MINUTES - Council - 19280817r
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'J'Jl:El SIXTEENTR :MEE:TING of the Counci~ for the year 1928 was he~ci in tm
Council 'Cruiml:let> <ih F:t;:_id.ay eve •. 'llig.I'Zth.at s.~tc~ock with al~ the Jvlernbers in
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attenciance and. the Mayor in the chair.
'fhe Minutes of the pre.ce<iing meeting were read. and. adopted..
CollJIUUilications were received. from. the fol~owing sources;
lvlr:.Sheppard.,bill. for damage to his car;
ll![r.J.R.Na.ughton,e. written opinion,in answer to questions referred to him
ad.vising against encroe.chment on the T~T.C.right of way; vdth a pavement;
Petitions from. W.Grice,J.F.Richardson,Rabt.C.o~e,and A.Taylor with others
supporting each, asking for pavements ,under "The Local Improvement Act•t, on Well
and. Victoria streets,duly certified by the Clerk as to sufficiency.
Ill:oved by Dr.Boulding,seconded by Ilr.Knowles ami carried that the claim
of Mr.C .B .Sheppard for damage to his car in col~iss.ion with the town truck
be referred to the Town Solicitor.
Ivioved. by Mr.Murray,seconded by Mr.Knowles and carried that the petitions
presented. by the property owners on Wells. and Victoria streets. for the constru-..
ction of a pavement under ''The Loca~ Il:n;provem.ent Actttbe received.,and that the
Engineers. be and they are hereby ins.tructed to prepare the necessary plans and
specifications,in accordance therewith,and.. that a Bylaw be prepared to author-
ise the Mayor ~;md.. Clerk to enter into a contract with the Warren Bituminous
Paving Co .:for the execution of the work,uponthe same prices a.nd terms as those
upon which other pavements in to•m are being constructed,all work to be camp-
leted before lfov.Ist.I928.
A By~aw was introduced by Mr.Murray.given its first,second and third read
ings in regular and legal form., and duly assented to, to provii!l:e for the canst-
ruction of an eighteen foot warrenite pavement on Wel~s street.
A Bylaw was introduced by 1!r.Know~es,given its first,second and third rea-
dings in regu~ar =d legal fo=.,and du~y as·sented to, to provide for the cons t-
ruction of a warrenite pavement on Victoria illi!Ireet from !.fosley st.to the inter-
section of Harrison street.
Moved by Mr.Case,seconded by Mr.Thompson that the Bylaw Committee be and
they are hereby instructed to prepare the necessary Bylaw~and that the Clerk
prepare a petition and procure signatures in accordance with The Local Improve-
ment Act,.,in order that the .resurfacing of the Yonge st.pavement with sheet
asphalt mayup to the outsio.e rail of the T.T.C.tracks on either side,be proce-
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eded. with :i.mmed.ia:t.ely,2,nd contracts award.e.d for the same,and. that. the seal of
the Corporation be attached to this reso.lution;''
·On re.q_uest. for the recording of the yeas and nays by 1Tr.Walton , the· foll-
owing record of the vote was taken. by the Clerk,yeas,the Reeve,Depu.ty Reeve,
and l!I'essrs .Boulding,Knowles ,Sou.thwo ocL, Thompson and Underhill;nays,liTr. Walton.
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.The motion was declared to be carried.
Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor.
Ms.yor Clerk.