MINUTES - Council - 19270404j·
F 0 R
1 9 2 7.
The fourth meeting of the Council·lli'or the ye'!:l.r W3.s held in the
Co.uncil Ch3.mber on Mond3.y evening April 4th.
All the memoers being present the M3.yor in the ch'!:l.ir.
The minutes of the previous meeting W'!:l.S confirmed.
Communic'!:l.tions were received 3.nd re'!:l.d from the following persons.
Mrs A. J. Pennock '!:l.sking for 3. rebate on t3.Kes. Mrs Henry Smith 3.P-
plying to have 3. large tree cut in front of her premises on Mosley St.
Miss Alice Smith applying to h!l.ve a tree cut down on Larmo.nt Street.
Mr A, C. Kid!l.ll Acting Engineer of the Toro.nto & Yo.rk Ro.!l.ds Commission
re 3. reb!l.te under the 3.mended Highway Improvement Act.
The United Church re lighting for she3.ds in re3.r of the Church.
Ont3.rio Municip!l.l Electric Association re the Georgi:u1 B3.y C:u1!l.l
Comp!l.ny Ch!l.rter. Dr Devins chairrnou1 of· the Puolic Scho.ol Board 3.pplyed
To li!l.ve douole width sidew!l.lk in front of the School. .
The Deputy Pro.inci!l.l Secret3.ry re Indigent patients. The Cou1adi3.n
N3.tion 3.1 R'l.ilw!l.ys re 3.greement for light. Mr J. L. T!'erguson 3.pplying to
have a tree cut down opposite his premises on Kennedy Street.
Mr c. H • .Shepp!l.rd re gr3.Velling Ross Street. Mr l!'red Browning re a
raise of ~3.lary 3.S Fire Chief.
Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Murray th!l.t the following !l.ccounts
be p3.id ou1d that the Mayor issue orders on the Tre3.surer for the S3.ffie
and that the se!l.l of the Corporation be 3.tt3.ched to this resolution.
Clerk (post3.ge W3.terworks)
B. F. D'!:l.vis (wood for Mech:ulics H!l.ll)
Mervin Gr3.h 3.ffi ( te3.ming ro :~ds)
Atteridge & Son (lumber do )
B3.nbury Bros (livery for Fire Inspector)
Toronto Gener!l.l Hospit!l.l (cEtre o.f Mrs Downs)
Tre3.surer County of Yo.rk (Speci!l.l High School charge)
Bell Telephone Co (rent etc phone 135 Town)
Clerk. (st3.ffips & postage Town)
Fred Browning (drg,wing reels to fire)
B.F.DEtvis (wood waterworks)
J. W. Re3.dm:u1 (Bo.3.rd of He!l.lth supplies)
J.H. Slo:u1 (disinfectg,nts B. of H)
J.F.Willis do
Clerk (st3.mps E.L.Dept)
S3.mu el Cook ('te 3.ming 3. & •. £ept)
Collis Le3.ther Co (cinders rog,ds)
Charles Cook ( te ;uning ro .3.ds )
E. Armstrong (FJ.ectric Light poles)
7. 50
7. 24
1. 00
37.50 ze.eg
5. 70
1. 00
5. 75
1. 40
1. 40
6. 30
I ljJ· ~·~
Fourth meeting continued.
Moved by Mr Andrews seconded by Mr Murr7.y th3.t the 7-ction of the M3.yor
in issueing orders on the Tre3.surer for the p3.yment of the following OilJs
be a.nd the s3.1Be is hereby confirmed and that the seal of the Corporatiou
be 7-ttached to this resolutior~~
M7.rch 12 T. Shley (work on ro 7-ds) 15.05
" 19 do do 12. 25
" " P. Holm7.rl do 13.10
" " H. Haight do 12.25
" 26 do do 4. 90
" 31 L. Rhienh7.rt (c3.re of M7.rket) 5.00
April 2 T. Staley (work on roads ) 2. 45
March 26 Bruce Osborn(wa.ges E.L. Dept) 11.55
" " Joseph Smith do 6. 30
April 2 Bruce Osbom ( w3.ges E. L. Dept) 12,25
March 21: Hydro-Electric Power Cvmmission (power for Feb. 1207,63
" 26 P. Holm~.n (w7.ges W3.terworks) 5.07
The propertyCommittee presented a. report recmmending the installation
of bath tub 7-nd basin 3-rld the decor3.tion of two rooms 7-nd hallway 7-t
W7.terworks, to cost not more th3lti one hundred doll3.rs. Report adopted
on motion of Dr C. R. Boulding seconded by Mr J. A. Knowles.
Moved by Mr .Andrews seconded by Dr Boulding that we regret our in-
ibili ty to t;.ke my 3.ction in the appeal of Mrs A. J. Pennock for relief
from tax3.tion. Carried.
Moved by Mr Taylor seconded by Mr Case t .. at the salary of Fire Chief
for the Town of Aurora be fifty dollars per year 3-rld that the By-law
be 3.1Bended according and that the seal of the Corporo.tion be attached
to this resolution. Carried.
Moved by Mr C3.se seconded by Mr Murr3.y th3.t in vievr of the preval7.rlce
of chiken th&eving in the Town of h1rora th3.t this Council offer a
reward of $50.00 to 3-rlY person who apprehends a.ny one commi ting such
dl![e!!!:tcwhich apprehension leads to conviction 3-rld that such reward oe
published in the Aurora B7.rmer. Carried.
Moved by Mr C9.se seconded by Dr Boulding that the Cvuncil of the
Municipality of A .. ror3. respectfully urges the Parliment of C3.r1ada not
to renew the Charter of 'the Montreo.l,Ott3JIIa 3-rld Georgian Bay C3.r1al Co.
known as Bill No. 71: as in our opinion this Bill is not in the interest
of the Province of Ontario as it. is o.n attempt to deprive the pevple of
this Province of their right to the powers to be developed from the wate:r
of the Ottawa River, o.nd further that this Cho.rter has been in existence
Fourth meeting continued.
for thirty three ye3.rs, md no 3.ctu 3.1 construction h3.s taken place,
and we beleive the renew3.l of this c .. arter would be contrary and pre-
judci3.l to the publis interest. Carried.
Moved by Mr Case seconded by Dr Boulding chat a contract be entered
into with the Internation3.l Ha&vester Company Limited 3.nd the Lorne
Tractor· Limited for the purchase of a Fire Truck and equipment as per
specifications and that the Mayor and ~lerk be authorised to sign the
same at the price of $3300.00 and that the seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto. Carried.
Council then adjourned to meet on Monday evening April 11th.