MINUTES - Council - 19281203.... ." .. . _, -~·• ,._· •. -, , "-·.-. • • ··r.-..{,·,·,o.•.•·r·cY.~~"'·"'-"''-"•''·•'··~'·.',·n--c.~>.> cc\"''""·" • " ' TWENTY FIRST ]JIEETING TliE TYiENTY FL'1.ST 1iJ£J~TIJIG OF THE COUNCIL FOR. 'HIE year 1928 was held. in the Council Gha.niber on l1tond.ay Eve.Dec3tll!o.with all the Jviembers in attendance and the Mayor in the chair~ The ll!Iinutes of the la.s.t Meeting were read and approved. Comr111.illic~ttions were received from the following. sources; James Proctor and. RedferrL,final estimates of palling c.nct Vl?W.Extension; Warren Bituminous Paving Co.tendering a Bond in lieu of ten·per cent holdback Can Nat 1 1 Rys.requesting an agreement for the SUl)ply of electricity; vr .L.Stephens ,s.pplying for water on property outside the street lim.i ts; 1v!r .. R.Case appeared and a.sked for a reduction in his tax bill; 1Ir .c.Cook asked for permission to place scales rartly within the lim.i. ts of Berczy s.treet; MovecJ. by J,fr.Southwood,secondecl by Mr.Thom.:pson and carriecL that the action of the lJayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be and the sa.m.e is hereby confirmed and that the seal of the Corroration be attached to this resolutioni Nov,;IOth. P.Holm.an R.&.B. $I6.40 H. Haight do 17.40 L ~lThinehart market 2.00 Nov.17th. P .Holm.::m R.&.B •. 16.40 R~Ifuight E .. L. 16.40 24th. H.Haight E.L. 2.0 .oo P.Holrnan R.&.B. 20.00 Dec.Ist. P .Ho l.n:le.n R.&.B. 18.40 R.Haight E.L. 18;40 L..Rhinehart Market 3.00 L..Rhinehart M:ech.l{. 4.00 ]iloved by Dr.Boulding,seconded by lcir.Thompson and carried that the following bills be paid,that the Ma.yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution; Warren Bituminous Paving Co~ grading acct. "'1>67 .08 Williamson Bros. wood Mech.Ha.ll I4.50 F.Browning tile 2.15 Attridge and Son lumber 22.84 ~-~-. \ ..... :~_./ ___ _ r , ' ' 2 C2JL.Gen.Elec .co. lamps etc. Can.Vlire &. Gable Co.. wire etc. F..ycJ.xo Elec .Co=. labor Hyatt & SWitser repair meters. Rydrc Elec..Power Comm Oct.-:povler .. Tor.& York.Roacls COmm. tile Proctor & Proctor notices W .._J-l-.._Dru.rmno_ncl :B o.Of R-. s.up:pliea C~G6ok ccoal ·Town Hall Dr.Stevennon sa.lary and. chgs. :M: .• o.n. E.J.,.Dept. street lighting for 192.8 Courity of York levy Cler;:: · postage 2.nd. express lltueller Ltd.. pipe and fittings W.G.Trent teaming R.&.E? .r .'IV.Read.!llE>.n supplies for milk testing Banner Press vr.w. do E.I.. do Corp. J3 .F .Da.vis cement 80.64 I.07 .19 8.58 23.75 I.668.12 30.00 I..75 2.70 51.I.5. 220.00 1750.00 II5.43.80 I2.8I 533~34 37.25 3.52 . 4.64 8.76 382.89 4.55 Knowles-Southwood,carriecl,the.t tha application of C.Cook to place weigh scales on the east side of Berczy St.south of the oil tcmk,be granted ,subject to the right of notice for removal at any time by a future Council. Case-Thom:pson,ca.rried that the applications of J,i[essrs.w.L.Watson,.W.L.B::mbury, H.S.Foote,w.L.Ste:phens and A.Jarvis for electric light or power connections be acc- epted,c.s agreed upon by the E.L. Coll!l1ili ttee e.nd that the installations be made. Boulding-J,furray ,carried. that a grant of twenty five dollars in pursuance of the custom established in previous years ,be made to the Aurora Pou.l try and Pet Stock Association,e:nd that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Case Boulrling,carried that the regular grant of three hundred dollars for the year I928,be paid to the fire Brigade e.ncJ_ that the seal of the Corporat.i.on be attac- hed to this resolution. 1JllJHRAY-Kl'IOWL.'ES,carried. that the final payments,i.n accorde.nce with the final Certificates of the Kngineers for the Town,Messrs.James Proctor cJncl Redfern,be made to the Warren Paving Co.a.s follows,Mosley,I726.46;Tyler t59I.LL2;We1ls 1277.09 3 Victoria. II36 .32;CbJ.i.rch & M.etcalf 2012.37 ;Cat:h.erine 1377, 11;Yonee 9569.47 ;_a total --of 18690 .24,and. to the Ene;ineers, J"a.rnes Proctor a no. Red.fern, 1484.83 on :pav'Olments and 2>8.27 on W?W .Extension,beine the total cost less ten :per cent hold.baek,for a guar- antee and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. U~IDKRHIIJ:,-TKOMPSON,carried. that the Bond. offered. by the Warren Bituminous Pav. Co.and the U.S.Fio.elity a.nd. Guarantee Co.a.s a guarantee of rna.intainance for five years be accepted in lieu of a hold.back of ten per cent of the cost,and that the · saicL holo.back,a.mounting to 1~I:C006 .4I be paid to