MINUTES - Council - 19280528:--·--..
The Ninth Meeting oili' the Council for the year L928 was held in the Council
Room on Tuesday Evening ,May 2S th,at s.P.M.
The Members wewe all in attendance with the Mayor in the chair.
The 1tLnutes of the last Meeting were read and approved.
Coll'llllllilica tions were received and read from the following sources;
The Inspector of Legal Offices,ordering the Town to have a new plan compiled
Messrs Palmateer and Cowieson.applying for the position of Constable;
R.J.Rogers,requesting attendance at a conference of weed Lnspectors;
County Clerk ,giving notice of the admission to Hospital of Mrs.Effie Weir;
Applications ,W.F.Cooper for Electricity,Miss L.Cain and Mr.J.Badden for wat
er,and Mr.J.Badden for building pe~~t.
Miss E.Lloyd asking for a refund on water rates for unused portion of term.
Mr.Redfern,the Waterworks Engineer was present and outlined a plan for gradu
al improvement in the system,.As this plan met with the approval of the Council
ltr.Redfern proposed to return at the next Meeting with details and prices for
the proposed work for this year.
Moved by Mr.Knowles,seconded by Wcr.Thompson and carried that a building per-
mit be granted to Ilfr.J,Badden for lot 91 Wells st.according to his application;
Moved by Dr.Boulding,seconded by Mr.Knowles and carried that the application
of Ifr.W .F .Cooper for light and Miss Cain and Mr.Badden for water be gra.nted.
Moved by Mr.Southwood,seconded by Dr.UndErhill and carried that the R.&.B.
Committee be authori~ed to have the streets oiled ,as soan as they are ready,. wi
~ ~-o.u.~~. a •.
th oil't,heavy asphalt raad;_at a cost of fourteen cents per gallon,applied,and
that the seal of t.he Corporation be attached to this resolution.
Moved by Dr.Baulding,seconded by Dr.Underhill and carried thtt the R.&.B. Com~·
Mayor Walton,Mr.Case and Itt.Redfern be a Committee to meet the T.T.CQmmission,.to
--;;;..~. ,~sult over the road work to be done on Yonge street,through Aurora,upon a de.te
to be.·. arranged by the Clerk.
··• A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Knowles,given its first second and third read-
ings in regular and legal form and passed,raising the salary of ll!Ir.F.Dunham,.in
accordance with the resolution passed on the 30th.of April 1928.
Council adjourned until the regular Meeting on :Monday next.
---------------------------------------------------Mayor, Clerk.
r , ___ _
'" ll:Ioved by Mr,Case,seconded by Mr.Underhill that in view of the heavy expend
iture in sight in connection with the water system expansion and paving programm~
that the appointment of a Constable and the consequent expense in connection wit 1\
the same be deferred until a later date.
Moved by Dr.Boulding,seconded by Mr.llfurray and carried that Truman Staley
be hired at the pleasure of the Council for street cleaning,and that he be paid
nine dollars per week with a supplementary payment amounting to three dollars
per week,to be paid at the end of his te~,and that the seal of the Corporation
be attached hereto.
Council adjourned until the regular Meeting on 1\[Qnday evening next.
Mayor, Clerk.
,., .. _..