MINUTES - Council - 19271215~~
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The twenty seventh -meeting of the Counc.il for the year I.927 was held
in the Council Chamber on Thursday eve.D.ec..Ilith.at a.P..Jii[.;,the Mayor occu-
:pie.d.. the chair,and.. the. membe.ra present were the Reeve,Deputy Reeve,and Cou-·
ncillors B.oulcling.Khowlea Tay-lor and Southw.ood.
The Minutes of the. last meeting were read. and ad..opted...
Mr.Readman.Inspector,.presented his fifth q_uarterly re.port.showing contin
ued impro.vement in the milk s.upply.
Moved by Dr.Boulding,seconded by Mr.llfurray and carried that the. following
accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same
and that the seal of the Corporation be atta1rhed to this resolution;
County levy for I92:7
J:.Vl.Rea.dman lns:pectian supplies
J: .Fleurys Sons repairs
\'{m.Ha.stings. boots,gloves etc.Firemen
M.Graham teaming R.&.B.
Can.Gen.Elec. switches etc.E:.r..
Stiver Bros. coal Town Hall
Clerk . postage and ~aevenue stamps
Francis Hankin oi Co. pipe w.w.
Naughton and. J:enkins salary and d..isb •ts
R.F.Davis wood Mech.Ha.ll
$I065'1 .. 85.
3I2.83 m.oa
Moved by D'r,. Boulding seconded by M:r.Taylor and ca:l:ried.. that L.Pilson
be releived from payment of poll tax for the year I927,and that the seal of
~ 'l·
1!1 Corporation be attached hereto.
MOved. by Mr.Taylor seconded by Dr.Boulding and carried that. the
I~ Property~
Committee be and they are hereby instructed tcil have two fire exits placed in ,..
the Mech.Ha.ll,one at either side at the position occupied by the second from
the south window,work to be proc.eeded with at once and that the seal of the
Corporation be attached hereto.
The T:i:'easurer,Mr.J:.G.IIfuDonald appeared. and. presented. the financ.ial.-
statement. Moved by Dr.Roulding sceonded. by M:r.Murray that the Treasurers
Financrial statement be accepted as presented.C:arried..
The s of this meeting were read. and. adopted..
Mayor, C.lerk
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