MINUTES - Council - 19280703·. THIRTEENTH MEETING The thirteenth Meeting of the Counci~ for the year I92.8 was he~d. in the Counci~ Chamber on Tuesday eve~J'~ 3rd..at B,O'<Uock; the Mayor occupied. the chair· with the following members in attenda.nce,Deputy Reeve,and Councillors Know~es. Bou.ld.ing .Southwood. Thompson ami Underhill. The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and approved. Communications: were received and read from the following sourues; B .R .Davis ,asking permission t.o connect cellar drain with the storm. sewer; .T.I:L.Knowles.asking relief from income assesai!IBnt; .r.W.Read.man,report of his inspections for the qu.arter; C.R.Willmott ,agreeing to assume the cost of hydrant remova.I,in the way of an entrance to the proposed filling station; F.C.King~giving notice of damage to his car on Yonge street; E?M.~etrie and twenty five others,presenting a petition for a permanent. pave ment on MOsley street,certified by the Clerk as to sufficiency; Moved by Mr.Thompson,seconded by MJ:.Southwood and carried. that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following bills be ai~Ld the same is hereby confirmed. and. that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto, .Tune 9th. June l:o.th. June 23rd. .Tune 29th. June 30.th. a.Ma:Bride P.lfolma.n H.Ha.ight W.Bray P.lfolman H.Ifaight w.Bra.y O.McBride H.Ifaight o.McBride P.lfolma.n w.Bray L.Rhinehart P.Holman H.Ifaight w.Bray O.McBrid.e L.Rhineha.rt wages !! w lh •• It:· u~ '" '" tt· "' ·~ It u; ... tt II" It w.w • $I8.00 R.&.:a. 2I.OO It;' 2I.OO ·~ I8 .. 00 ·~ 22 .. 00 "" 22.00 II• 22.00 '" 22.00 •• 22.00 n· 20.00 w.w. 22.80 .. 22.00 1\llarket 4.00 R.&.B. 2I.•oO .. 2I.oo II· 2I.oo II• 27.60 Mech.Ha.ll 3.00 Ji[Qved by Dr.Bou.lding,seconde:d. by Jifr.Thompson and carried. that the following accounts be paid. and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same an ·. tlia.t the seal o f the Corporation be attached. hereto; ::•:/ Davis Garage A.t tr idge and Son .T. W .Readman Hydro El.ec.Power Can.Line .Mtls. Iin,p.Oil Co. Can.Gen.E~e:c .a.a. J .F~eurys Sons Ba."ll.er Press • repair to road ~br.& cement mill etc. Comm. Ma.y power supplies gas & oil wire etc. .. repairs Town acct truck, $3.60 40.04 2 .• 08 I38l:.46 54.04 ·. 4I .. 2.5 Il.I-65 :1:.50 87.84 . ~"· , :': .•' . ' -~ f I THIR~TTR MEETING CONTINUED 2 Ba,nner Press w .. w. E.L .. charity Pugh supplies J"as.Whimster &. Co. Wm.Ough & Son Remington Typewri te1· F .. Mo:ilriS: Dom.Cutout Co .. J"as.Black Co. hibbon charity Pugh E. .. L. supplies cartage E. .L .. #65 Bell Phone Co .. #!2 w.w. Francis Hankin & Co. pipe etc.w.w. Clerk postage and e.xpress ~.Trent teaming R.&.B. B.F.Davis cement R.&.B. 20.68 26.99 I.43 2I.I6 4.5G I.I3 66.95 2I .. 30 5.35 3.95 90.56 26 .. 09 rn.m 26.50 Moved by Mr.Thompson.seconded by Dr.Underhill and carried tha.t the E:.L.pole on Mr.li.Leppers drive on Harrison Ave. be moved west to the line to give him clea'l" entrance to his driveway. Moved. by 1fr:.Knowlea.seconded by Mr.Thompson and carried that the application of lfr:.B.F.Davis for the privelege of connecting his cellar drain to the Wellingto street sto= sewer be granted provided he undertakes that no refuse or sewerage be allowed to enter the drain,the work to be done at the expense of the applicant and under the supervision of the Town Superintendent. Moved by lfr: .. Case~seconded by Mr.Thompson and carried that the Insurance pol'- icies,.covering the Firemen when on duty,and property d.amage to or by the Fire tr- uck,a" presented by Mr.F.Underhill be accepted and that the Mayor and Treasurer be authoriz:ed to issue a cheque for $Iaa .. oo in paymen:h of the same and that the seal of the C:o.rporation be attached hereto. A. d.elegation of Citizens from the Southern section of Yonge street appeared at I.O.P.M.asking that iiDnle(:liate action be taken to secure the removal of the T.T. C.roa.dway to the centre of the street. as far as the southern boundary of the Town before the pavement is completed.;A.fter hearing the delegation the Council passed the following resolution, ··~o&-on motion of FKessrs.Southwood and Und.erhill,."that Mr.Case be a deputation from this Council to interview the T.T.C.regarding the removal of the track at the south end of the Town,as requested by a deputation of property owners. Moved by r~.Knowles,seconded. by Mr.Southwood and carried that the Solicitor be instructe.d to prepare a Bylaw to provide the necessary action to be taken by the Council of this Corporation in absorbing the unpaid portion of the Local IJ:n;p- rovement debentures on the Yonge st,pavement,issued in I92I for a period of twentY years,and enabling the resurfacing the same with a two inch bithulithic surface, from the curb on either side to the width of the_ right of way of the T.T.C.and th!.- I I i THIRTEENTR llilJllETING CONTINUED ;;. calling :for tenders :for the construction of the same ,and that the Engineers be asked to provide ~if ab~e to do so ,acertif'icate of sufficiency of :foundat ion,.u:pon which to construct the :proposed sur:face.,.in accordance with the measurements and plans provided by the Engineers Messrs.Ja.mes Proctor and Redfern • A Bylaw to :provide for the construction of a :permanent :pavement on Masley street,eighteen :feet in wi<ith,:from Yonge to Berczy ,was introduce<i by :fu!r,Knowl.es given its :first,second and third reading in regul.ar and legal :form,and :passed,. A Byl.aw to fill the vacancy on the High School Board,automatically caused by the removal of Mr.T.Gregory from the munici:pality,was introduced by :fu!r.UnderhiR given ita :first,secon<i an<i thir<i readings in regular and legal :form,.and finally :passed,.ap:pointing :fu!r.A.M.K1rkY•ood,a member of the Board for the unexpired :portion of' the sai<i term. On motion of Messrs.Knowles and Southwood the Council adjourned until Tuesday eve • .Tuly the ·tenth at a.o•Clock,when it will resume to consider the tenders for the standpipe at the Waterworks and :for the :pavements on the streets for which :petitions have been :presented under "The Local Improvement Act". -~-~ Mayor,. Clerk. I i I I j I 1 ' j I