BYLAW - Taking of Votes - 19200329 - 506A20Is pnrpo,t-::e of ap' Pointing and if requested ab to do, Shall appoint by writing, signed by him two persons to att end at the f L nal summi up of the votes by. the Clerkf one person to attend a . t each pollin place on the lehalf of the persons 'interested in and promoting the proposed By -.law and a like number o n behalf of the persons in, terested and opposing the Proposed By"la-wo 105 day o fmwA* Do 1920 On the at the hour of o 'clock 3L n the' noon at the TC Hal 1 "in the said 11nnicipality, the -said M own un2L erk of the Y palit shall attend and sum np the votes given for and against the proposed Bymlawo 12 DATED at the Tow.his day of I-Tarch 1920, PASSED at the T0*n Hall thi020, -aYOR