MINUTES - Council - 19270704(-' "~-, ,...,., ,, SEVEN'I'ElllNTli 1\!liJETING OF Tim COUNC.IL FOR L92:'l. The aeventeenth Meeting of the Council for the year I92't was held in the council Chamber an l\funda.y eve • .Tuly 4th.at B.P.ll[.,.the Members all, in attendance and the Mayor in the chair. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. C'ommunications were received aJ!Zd read from the following sources; R.A.Ha.cking.sec.fire brigade,conveying two resolutions from the brigade; .Tohn A.Robinson,Peterbor_o~regarding the collection of garbage, Mr • .r.H:.Rosa and M:r.D.lt.Stiles regarding the loss of dogs after the pur'"' chase of tags; Mr.W:ilcox.appliaation for lease of the Firemens Hall; Liquor l!ontrol Board,asking: for the appointment of an O:f:ficer t;to conform to section I2I of the Liquor Control Act of On:jario; Mr.Readman.Inspector,presented his third quarterly report,.indiaating much i.:mprovement in the qual.ity and cl.eanliness of the milk sold in Town. MOved by Mr. Tayl.or seconded by MJ:.Knowlea and carried that the action of the Mayor in iasuing ordera on the Treasurer :for the payment of the following sums be and the same is hereby approved and that the seal o f the Corporation be attached to this resolution; .Tune 30th. P.Rolman O.lkllride R.Raight T.Staley !..Rhinehart R.&.B. It' "' II' Market $I5.75 I5.75 I5.IO, ~J.OO 7.00 llilOv:ed by Mr.Thompson ,aeaonded by Dr.Boulding: and carried that the following aJ~~:counts be paid and that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the same and that the Seal. of the Corporation be attached hereto; Aurora Rdwe. El.ec. Light Aurora Rdwe. Property acct. .T.B.Greig Auditing aceta. c • .r .O'larke tt ,. J'..F.Wlllis B'oard of Health C:lerk Express & rev:enue stamps Bell Phone C:o Wo.65. Iillperial Oil. Co. Oil. & gas .Tobn Stuart on acct. $5.55 IS.53 20.00 20.00 5.55 I.45 s.rg 35.35 600.00 Mav:ed by :lk.Boul.ding: aeconded by MJ:. Case and carried that the Firemens room in the Town Hall be rented monthly to Proctor & Proctor for the sum of I5.00 per month. Moved by Mr. Case seconded by Dr.Boulding that that part of the ____.r? _-.;;_.:\ ' ' '·"'''""'~ '-""·' .. *'~~,,-~' \,./ ( ... , .. '-c.- SE:VENTEENTH M:ERTING CONTINlJH'...:D. annual grant to the Fire Brigade covering the months of March,.A:pril. and lilfa.y 0 to the amount o:f $.75.00 be :paid to the Brigade forthwith,.and that the seal o:f the Corporation be attached hereto. l\fuved by Mr.Tayl.or seconded br MX. Thompson and carrie1bthat the Report o:f the Auditors on the Town Accounts up to lilfa.y 3Ist.be and is here,.. by adopted. l\fuved by MX.Case seconded by MX. Taylor and carried that the :Bylaw collllllittee be and they are hereby instructed to bring in a B ylaw making it aom:pulsory for all :persons carrying on wayside booths within the Co.rp- oration to pay a license of I5.00 •. Bylaw was introduced by MX.Case,.given its first and second reading,.rule 33 of Bylaw no.IO being suspended for that :pur:pose.Council went into Collllllittee O·f the whole,.MX.Knowles in the chair.Collllllittee rose and reported the Bylaw with blanks filled.Bylaw given its third reading and :passed. Moved by Mr.l\furray seconded by Mr.Taylor and carried that Wm.Peters be given :permission to cut down the shade tree on Metaalf st.directly in front of his driveway. Council again went into Collllllittee of the whole on the Bylaw to fill the vacancy in the Co.uncil.fr= which it rose during the fifteenth meeting, Dr.Bould.ing in the chair.Collllllittee rase and reported the Bylaw with the blanks filled~fixing the Nomination for Monday July IIth.at B.P.M.in the Mechanics Hall,.and election 0 if necessary,.on July IBth.fron g.o•clock A.M. to a.O·'cl.ock P.M.Byl.aw read a third time and passed. Mr.C:ase reported on his interview With the Minister of Highways re- ' garding the :paving of Yange si>.north,.and was instrtici>ed to proceed ,.along the proposed lines. C:auncil. adjourned to meet at the call P~'