MINUTES - Council - 19270523\ } "--"J
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The thirteenth meeting of the council was held in the Fireu
mens Hall on Monday eve. May 23rd. , all the members being pr
esent ,the Mayor in the chair.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.
gommunications were received and read from the following?
Mr. M.B:tdger ,re. draining lots on Mark Ave.
Mr. Browning , re. drain from e.ave trough on Town Oall,
C. N. R. , re. rates for Electric lighting 9.lld power,
Mr; Mingay appeared before the Counc:il asking for better
water service and fire protection on Kennedy street.
Dr. Devins was heard in regard to the usage made of the
additional width paveme .. t on Wellington st. , which h:td been
l.aid down at the expense of the owners of adjacent property.
The oath of Office was administered to Mr. J.G.McDonald
Treasurer, ax1d to Mr. M,L, ·.Andrews , Clerk.
Moved by Dr. Boulding Seconded by Mr, Murray ax1d carried,
That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treas-
urer for the payment of the following bills; be ax1d the same is
hereby approved ax1d that the seal of the Corporatioh be attach-
ed hereto,
P,Holm9.ll (R 8 B. ) $19,25
J. Shax1ks (R & B. ) 19.25
T,Staley (street clea»iHg) 9.00
H. Haight (waterworks ) 19.25
Moved by Dr Boulding , Seconded by Mr. f;{).urray 9.lld carried
• That the fol1owiug accounts be paid 9.lld that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treasurer for the same 9.lld that the seal of the
Corporation ·be attached hereto,
Compensation Board (assessment )$123, 51
Ferranti Meter Co. (meters) 151;50
J. Fleurys Sor1s (paint ) 2. 34
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Thirteenth meeting continued.
B.F.Davis /oke for w. Works )
Clerk {postage and sta~q~s )
$75. 45.
Bell. Phone Co. {conn • charges .&:ret1t) 4o 95
Hydro Elec Power Comm; (April power )1210. 61
Forsythe and Allen {contract) 155.00
Forsytl:).e and Alleu (resurfacing) 30.0@
Forsythe and Alle•• {fill and var .. ish )12. 00
Moved by Mr; Murray seconded by Mr. Thompson and carried;
Th~t the w~ter from the eue trough or1 the south side of the
Town Hill be hken care of by a drain to connect with the drain
ih the Contr!l.ct , work to be done by our "OWn employees.
Moved by Mr, Case seconde.d by Dr, Boulding and carried,
That the Waterworks Comm. be and they are hereby' instructed to
investigate the feasibility 3.lld advisibility of laying ;. four
inch m;.in on KennedY or George st. for a better supply of water
to houses situate thereon , and report to the Council at the next
. regulil.r meeting•
Moved by Mr. Taylor seconded by Mr, Thompson ;.nd carried,
That parking cars on the wide space on Wellington st. be prohibi
ted , !llld parking be ulowed on both sides :from H. Hulses east,
il.lso parking to be allowed on Victoria and Mosley streets, !llld
that signs be erected to regl.\late the same.
Council adjounhed t6 meet .. at t~3.ll of the Mayor •