MINUTES - Council - 19280607I i I 4· ELEVENTH MEETING The eleventh meeting of the Counfril for the Year 1928 was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday eve .June seventh at eight 0 'Clo.c:k; the Members all in attend.- anc:e ,and the Mayor presiding. Mr.Redfern.consulting Engineer,was present to assist the Council; Application for water was received and granted to the Presbyterian Church. Moved by Mr.Southwood,sec:onded by MF.Boulding and carried that the report of the R.&.B.Committee recommending the purchase of a London type cement mixer,at a cost of '4i8.00 be adopted and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Moved· by Dr.Underhill,seconded by Dr.Boulding and carried that traffic signs reading r•s top' .. for the following Yonge st .intersections ,Church,Mosley, Wellington (2) Catherine and Ma.ple~and that the seal of the Corp.be attached hereto. Moved by Mr.Thompson,seconded by Dr.Underhill and carried that a Committee composed of the Mayor,rieeve,Deputy and any Councillors who are in a position to attend,interview the Minister of Highways regarding the resurfacing of Yonge st; That the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a Construction Bylaw for a perm- anent pavement on Tyler and such other streets in Aurora,as may be petitio~e!I for by the Owners under I.ocal Improvement Sections of the Municipal Act and that the Engineer prepare the necessary repo:l:t in accordanc.e with the said Act, the pr oportions of cost of the work to be divided as follows,Owners on ea ch side of the street to pay one third,the Corporation to pay one third and also to pay the cost of all intersections,and one half of all flankages up to a maximum of sixty feet on each lot,and the debenture period to be fifteen years. Moved by Mr.Southwood,seconded by Mr.Murray and carried that a chair and desk be purchased for the Clerks Office,at a cost of $63.00 and a design as submitted by Mr.Thompson,and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Moved by Dr.Boulding,seconded by Mr.Case and carried that in view of a petition for the paving of certain streets in town having been received,the c·ouncil recom mend a definite plan of paving to be carried out systematically,overa period of years if necessary;a suggested plan being.as follows,Mosley orMetcalf,to paralle\ Wellington,(2)Maple st.to Spruce,to Centre, to Wellingtcim at Wells.st.We .would suggest that petitions be prepared and submitted to the Council,forms for which are obtainable at the Clerks Office,to be proceeded with at the will of the Coun cil. -":-;·:,_,_,. .. .. j j ·1 I I ~~, / ELEVENTR MEETING QONTINUE:ll MOVeQ by Mr.Knowlea.seconQeQ by Mr.Thompson and carried that a Public Meeting be called for Friday evening June I5.th.e.t eight O'Clock in the Mechanics Hall for the purpose of discussing the improvements contemplated in regards tp the Town water pressure,storage and distribution.a.nd that the Clerk be authorized to send out notices for the same. ~··.-· Council adjourned to meet at the call of the :Mayor. ?l:ld.:--~ Mayor, caerk.