MINUTES - Council - 19291104~ The Thirteenth Meeting of the Council. for the year I929 was hel.d in the Council. Cha.Iliber on Monday Evening Nov.4th.at 8.P.M. with the Mayor in -Lh.e chair and the fol.l.owing Members in attendance,Reeve Murray and Cauncill.ors Bo~ding. Bil.braugh,Kno~es,Southwood and Underhil.l.. The Minutes of the preceding Meeting were read and adopted. Mr.w.s.Mingay appeared before Council..asking for partial. exemption of tax penal.ties because of the l.ack of certain improvements on Kennedy St. A deputation of the Fire Brigade appeared and asked for some repl.acement in their e~uipment. Appl.ications for water service were received fromE.Attridge and G.~uant~. Communications were received as follows ,Fire Brigade asking for their reg- ular grant;C.Rotchell,regarding the use of the Mechanics Hall for badminton;The Fire Brigade with a copy of their rules and.regulations. BOULDI1TG KNOWLES , carried. that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasure:;e for the payment of the following bil.ls,be,and the. same is hereby confir!llEd and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution;. $9.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 24.00 24.00 9.00 II4.00 9.00 II4.40 3Ist~ L.Rhinehart Market 5.00 llech.Hal.J. 8.00 Nov.2nd. T.Staley R.&.B. 9.00 A.Bunn 22.00 C.N.R. per A.Murray charity I.4.60 Pay Roll Centre St.drain I84.80 ·--·· L_ I /' I ·,-~. 2 BOULDING BILBROUGH..carried,that the following bil.ls be paid,that Lh.e Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same.and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution; Canada Metal C,o. lead eta.w.w. ' F.Rowland boots w.w. Bell Phone Co. #I35 & 65 II # I2 & 240 Murrays H.dwe. supplies town w~. c.cook fuel Mech.H.all Town H.all F.Teasdale groc.Rhinehart County Municipal relief Pease Foundry Co. Heating system W.Wi Crown Tailoring Co. Police acct. Twp.King taxes w.w. F.Foster pipe w.w. E.G .lfingay cartage Aurora Rdwe. supplies Town It II E.L. Pulley Works W.W.Acct H.E .. P.a. Sept.power Russell Construction Co.Reservoir w.w. Canada Valve & Hydrant C.o. · Aurora Electric Shop, batteries Mueller Ltct.w.w.supplies l[cColl Bros. gas. National Iron Gorp. pipe W•W.Mains Clerk postage & express s.aook teaming R.&.B. Dawsons lunches for charity Firemens annual grant Selectors of .Turors for I930 AoFleury expenses police acct Aurora Meat Market Rhinehart .. $67.85 8.00 9.35 7.ou 3,.2.5 2.77 IO.OO 35.00 2.96 37.62 228.00 32.00' 28.90 II.50 2..00 !5.36 4.72: r.oo I774.58 4,!?.38 93.33 g6 I2.8.23 22..64 319.90 I3.40 62.2.5 3.25 300.00 6.00 29.45 I.2.5 ( 3 SOUTHWOOD BILBROUGH,carried,that the _action of the Property Committee in -.-' -. awarding the contract for the removal of the buildings on the Billing lot 1 to I\llr. i E.H.Clarke for the e~uivalent of fifty six dollars in labor,be and the same is here~ by endorsed and th a.t the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. ! SOUTH\I{QOD,BILBROUGH, carried, that-the Rules and Regulations of the Fire Brigad~ be .approved as aubmitted,and that the Clerk be instructed to have the required num- ber printed. BOULDING,~,carried,that the Bylaw Committee be instructed to bring in a Bylaw at the next regular Meeting to submit to the people at the next regular j election,relative to the building of an ice rink for the town as a Municipal under-l taking. 1 BOULDING,KNOWLES,.carrie-d,that the Clerk be instructed to write a congratulate~ 1 y message to Deputy Reeve Case,expressing our felicitations at the success he achieV: ed at the recent Provincial Elections and our deep appreciation of the Hono~he has brought to Aurora. UNDERHILL,KNOi¥.LES,carried~that the applications of E.Attridge and G.~uantz "for water service be granted at the regular rates. A BYLAW was introduced by Mr.Bilbrcugh,given its first,second,and third read-] ings in regular. and legal form, and finally assented to ,providing for the construct-I ion and financing of the drain on c·entre St.so that the Owners can pay for the same in regular installments. The Mayor withdrew and Mr.Murray asaumed the chair. SOUTHWOOD,BILBROUGH,carried,that four extra street lights be installed at the discretion of the E.L.Committee and the Town Electrician,and that the War Memorial Board be granted permission to connect-wi.ta-spot lights with the service we now have to that point. BILBROUGH,UNDERHILL.,carried,that the Property Committee be instructed to rep- orjl. on the price of chairs for the Mechanics Hall, at the next meeting of the Cuun- ail. On motion of Messrs.Knowles and Southwood the C!ouncil adjourned. -_€_~~- Y~ayor, Clerk.