents. ives.,pn ·the County Councll during the .year; Numerous tenders for the debentures for the Arena; . -·>--~ Prices from fpur firms for the material required for shower baths. in arena.; -~ Pr.ices for goals .and nets and other fixtures reauired; .. . -.... Prices and applications for part of the insurance on the arena fran several agents intown; soUTl:iViooD,UNDERHILL,tha.t the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on t.he Treasurer for the pa.yrnent of the following bills,be and the same is her.eby con .. "' firmed,and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto~ Dec.6th. F.Hadder J.Srnith J~E)mith J~Granger F.l:iut.chinson B..Hodg:ins H~Hai.ght J .Ji:gan E0Preston W.Preston E.Smart · J .Peters \\'.Steadman A. Newton ~ec.l3th. J.Smith F.Hutchinson u.Haight A.Newton E.Sma:ilt H.Hodgins F.Hodder wages E.L. ]£.Hall w ... vr,. E.L~ $15.?5 7.00 20.40 16.80 16.80 16.80 16.80 6.40 16.80 16.80 15.80 16.80 16.80 18.40 14.00 1.6 .45 14.00 16.45 5.60 5.60 14.00 Carried. SOUTH"vioOD,UNDERHII.L.,that the following accounts be paid,th8.t the :Mayor is ord.ers on the w.w. E.L. Corp. Treasurer for the same and that the seal of Renown Plumbing Sup~lies Bell Phone Co. ··· #12 F.Smith repairs Can.I.aco .Lamps BelL Phone Co.. #240 Clerk, po!;!tage e.nd. express N8.ughton & Jenkins sal.e.nd exp. Jrunes,Proctor & Redfern R.&.B. Bal.arene. c.N.R. error in freight bill of lading the Corp,beattaohed; $117.69 5.65 4.95 87.51 2.05 1.00 31.4.83 59.83 330.00 6.30 ~ ~l r /~ ' -\ ·~4 2 Chief of Police Oril.lia• SU1ll!U.ons H<iS ~ Tra_ve_s 8 Ca:rl1J ~o.rden n Clerk,stwn.ps etc. , Bell_ Pha ne Co. #135; 65 ; 215; };iurr<:\ys Rdwc C.Cook sawing wood S.C.Taylor paintinh PiLibrary R~DeLaRaye aren;l. acct A.F~eury exp. Chief of Police Bradford swnmans Ough e.nd Son (subject to the o.K.of officials $1.50 1.50- 6.15 19.25 ll.30 9.75 16.00 19.35 15.00 3.00 84.00 Carried. lilr.DEJ,AHAYe,from the property Committee presented a schedule of games for the Intermediate,J"unior and StAndrews Hockey teama,f:.nd statmngthat StAndrews are offering us a guarantee of two hundred dollars for an hours practice 1)er day and the th:i:ee gaJnes,preferring to play their games i.n the evening.Ort motion of Messrs.Southwood. ana Stuart,this report was adopted. UN.DERRIJ.J:.,KNOVJT,ES, that the Treasurers !!<ll;;Jll!iement for the year Dec .15.th.l929 to Dec.l5th.i930,as presented by J\Tr.J.G.HcDonalcl be adopted. Carried. SOUTHWOOD BILBIWUGH,that the tender of the Pease Foundry Co. for shower bath egy.ipment for the sum of $151~06 be accepted,and that the seal of· the Corp. be attached to this resolution. Carried. BILBROUGR,KNOWLES, the.t insure.nce to the extent of $6000.00 be placed on the j -- . --4 arena,to bedivi.ded a.s follows,.)~lOOQ.OO each to J.M.Walton and R.Bowman,$2000.00 l l . " J each to c.Fry ana R.Armitage,with a public lie.bility policy ,premium $50.00 to j Frank Underhill,and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.Carri.ed.<l I B:IIJ3ROUGH,STUART,that the tenders for the debentures for the Arena be referre\ j to the Fi~ance Coil1lllittee for fina~ disposal. Carried. . . . ~ KN01NIJ£S, SOUTHWOOD, tha.t a Conmu t tee, campo sed of Co uno lllors UnderhJ.ll,Bllbrou, DeL:;;Haye s.nd Stuartbe hereby appointed to look after the management of the Ll.rena 1 j Carried. l The minutes of this meeting were read and adopted. The Council adjourned sine.die. ,.~:.£.. l I I ~ .tc4 Mayor.