MINUTES - Council - 19291216L~ .. . .•. • 'fHE FIFTEENTH ]JIET:TING OF THE COUUCIOL FOR THE YEAR I929 was held in the jouncil Chamber on Monday evening Dec.I6th.with the Mayor presiding and the following Thiembers present,Reeve ,Deputy Reeve,a.nd Councillors Boulding,Bilbrough,Knowles ,ans Southwood. The Minutes of the last meeting were re ad and approved. lvfessrs.Cameron and Newton appeared "oefore Council regarding t e operation of an open air rink in the park. The following coJnmunications were read and tabled; The annual report of the Medical Officer of Health; The annual report of the Milk Inspector; The H.E.P.C.er~uesting an interview regarding the electrical contract; The National Order of Canada,asking for cooperation; ' ! T'fle Sec•y of the Aurora Horse Shaw,conveying thanks for the grant to their society; I The Poultry Assaciation,asking far a grant. I IviURl1AY,KNOWLES, that the action of the lvia.yor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for I the payment of the following bills be and the same is hereby,confirmed,and that the I sea.l of the Corporation be attached to this resolution; Dec.7th. T.Staley wages R.&.B? $3.00 Smart " " 4.00 J.Smith II II 7.20 G.Patrick " E.L. ·9.60 Dec.I4th. G.Patrick II II I0.40 .r.smith " w.w. I5.20 T.Staley II R.&.B. 9.00 H.Haight II II I6.00 carried. lviDHRAY,Kl'fOWLES,that the following bills be paid,that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same amd that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto> Dr.Stevensan, professional services and disbursements M.Q.H. $34.00 ·W.F.Evans repair to stop watch 85 F.Browning, cement and tile 62.40 J.Black cartage E.L. 27.25 Corp. 2.IO B.F.Davis wood, MoHall I5.00 Vf .w. 7.75 Vl.A.Cody poles E.L. rss.oo J .T .,Bond groceries f.or Rhinehart 2.QQ l l I 2 Willirunsons Garage repairs Vlilliamson Bros. wood M.Ha.ll coal Town Hall Ough & Son Hdwe McColl Bros. oil J.Fleurys Sons castings lJaughton & Jenkins disbursements Bell Phone Co. #I2 & 240 E.L. #65~I35,& 2I5 W.Spragge~saiary as Mechanic for fire truck F.Browning. salary as fire chief Clerk, postage etc. Aurora Hdwe supplies E.L. Corp. Jos.Smith~ cleaning M.Hall Geo.Weston bread for Smarts Dr.Devins.exam.& trip to liosp.with R.Banci 23.34 I5.00 20.45 IO.I2 5.I5 20.20 I2.6I 6.60 II:.45 25.00 50.00 6.00 I.?O 2.6.3I I3.50 3.98 4.00 carried.. BILBHOUGH,SOUTHWOOD,that a grant of twenty five dollars be made to the Poultry & Pet Stock Assn.fol~owing the custom of previous years and. that the seal of the Corp. be attached to this resolution. carried.. lfLr.J.G.McDonalci,the Treasurer of the Municipality appeared and presented the fin- ancial statement for the year,Dec.I5th.I928,to Dec.I5th.I929,showing a small margin on the right sicie of the ledger for the year. BOULDING,MURRAY, that the repent of the ;treasurer be received. and aciopted,a.nd that the statutory number be ordered. printed.Ca.rried. The Minutes of this Meeting were read and approveci,and signed by the Mayor. On motion of Messrs.Case and MUrray the Council adjourned,sine die. _.(~-~ Mayor, Clerk.