MINUTES - Council - 19281215~~ I l . I ~~/~·-. \ 1.---.· r'" r/' 1 "-·-/ TVlEHTY SEC01fD MEETING The twenty second. 1\ieeting of tb.e Council for the year 1928 wa.s held in the Council Room on Sat.urclay Eve .Dec .• I5th.with all jlhe lJiembers in attendance and the Ma.yor oc.c.upying the chair. The lVlinutes. of the preceding M.eeting were -read anct approved. Cormnunications were received_ a.nd_ read from the following sources; o~Juo.d.,refuncL on dog tax,wrangfully assessed_; C~K.Rickaon,req_uesting relief from :poll tax; ];fr.Reacl.m..<m,q_uarterly report s.s liiilk lnspector,showing a very satisfac.tory con- ditiOni ' De:pt.of Righways,acknowledging receipt of account for Yonge St.and e.dvising of the visit of an Auditor to check over the cost figures; The Clerk reported this audit completed ancJ. satisfa.ction expressed;J; ,j&····· cv~' J-r-( Tenders for the collection of garbage for the next year were opened as follows; s.cook, W.Trent ~~II70.00 ~~I200.00 J ~1[elvin 4~1:000.00 ,providing the Town supply a. dumping site; KOULDING...SOUTHWOOD and carried that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bill!i be and the same is hereby confirmed and that the sec.l of the Co:eporation be 8.ttached_ hereto; Dec .8th. \1'l8.ges P .Holman R~&.B. ~ii9 .20 II H.Raight I< 19.20 Dec.I5th. .. P.Kolman " 20.00 II' H.Ra.ight It' rs.oo BOlJT_,_J)DfG : KNOVvl;ES ,and carried that the following accounts be paid, th2. t the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same,ami that the seal of the Corporati on.be attached hereto; Hydro Electric Power Comm. Nav.power Aurora Book Shop Office supplies Murrays Hdwe, wedges etc. Wa tsons Dairy lunches Collis Leather cincJ.ers J".A.Mitc.hell charity Rhinehart Iviueller Ltd. curb stops etc. Naughton arid Jenkins salary and Disb'ts, Clerk,postage and express :f:;I520.0I .25 3.74 r.oo s.oo 1.29. 25.73 309 .ro 7.07 ··," ' l 2 1\[rs.~Storks care of l>Irs.Pugh J' $20.00 N:.Yark Veterans wreath Armistice Day I.O.OO Neal & Farr repairs to truck Gan.Gen.E~ec .G. a .. supplies :Ben Phone Co~ //240 .E.L. Aurora H.d.we II. J'as.B~ack It: # 12. w~w~ #I35 //65 E.L. glass etc. corp. cartage E.L. " Gorp. 4.7 .5.6 U.I.O 2.65 3.00 5.00 4.45 3.23 5.02 I2.5.6 II.I5 ' TH.Oliil'SON KNOWLES ancl carried that a refund of two dollars be giMen to 1Ir .o J'udcJ_,as he had disposed of his dog prior to assessment,.in 1Ta.rch I928. Vli=.MacDona~d~ Town Treasurer appeared and presented the annual financial statement as prepared,for the year Dec.I5th.I927 to Dec.I5th.I928. KNOWLES.M!JRRAY,and carried that the Financial-report :presented. by the Treas- urer be accepted and that he be instructed to have the statutory number printed. The Iviinutes of this Ueeting were read and approved. Council adjourned Sine.Die .. _f!JdL~ }ifayor, Clerk. I