MINUTES - Council - 19280402/ FIFT.ti llilERTING The fifth Meeting of the Council. was hel.d on Monday eve.April. 2nd.at 8.P.M. the Members were all. in attendance and the Mayor in the chair. The Minutes of the fourth meeting were read and approved. Communications were received and read from the fallowing sourcesi James Proctor and Redfern~rel.ative to the storage tank at Waterworks; Cl.erk of the Peace,re.the revised statutes of Ontaria,I928. Moved by Mr.Knowl.es,.seconded by Mr.Onderhill. and carried that the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the treasurer for the payment of the following bill.s, I I I I I be and the same is hereby confirru:ited and to this resolution; that the seal. of the Corporation be attached1 i ! Mar.24th. P.Halman wages E.L. $I9.60 H.Haight It" R.&.B. 6.80 :Mar.3Ist. H.Haight It It I5.20 P.Hol.man tt E.L. n.oo L.Rhinehart It" Market 3.00 L.Rhinehart " Mech.Hal.l. 3.00 _I Moved by Mr.Southwoad,secanded by Mr.Murray and carried that the following J .bill.s be paid,that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same and that yhe 1 seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution; Scanl.ons bread for Pugh family Metallic Roofing C:o• culverts Canada Wire and Cable ca. E.L. Hydro Elec.Inspector Mech.Hal.l. Can.Gen.El.ea .co. E.L. Clerk postage and Express 'l'own .. It" w.w. Stiver Bros. coal. Town Hal.l. Can, Line .Ma. terial.s .L t<i. Bell. Phone Ca. M.Graham teaming #!35 & #65 R.&.B. E.L. F.Morris meat for Pugh-family Ough and. San, supplies E.L. n.oo 30.04 317.08 II.35 202.78 5.06 7.00 34.7S 32,64 7.50 22.40 3.7I 9.89 Moved by Mr.Knowl.es,seaonde<i by Mr.Murray and carried thajr;-the Engineers for. ·~ construction of the waterworks reservoir submit the necessary maps and pl.ans,and.'" Fifth Meeting continued make application to the Provincial Board of Health,for approval and a mandatory order in the interest of rublic Health and fire protection,for the construction of a steel or cement storage tank on a cement foundation,of a capacity of three hundred I thousand gallons,and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution.1 Moved by Mr.Case,seconded by Mr.Southwood and carried that Mr.Redfern,the Engineer be instructed to prepare specifications and plans for both a concrete and a steel reservoir,to supplement our present storage wa ter facilities,and that the erk be instructed to advertise for tenders,for the same in the Contract Record,all tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by April 2I:st .. Moved by Mr.Thompson,seconded by Mr.Southwood and Carried that the Mayor be I Clj I added to the E.L.Committee to interview the-T.T.C?.regarding the rental of poles pn Yonge street. Moved by Mr,Knowles,seconded by 'Mr.Southwood and carried that the Town Assessor be given an advance on salary of one hundred dollars and that the seal of the Corp; be attlllraked h~rM&QKnowles,seconded by Mr.Southwood and carried that a table,pan and Electric plate for heating,be provided the milk Inspector for testing milk. he following report waa submitted by the R.&.B.committee and ,on motion of t Messrs.Southwood and Case was adopted; ttWe recommend the immediate purchase of two I cars of very coarse gravel from the Maple pit,for use in filling the worst places in j our streets. The cement mixer is worn out;we would suggest that the Committee be ~ instructed to get prices on a new machine ,and report at the next meeting of the Cioun-•· cil.'~ The Finance Committee submitted the following report which was considered im Committee ,clause b)il clause ,and on motion of Messrs.11 nderhill and "ase was adopted. "your Finance Comm. have carefully reviewed the report as presented by the Auditors,and wish to compliment both the men who compiled it and the Town upon the receipt of such a report. We recommend that the s alaries be paid as provided by Bylav. that an abstract be printed in the local pa~er,and that an hundred copies of the abs tract be printed for distribution.We endorse the recommendation for the transfer of j i the two small accounts,and the bond,at present in the Imperial Bank,to the respectiv~ banks in which the account for that Department are held. We recommend that an item be added to the statement of the w.w.assets,showing the sum of $7350 .. 00 borrowed from the· w.w.account to the credit litf the Berczy st. paving account.That Bonds to the amount of.$3000.00 be purchased for the E.L.acct. I, \ ;:;. Fifth Meeting Uontinued ... hat the Fire Committee be instructed to p~ace some .Lnsurance on the fire· truck. £ I That a fire proof safe or fi~ing cabinet be purchased• the door on the vault be made to ~oak ob a new one substituted,and a cash drawer be built under the counter in the C~erk'& Office.That a By~aw be prepared by the Bylaw Committee,appointing a Col~ector,and that he be instructed to urge payment of arrears of taxes in ~ist #I and that list #2 be handed to the so~icitor for action. Oounci~ adjourned at II,P.M:. to meet at the ca~~ of the Mayor. -~---.:L~ Mayor, C~erk. i• -·-,\ ~-· GOURT OF REVISION ]lOR BERCZY STREET The Court of Revision for Berczy street was held,pursua.nt to noti:ce given and to ad..vertisem.ent.on Iiland..ay eve.April. 2nd...at 7.P.M. •• the Members present being the Mayor.Reeve.Deputy Reeve,and.. Councillor Underhill • •• o appeals had been entered..• Moved.. by Mr.Murray.second..ed.. hy M.r.Underhill and carried.. that the. assessment of the frontage on Bere:zy street be confirmed and that the seal. of the Corporation be attached to the r.esol.ution • Court adjourned sine.die• ------------------------------------------ Mayor. Clerk. I ./