MINUTES - Council - 19300904l'HE FOURTEENTH MEETING of the Council for the year I930 was held. in the Counoil-Chamb~r a~· Thursday eaening,Sept.4th.with the ~or presiding~and all the members in at.tendance. The Mimates of the preceding two meetings were read and a<iopted. Applications from the Horticultural Society for their regular grant,from M.r.Ii~.Taesdale for permission to install a gasoline pump on the curb line, and.. fro~ Messrs.ll'orsyth,Saunders,Walton and Ctunm.er for water service,.wera pre- sente<i. SOUTHWOOD MORRAY, that the action o:r the Mayor in issuing orders on the 'l're -· --asurer for the payment of the following bills be and the same is hereby con- firmed an.d that the aeal of' the Corporation be attached to this resolution; Aug.2nd. Aug.9th Aug.l:6th. Aug.23rd. Aug.30th. F·Hodder wages J.SMith. •• M:;.aobinson J~Smith HoHaight J\".Granger F'•Todd. F•Hutchison ]![~Robinson .:r~smith .T~Granger F•Todd F.Hutahison H.Haight M~binson .T.::>mith H.;.Haight F.Hutchison ;r.Granger F.Todd. F.Hodder Mi•s ·B.Andrews ][.Robinson ;r.Smith H.Haight .r.Granger F.Hutchison FoTodd R.Hodgins F.Hodder F.Hodder Miss B.Andrews · ]![.Robinson .r.Smith H.Haight ;r.Granger F.Hutchison F·Todd. O.Hodgins E.I.. M..H. R.&..B. w.w. R.&.B. w.w. E.L. Office. R.&.B. E.L. Office R.&.B. $I6.45 .I2.00 12•oo 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 ra.oo I.8.oo rs.oa rs.oo I.S.OO ra.oo I2.00 30.80 28.60 28.60 27.60 26.40 rs.2o r4.;.oo r2.;.oo 22.80 22.00 22.00 22:.00 22.00 :rz.oo I7o.50 I7.50 I4.00 r2 .. oo 22.00 I4.00 22:.00 22Qh 22:.00 22:.00 Carried. Southwood :MllRRAY,.that the following accounts be paid.,that the Mayor issae orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this reaoJ.utiont Dr.Willlams,attell.tion. acai<ient case .r .T . .;Bon<l char.:ity Warren Clerk postaga and expres& tn Hoap.$Ifi.oo .fi.43 22.43 w.w. E.I. .. 2 .r .H. Sl.oan .l!'ire auppl.ies Bell. J;>hone aa,#I3a.,6fi.,2Ia A.;..r~!!lren police utit'orm.s. ~ .. Col.tha.m street survey- DawSOn& lunches charti:,y A.~F:le.ury ex;penses police ¥•'\fl .. 'leasd.al.e charity Warren Williamson BroB.. teaming R.&..B~ A.ttrid.ge & Son l.br B.aines &:. Da'!id iron Aurora. Garage springs fire truck :W•Morri~ charityWarren The El.ectric I.igh~ Dep.atreet lights P.Jir .. 'Plom:pson ... ambul.ance service liitzner P.M:.Thompson shade for aouncil.iroom The· Cont.ract Record advertising Q.lie~ Hotel. .. meals IZ'ld.Comm.. Ill:'cColl. Fro:ntenac gas . &: o U ~a;!l. Iron Corp. pipe .Tas~bertaon Co. pipe cutter Canad,a Jletai a~. lead yarn Bell. Pllcme Ca. #I2; Oaaada Va.J.~ & Hydrant Co. valves etc. ])a.wsons . :lunches Cl.erk, express Packard El.ectri.c transfo.rzner repairs a~.p.c.:. July power .r .R.!Cearney . Col'P..•. connectors Bell.Phone co. #240 Northern Electric Co. supplies Cl.erk~ ·ex;press 9 .. 40 !5 ... 60 .96.0(1 25.00 5:0 32.5:0 8.2.3 330.ai I2 .. 39 90 .. 40 33.65 I:.50 :!750.00 ro .. oo .3 .. 00 7.40 2.60 44 .. 55. 662. .. 20 68.25 3.03 4 .. 85 I97.II . 5.85 I:o50 II8 .. 20 Fl60o35 33 .. 