MINUTES - Council - 19280621[;•
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THE TVJEL.VTH MEETING of the Council was held in the Council Chamber an Thurs •
. ·.·· ····· .~ ~ eve.at a,o~alock.~---,-" d.. I -·
The Mayor occupied the chair and the fallowing Membell's were in attendance • th r:
Reeve.Deputy Reeve,and C:ouncill.ars Baul.ding Knowl.es Southwood and Thom;psan.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
An appl.ication for water service was received from Mr.S.D.Ll.oyd.
C:ammunications were received and read as foll.ows;
Mr.Redfern,consul.ting Engineer,a report giving estimates for resurfacing
Yonge street pavement.
Mr.G.R.Willmott,with a map showing the proposed entrance and siding to the
property recently purchased,requesting approval..
Petitions for a pavement on Catherine A.ve.and an Victoria street,from Well-
ington to :Nrosley sts.duly certif"ied by the Clerk as to sufficiency and regulari:fty
The W .W.Committee sublllitted a report recommending the replacing of our press
ure tank with a standpipe 22 x so•,the laying of eight inch mains out Gurnett on
Victoria and Metcalfe~and the repair of the storage tank.
Moved by Mr.Thom;pson,seconded by Dr.Boul.ding and carried that the report of
the Waterworks a!'mmmittee on the illlprovement scheme be adopted and that the seal o
of the Corpo:ftation be attached hereto.
Moved by Mr.Gase,seconded. by Dr.Boul.d.ing and. carried that the Engineers for
the illlprovement in our w.W7system be asked to sublllit the necessary maps and plans
and make application to the Prov.Board of Health for a renewal. of theLC-approval.
and for a revised mandatory order ,in the intereat of Public Health and fire Pro-
tectian,for the constrtlction of a steel standpipe on a cement fotlndation,af a. cap
acity of 210,000 gallons,and for the extension of the water mains (a•~}on Gtlrnett
Metcalf and Victoria streets,a.t an estimated cost of $I8500.00;that the Clerk be ·
instrtlcted to caJ.l for tenders far the same ,and that the seal of the Corporation
be attached to this resaltltion.
Moved by Mr.JIIfurray~seconded by Mr.Sotlthwoad and carried that the petitions
presented by the property awners,on Catherine Ave.Victoria and Tyler streets,for
the construction of a pavement under the local Improvement Act,as received and
dul.y certified by the Clerk,aa sufficiently and regularly signed be approved and
that the Engineers be and. are hereby instructed to prepare the necessary plans,
and specifications,in accordance therewith,and that the Clerk be atlthorized to
advertise for tenders for the work, to be com.:ple.ted before Nav.Ist. I928
A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Thom.:pson,given its first.second,and third read-
ings in regular and legal form,and finally passed and signed,providing for the
construction and financing of an eighteen foot permanent pavement on Tyler st.
from Yange st.ta the easterly limit of George street.
A. Bylaw was introduced by Mr.Knawles,given its first,.secand,and third rea.d-
ings in regular and legal. farm,and finally passed and signed,providing fqr the
construction and financing of an eighteen foot permanent pavement an catherine
Ave,fram: the easterly side of Yonge street to a paint two hundred and forty seven
feet east of the easterly limit of Fleury street.
A Bylaw was introduced by Mr.llfurray,given its first,second and third readings
in regular and legal form and finally passed and signed:,.providing for the cans.tr-
uctian and financing of an e.ighteen foot bithulithic pavement on Victoria street
from the southerly boundary of Wellington street, to the northerly limit of Masley
c-ouncil adjourned ,an motion of Messrs.Murra.y and Southwood.
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