the a.foresaid Warren Bituminous Pav Co .. Ltd.. ,and that the seal of the. Corporation be attached hereto. CA.SE""'BOULDD'IG ea.rried., that the Clerk be and he is hereby authorised to commun- ica.te ·,;_,i th the Councils of King ancl '\Vhi tchurch, regard.ing an a.rrane;ement for a reg- ular contribution to this Corporation for the use of our fire equipment. BOUlJHNG ..CASE. carried.that the Mayor and Clerk be instructed and emrowered to issue chec1ues on the Waterworks e.nd E.L.Depts .for the sum of ~i869 .so a no. $710.00 respectively, i.n accord.ance with the custom of :previous years ,for the proportion of t e salaries of the Forernan,Clerk and Treasureri-anx that the seal of the Corp,. be atta.ched th this resolution. TROMPSOK-SOUTm'fOOD,carried. that extra street lights be erected as follows ,one each on Centre st.near C.N.R.tracks;Le:p:per st.;George st.south;Temperance at bridge south of Tyler a.nd at the intersection of Temperance and Ransom. CASE-UJ\.l])EP.HILJ, ,ca,rried that the Council accept the Unj_on .Tack :presented to the Tovm by Mrs.W.C~Willis,with thanks,a.:ppreciating it for its historical associat- ions. UURRJl..Y-KNOWLES,carried, that the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to adver- tise for tenders for the collection of garba~e for the next twelve months,all tende ers to be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o•clock,noon,on Dec.14th.I928. The Finance Cow.mittee presented a report dealing with bonuses to Officials for extra work energy in the W .w .Extension,a.nd with the sale of Debentures for the W.W.Extension and for the pavements laid during the year. SOUTliWOOD-Jl:iilliffiAY,carried that ,pursuant to the report of the Finance Committe a sale.ry bonus be p;?.id as follows,A.I.anernz.n,$25.00;G.Walker,fi;25.00;F.Dunharn,4r75.00 and that the seal of the Cor:pora.tion be attached to this resolution. A Bylaw was introduced by Ilfi'.Knowles,given its first,second and)third readings in regular and legal form,to ratify the action of the Council in selling a :panel and leasing space to the Ifydro Electric Power Commission. I I "--. f .t~ Byln.w vtas introduced:rgiveri. its fir~ity3econcl ~!.nc1 tJ:ird ::cc.cJ.i:·1~~~r~ .L:'. :::.·' .. ,·~.-~J- :f. ]_c' _ .l fo:r~·il_:o t;_,: <--~·u·---.-"5. :~_c· :f:'oT t!J.0 lr.';.sue E"-ncl s.::t1e of Debentures to cover the cof:>t of the res.urfacine; of Yonge St. 4 A BYLAW was introduced by Mr.Southwood,given its first, second and thircJ_ read- . --~. ings in regular and legal form,and passed. :provicling for the Nominations of IYJ.ayor Reeve Deputy Reeve,five Councillors and three Public School Trustees e.t 7.30 in the evening of Monday Dec .• 3Ist.in the J'JLechanics He.ll and the election,if any,on Monday-Jami.arjl; 7th. with the following :polling booths e.nci officials.; Ward I,in H.Hulses store ,D.R.O.A.E.Day and P.G.Abner Hulse;. Ward. 2; in Town Hall WarcJ. 3 in Health Hall ,D.R.o~,w.H.T8,ylor e .. nd P.G.,Clark Hastings; , D~R.O.,Jno.Fray and P.c. Leonard Andrews Ward.~~ in 1iiss Atkinsons house,D.R.o.vr.JR.otchell and P.C.He.rold. Lavalle; We.rcJ. 5 in w.Milgates wareroom, D~R~O~ Chas.Davies anci P.C. Orvil Heath. A BYloAW was introduced by WJ.r.d;;_se,given its first second s.nd thircL readings in reguJ.ar and legal form,and :passed,amending Bylaw Number 62I,by incree.sing the salary of the Clerk. A BYLAW was introduced. by Mr.Murray,given its first, second and third read- ings in regular e.nd legal form,and passed,making :provision for the issue and sale of Debentures for the sum of eight thousand ctollars to :pay fpr the unpaicl. balance of the cost of the Stdrage tank and Icmins. A BYLA"Wwas introduced. by Dr.Boulding,given its first,second and thirc1. read ings in regular and legal. forra.,and :passed,:providing for the issue and sale of Deb entures to :pay for the cost of the :pavement laid on Berczy St. A BYlAW was introduced by Mr.Thom:pson.given its first,second ami third read ings in regular and legal form,and :passed,:providing for the issue and sale of the Debentures to :pay the cost of the :pavements lalid on Tyler,Church,I[etcal.f ,Mosley .• Wells,and Victori2" streets,and on Catherine Avenue. The Council adjourned at II.30 P.M.,to meet on Saturday eve.Dec.I5th.e,cc- ording to statute,or at the call of the Mayor ,if occasion should arise in the me ant i.ro.e • ./ ---r~-~---~~-~----;~--- !-W ;;~i,-' I!e.yor, Clerk.