38 2.I5 I5.t5 60 Carried. SOUTHWOOD DEI.AliAYE,.that the usual grant of fifty dollars be made to the Aurora Horticultttt~ Soeiety,and that the seal of the Corporation be Acttached to this resolution. Carried. MURRAY SOUTHWOOD, that the applica.tion of Mr.H.E.Teasdale to place a gasoline pump om the eurb line in front . of his garage be granted. Carried. The Waterworks Comm.ittee,Jlesars.Bil.brough,Stuart and Knowles.presented the following report;ltwe recOllllllend that the following extensions be made to the w.W.system as soon as time can be found to carry out the workra two ineh main on the west side of' Wells St.from the Main at Connaught southerly a dist- ance of approximately I50 feet at an estimated cost of eighty dollara;a two inch main from the Tyl~r st.main.northerly on ~emperanoe st.a dilltanoe of 380 feet at an estimated cost of two hundred dollara;a two inoh main should.be installed to connect up the two sections of that size on Centre st.from in front of the propert¥ of B.Peterson,easterly,about the same l,ength as that proposed on Temp.st.;the following applications for new services,M.Forsyth, w.s.saunders.F.R.cwnmer;and that the best method of serving Messrs-.Wal.ton and Peterson on Yonge St.be investigated by the Committee for a report at the next meeting. '-::}0 SOUTHWOOD DEI.AHAYE:,tha.t the report of the w.w.Commi.ttee be aocepted,tat • >( !· l r ! 1,-• ' ), 3 the work be proceeded with at the ord~r of th e Collllliittea,al'ld that the seal. Of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carrlied. The E .• IuCommitte,!teasrs .• Knowles,Bilbrough and Southwood,submitted a. report ttwe recommend the following. ~rk;~t ~arrison a.nd Wells, the old tra.nfformer '~ taken down and a.n old I:Q K:.WC.plaeed one pole eaat;$25.00;Ma.chell Ave,a.n old one placed.$25.oo;T:emp:st.one new ro K.W.tra.nsforme~ $I85.00aKennedy st.one new IO K.Vl. $Iss .• oa;Yonie st.s.outh one new IO K.W.$IBs:ooaMa.rk st.one 15 K~w. repaired.·at $Ii8.00;Yonge st.opposite Vl~Vl· ~ne. new I5 K.W.$220.00istre~t light four on Ha.rrison,.one on Ma.~le;one on Ma.ch.ell.one on. George,one on Tyler,one on Reuben and one on Tempera.nce;$40>.00;Edward St.wired completely #IOo.oo; Mark St.poles moved and wires tightened $50.00;McMa.hon Park,three poles,guys a.nd wires;Tyler St.at Mill,lights raised,200 wa.tt,trees trimmed at street ligh ts at Ransom Tyler Spruce etc.;H.T.to Ma.chell Ave.tra.nsformer from Yonge St. 600 feet;owing to the erection of the B.A.Servioe station and ~~e new arena. a change will be required to meet the demand for power in this section;that one light be installed on the last pole inside the Corp.limit on Kennedy st.Vl that the pole at the S.W W.corner of the Masonic Hall be moved four feet nort ~ and that one light be placed on Ma.chell ~ve~opposite ¥r Bra.ndreth•s home. UNDERHILL DELAHAYE ,that the report of the E.L.Committee be adopted and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. A BYLAW was introduced by Mr.Southwood,given its first,second and third readings in regular and legal form,Mr.Stua.rt in the chair in Cozmnittee,and finally passed and signed,providing for the tax levy for the year and estab- lishing a rate of 38 mills in the dollar,the same rate as in I929. On motion of Measra.Underhill .lll.urray the Council adjourned. £lit_~~ Ma.yuar • . _ .. ,.,-. 'I '