MINUTES - Council - 19280904Tlill EIGRTEF.JTTH 1lEETil'l"G OF Tlill COUNQ.IJ., for the year I928 was held in the
Council Chamber on Tuesday Evening Sept.4th.e .. t 8 O'Clock P.11. with the 1il:ayor
il'l the cha.ir and the following members in attend.ance,the Reeve,Deputy Reeve,
and Councillors Boulding,Y..nciwles.,Thompson and Underhill.
The 1linutes of the las.t Meeting were read and approved.
The following com.1nunications were submitted for consideration;
.The Sec 'y of the Righand. Public School Boards, 3 tating the amounts re<J.'Iilired
from jl-hil: Tciwn for the years expenditures;
Ues.srs • .Tames Proc.tor and: Redfern,enclosing certific.ate for the work comple-
ted to date,ai:tcl. notice from the Dept.of Righwaysthat they approve our Contract
for the resurfacing of Yonge street,and would forward an agreement for executihon
in order that they may regularly contribute their proportion;
The Aurora Fire Brigade ,asking that a coupling adapter be acJ.ded. to their
The Horticultural Society,re<J.uesting a grant ,as in former years.
A motion was presented by Mr.Knowles,seconcJ.ed by Dr.Underhill and carried
that the actl.on of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment
of the following e.ccounts be and the same i.s hereby confiriiiBd,and that the seal
of the Corporation be attached hereto;
August Ilth. Pay sheet #'3 W.W.Ma.ins J<::Xtensions $260.95
" ISth. " 1,14 II II 343.10
n. 25th. " #5 It II 232 .• 00
Sept.Is.t. u. #6 II "' 259.20
tt !st. L.Rhinehart care of lvfurket 5.00
A motion was presented by Mr.Thompson,second.ed by I\!X.Underhill and carried
that the following accounts be paid ,that the Iviayor issue orders on the Treasur'
er for the same,and that the seal of the Carper at.!ilon be atte.ched hereto;
F.W.Teasdale, charity account L.Rhinehart
F .Rowland E .L. Account supplies
Superior Stores charity Pugh April Acct.
Hydro Electric Power Comm • .July power bill
Oughs Hdwe. E.L.Suppliea
Aurora Flour e.nd Feed E.L. :;1.cct..
.r.T.Bond charity Pugh,April acct •
.r .H. Sloan supplies
q~3 .04
A.ttridge and Son lumber 5.12
Globe Indemnity Go. renewal premium 1:93.78
Francis Hankin and Go .• W.W.Su.pplies., 118.32
Ganad.ian Line Materials E .L.Stock 8.6:4
Northern Electric Go. coils for fire alarm 23.5.!:
Can. G.en. Elec. Go. E .• L..Stock 29 .I.5
Bell Phone Go.. #135 3.15
#65 4.75
//12 w.w. 4.00
Clerk pos.tage and freight I2.37
Davis Garage, repali.rs to tru.ck 1.04.68
Dawsons Restaura_nt lu.nche.s for overtime men 1.0.50.
P.li!I.Thompson, desk and chair. Clerk's. Office 65.00
''~motion was presented by Dr.Underhill,seconded by Wtr.Thompson and carried
that a grant in accorda.nce with the usual f}Ustom,amounting to fifty dollars;be
made to the Aurora. H.orticultural Society,.to show appreciation of their efforts
in improving the appearance of the Town,a.ncl that the seal of the Corporation be
attacheo. to this resolution •
. !;. motion vra.r;, presented by Mr.1'hompson,seconded by Ilifr.Jiurray and carried
that a coupling adapter be purchased fpr the Fire Dept.at their req_uest,to permiq'J
cooperation with Ne\'l!lla.rket,in joint. use of hose,at. a cost of $5.50,ancl that. the
seal of the Corporation be a.tta2hed hereto.
A motion wa.s presented by ]lfr.1Jiurray,seconded by JUr.YulOwles ano_ carried that
the M:S.yor and Clerk be <!.uthorisea to sign cheques in payment. of the interim acct~
of the Warren Bituminous Paving Co .. for the sum of $I9I.96.20,and of .Tames Proctor
and Redfern, engineering fees on pavement construction $959 .8I,and on W. W. accoun ··
.j)300.00,in accordance wit:in. the certificate of the .said Engineers,dated Sept.4th.
and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.
A motion was presented by li!Ir,Underhill,seconded by iVir.Knowles and carried
that the Collector be relieved from collecting the tax on income,assessed againsll
ltt • .T.H.Knowles,in error,and that the seal of the Corporation be attached heretCb..
A motion was presented by Mr.Case,seconded by I!lr.Und.erhill and carried that
the lJfayor and Clerk be authorised to execute the standard agreement with t..."le Pro
vincial Dept.of Highways,in order that they will contribute their share towards
the cost of the resurfacing of Yonge s.t.ree.t •
. IL Bylaw to levy the taxes for the current year was introduced by Dr.Eculd-
ing,given its first,second and third readings in regular and legal form,and was
assente.d to,raising thre following amounts,
general Tcwn rate, 12.45 mills, providing $19027.37
County rate 'l'.5fl33 mills It 11fl4.3.80
Public School 9 .• 814.8 n' " 15000.00
High School 2 •. 0562 •• " 3142.54.
Debentures 6.12.57 " II 93.61.91,and the Local
Improvement rates e.nd the Poll Tax,and establishing a rate of 38 mills in the
A Byle.w was introduced by Mr.Underhill,given its fi.rst,second and third
readings in regular and legal form;and duly ass.ented to,appointing Mr.Fisher
Dunham as Collector for the taxes for. the current year.
The. Council then adjourned,.on mction of Messrs .Murray and Thompson, to meet
at the call of the 1fu;yor ..
A -------------------
Mayor, Clerk.