MINUTES - Council - 19280710/ • FOURTEENTH MEETING The four-teenth Meeting of the Council .for the year 1928 was held in the Council Chamher on Tuesday eve.Jl!Iy :r:oth.e .. t 8,QtClock,with all the Members in · attendance and the Mayor in the chair. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved. ComlDlmi cations were received as follows; Domestic Storage and Forwarding Co.accepting the estimate for the cost of changing the location of a hydrant,and asking for a service connection to their property. 1\fr.C.H..il.ndrews and Mrs.S.Latimer asking permission to attach cellar drains to existing drains: or storm sewers. ~ames.Proctor and Redfern,enclosing a certificate of sufficiency of found- a tion on Yonge st. The Prov.:Dept.of Kealth,forwarding a certificate and a Mandatory Order fnr the w.w.EXtension scheme; " A. petition signed by Mr.R.A.Hacking and twenty nine others,requesting the laying of a pavem.ent on Church and Metcalf streets,du]_y certified by the Clerk as to sufficiency. Messrs.w.~.Knowles,W.K.Taylor and Bass:ett,appeared before Council ,asking for a cinder path to the Monument; Mr.Langman explained the need of a telephone for Mr.Geo .Walker; Mr.Redfern was present to advise with the Council on the tenders for the stand pipe and the paving on the several streets; Moved by Mr.Cas:e seconded by Mr.MUrray and carried that the Clerk be inst- ructed to have a telephone installed in the residence of Geo.Walker as a conven ience in connection with the Electric Light Dept~ Moved by Mr.Southwood,seconded by Mr.Case and carried that the Road and Br idge Con:rtll.be authorizced to purchase cinders tlil build a sidewalk as far as the War Memoria.l,and to repair the cinder walk at the Noi:th end of the· Town~ that th}- Clerkbe.authori~ed to request the Councils of King and Whitchurch to bear part of the cost of a sidewalk towards the cemetary,and th,a.t the seal of the Corp. be attached to this resolution. A. Bylaw to authorize the construction of a Stand Pipe and water mains, I within the Cor];loration wa.s introduced by Mr.Knowles,passed its first,second,and third readings in regular and legal form,and was duly asserrfed to • ,_j FOURTEENTR MEETING CONTI.NURD The tenders far the foundatian;iran wark.eta.far the stand. pipe and far th~ supply of pipe for the Ma.ins were then a.pened and campared;after which the fall . awing resolution wa.s presented. b.y Messrs.Knavdes. and Murray and carried."Tha.t the fallowing tendera :Ln acc-ordance with the plans and specificatians,prepared by our Ertgineera Messrs • .Tames Proc-tor and Redfern,.far the Water works impraveme nt schellte. b.e accepted and the C(mtractS: awarded 0 c.oncrete foundation for the sta.. nd pipe ta"1 Mr.F..Browning for the sum. of $I625.00;the ateel stand pipe;to the lforton Steel Ca.for the sum. of ~~7475.00;.a•• cast iron pipe ,De La:w.ud type,to th National Iron W:orks,for $I.Io per lineal foot,and speaial castings at 5 3/4 cen ts per pound, that the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign contracts in ac-cordance herewith and that the seal of the Corporation be a.tta.ch ed to this resolution. The semi annual statement of the 'l'reasurer,sho.wing only a few dollars var iation in the expenditure for the first half of the years I925,I926,I927 and I9~ 1 was laid. upo.n the table .. Moved by Mr.Ca.se,seconded by Dr.Boul<iing truli& the petition presented by the property owners on Metcalf s:treet for the. construction of a pavement under "'The Local Improvement .A.ct 11be received and that the Engineers: be and they are h hereby instructed to prepare the necessary plans and specifications,in accordant<- therewith,and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for tenders for the wo rk_,to be completed be,:fore Nov.Ist.I928,. A.. Bylaw for the· construction of a pavement on Church and Metcalf streets: was introduced by Mr.JI[urray,given its: first,second and third readings in regula~ and legal form and was duly ass:ented to• Moved by Mr.'l'hampson,seconde_d by Mr.case and carried that the lowest ten der,the Warren Bituminous Paving Co.dated .Tuly IOth.I928,for the Warrenite Bith ulithic Pavement be accepted,in accordance with the plans and specifications of our Ehgineer,that the Ma.yar and Clerk be,and they are hereby authorized to sig'Y\. the same and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Moved by Dr.Boulding ,seconded. by Mr .. Murray and carried that all wet garb age must be wrapped and put in tight aontainers,otherwise it may be rejec-ted by the collector,a.nd that all containers must be replace_d by the collector, to the pos.ition in which found,such regulation taking effect .Tuly I5th. Counc-il adjo~~t II.$$ P.M. ~//?7~-=pl . .............. ~vy T. ~ .. cy, . -' .... , .. _._