MINUTES - Council - 19270426' ' • COUNCIL MINUTES EIGHTH MEETING. The eighth meeting of the council for· the year was held in the council chamber on Mon. evening at e. P.M. all the members being present. The minutes of the l3.St meeting were re 3.d ~nd 3.dopted. Sommunications 1·rere receive\:!. 'll'ld reJ.d from the following persons. Mr. /h3.s. Webster, acknovrledging the expression of symp3.thy on behalf of the council to the family of the l3.te Mr. Petch. Mr. folb. E. Dunk rel3.tive to employment in the elec. Dept. Union of Cm. Municip3.lities, 3.nnouncing the 3.1'mua.l Convent ion. Miss. H. D.L'l.rkin tendering her resign3.tion as P.H. N ... ,se. effective J-lY 15. th. lh927. Mr; T. J. Spaulding 'll'ld others were -e·ard regarding the c;mtr ol of dogs in Tow ... Toronto T. C. reg3.rC.ing :~.n applic3.tion before the Out. Ry. and Mun. BoarC. f.or permission to ch3.1'lge the gu.age on the Met. Ry. fll!em3.st3.1'ldard to City of Toronto g·.3.ge ou MJ.jl .3rd. at Torvn-1:. ~ The assessor asked for 3lld vras gr311ted one week of gr3.ce in returning the Assessment roll. Moved by Mr. Andrews sec. Mr. Thompson th!l.t the 3.Ction of t, the M!l.yor in issuing orders on the Tre3.surer for the payment of the following sum.s be 3lld the same is hereby appro.ed 3lld t;hat the seal of the Corpor 3.tion be attached to this resolution, car'< '"'" Apr. 30th. B. Osborne 14 • .,0 P. Holm 3.1'1 l5. '11 H. Haigh.. e. 75 J. fl..3llkS 14. 00 O.McBride 14.00 T.Staley 9,00 Est3.te of C.A.Petch 2E.E4 Moved Mr~ !lndrews sec. Mr. Thompson th3.t th.e following 3.CC- ounts be paid .:lnd that the Mayor issue orders on the Treas. for the same 3.1'ld that the se3.l of the Corpor3.tion be att.3.ched to'l'- this resolution, carried • Imperial Oil Co. A'M.\~:3. Han B8 .. ~e:~~ght 19.13 9.70 11.56 J. F. Willis . B. of H. &llO M.Gnh3.111 te:~..ming 91. bo B. F. D3.vis wood 7 .• 50 Acting clerk stamps 2.12 Moved by Mr. Taylor sec Mr. Andrews th3.t th .. s council pl3.ce on record its high 3.ppreciation of the faithfulb services of our l3.te Cler3 Mr~ C. A. Petch who died on Apr. 26th. 1927. He has served the corporation since 1€€3 in the capacity of chief Const3.ble, Supt. of Wti;erworks , Collector of taxes , Assess- ' or , 3.1'ld .for the l3.st twelive ye3.rs as Tow .. Clerk. During all ;,hat time. he devoted his best 3.bili ty to the ser vices of the Town, 3ild has gained the confidence 3lld esteem of the citizens. His death removes 3.1'1 officer whose _merit and length of ser- vice will be outst3llding it) the history of the Towu, 3lld whose memory will be heid in respect 3.1'.ld affection by all. We .convey this expression of our esteem appreciation, aud respect to the f3Jil.~;ly , 3lld order that. this resolut.a.o~ be eng- rqssed on our Minutes. · ·carried • ---...... ·'?· ! '--, ~~~ ' I'· . . . ' . · ,,_j ' I I I . .J"-v\ , I I ;- f ·:'' r ">'N~ _.,,_, --·--• Eighth meeting continued. J,foved by Mr. C::tse sec. Dr. Boulding :u1d C3.rried th3.t the res ignation of Miss L::trkin as tendered be 3.ccepted. carried. Moved by Mr. Case sec. Mr.' ~'Urr3.y :u1d c3.rr"ed that the By- L3.w Committee be instructed to prep::~.re :u1d bring in a Bylaw pursu:u1t to Sec. 7 Ch3.p. 62 R. s.o. for the purpose of regul::~.t­ ing dogs running 3.t l::trge withtn the Corpor::ttiou. Moved by Mr. Andrews sec. Mr. M .. rn.y 3.nd c::trried th3.t this Council oppose the ch3.nging of the gu3.ge on Yonge St. of the li\IT. c •. from st3.nd3.rd to th3.t o.f the City of Toronto, until the rights of the town of Auron , the Collis Le3.ther Co. Ltd. J. Fleurys Sons :u1d B3.ldwins Flour Mills3.re protected :u1d S3.fegu3.rded , :Uld th::tt t~e M3.yor Mr. Case :Uld the solicitor be instructed to 3.ppe3.r for th3.t purpose. Moved by Mr. T3.ylor sec. Dr. Boulding :u1d c::trried that thE council 3.dvertise for 3.pplic3.tions to fill the posi tiou of Clerk for the Town of Aurora, 3.pplicat;i.ons to be in the h:u1ds of the ::tcting Tre3.surer Mr. J.G.McDorl3.ld by 'I.P.M. May 9th. Moved by Mr. Case sec. Dr. Boulding :u1d carried that a special meeting of the council be held o~a Wed. eve. May 4th. 'it Tl.l!lB. P.M. te specially consider the pl :Uls :u1d specificat- ions re. alterations to Town Hall for housing the Fire truck. Council adjourned until Wed. evening. Clerk • 'l ~-,---~ ~·.' . j