MINUTES - Council - 19270613.;::.~-:.....
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The. fifteenth meejting of the C.ouncil was held in the
Co:uncril chamber on laond.ay eve. June I:O:th. at S.P'.L
The Mellibers were all in at.tendanc.e.
liiess.rs c·aus.ins and C.ausins of Wo.adbridge appeared before
the Council offer·ing to e.stablish: a model Dairy and pasteuriz-
ation plant,.providing: they were given the assurance that a. B:ylaw
to enforce the sale of pasteurized milkonly,would be adopted.
They were invited to make satisfactory arrangements for purchasing
the business of the present Dealers .when their plan would be given
Messrs .:c.& E.Bonisteel and Mr.Eainappeared asking financial
assistance to continue the service on the interchange. switch.
Mter considerable discus.sion llfr· Case moved~seconded by Dr. Bould-
ing and carried ,.that the Council resolve itself into C'ommittee
of the wholeto consider the advisability of granting a sum of
moneyfor the purpose of constructing an interchange switch from
the C:an. N""ational Ry.ta. the C:ollis Leather Co.plant.
The C:Ommittee eventually rose and. reported progress:.
D.r.B.ould.ing asked leave to introduce a Bylaw to fill the
vacancy in the Council~~Eylaw was read a first time and passed.
On regular motion C:ouncil went into C'ommittee on the second. read.-
" " ing of the Bylaw;;D:r. Boulding in the chair. C'ammitt.ee rose and
reported. progress.
Council adjourned. to meet at the/cilll of the Mayor.
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