MINUTES - Council - 19290217rrHIRD MJBJ:i:TING THE THIRD }IEETING OF THE COUHCIL for the year 1929 was held. in the Council Chamber on Tuesday Evening Feb.I7th.at 7.30,P.M.with th:ee Hayer in the chair and all the Members in attendance. The Iviinu tes of the preceding JJ:Ieeting were read 2.nd Eq'lproved. Commun.ications were received and reviewed a.s follows; The Library Board,Giving their Budget for the year 1929 and asking for the grant of i)600 .oo, the amount required for several preceding yea.rs; The tenders for the sale of debentures as advertised; I1I:r .He.nson ''-PIJeared before Council, stating that !i. Boy Scout Pa.trcl "has been form.ecl. in Tc•:m,under his Captaincy,with an advisory Council composed of l:iessrs .Hev .Soa.nes and Black,Wal ton,Devins and Mayor Thom})Son, together with six ladies to be selected from the mothers of the boys enrolled,and asking for a liberal grEmt; J1h· .. Murray a.skecl the.t the R.&e>B.Coromittee be advised b3r Council regarding the ple.cing of :poJ.es on the Harth side of Tyler :Jtreet;e.nd,e.fter the members had expressed their incl.i vidual opinion, the matter was left in the hancls of the Head an<l Bridge Committee;. KJ)fm'/LJm,soUTB:WOOD and carried that a grant of six hundred dollars be made to the Public Libra.ry Boo.rd, o:ncl_ that the seal of the Corporation be attcwhed to this resolution. BOULDING ,K1JOWLES,c:md carried that the Boy Scouts of Aurora be given a. grant of seventy five dol.la.rs,(i~75.00) to a.ssist in procuring supplies,books etc.in order to carry on their work in tovm,a.nd tha.t the seal of the Corporat- ion be attached to this resolution. BOULDIUG ,BILBROUGH and carried that the tenders submitted for the. sale of Debentures,as advertised,be not accepted. ! CASE ,BOULJJING?and ca.rried that the issue of Debentures to cover the cost of th~ :pavement on Berczy St.be printed,and offerecl for sale locally,a.t par, ~.nd that the sea.J. of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Council a.djourned,on motion,to meet at the 02,ll of the Mb,yor. B!h~ ~~~ Clerk. ~---·'